
IMDb member since November 2020
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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

A worthy Indiana sequel
There are not many out there who are bigger fans than myself. LOVE the first 3 (Temple of Doom a distant 3rd of course), KOTCS was...meh, but okay, but I would place Dial as a solid 3rd best movie of the 5. I went into the theater not knowing how it was going to go, but I left very satisfied. The story was decent, it had the action scenes we've come to know and love, it held my attention for 154 minutes, and it was a fitting end to the series. I knew it couldn't surpass Raiders or Crusade, but it was a solid addition (and finale) to a series I have loved since I was 7 yrs old. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is a must see for any fan of the series!

Studio 666

Foos music = good. Foos movie = bad
Love the Foo Fighters and Dave. Big fan. But some people simply cannot cross over from the music realm onto the silver screen. I realized halfway through the movie that despite the poor writing, poor acting, laughable special effects, shoddy camera work etc, and despite the plethora of cliche moments and obvious attempts at making the unfunny seem funny... despite all of this, if Jack Black had played the role of Dave Grohl in Studio 666, I probably would have laughed a ton throughout. Some have it, some don't. Heck, Will Forte stole the show in the 3 minutes of screen time he got. He's just a funny guy.

I can admit that Dave's a funny guy... when he's not trying to be. When he's on stage he is in his element. Not so much here.

This was not a good movie. It was hard to sit through. I'm glad I saw it just so I can say I did. Now let's never speak of it again.

The Man Who Knew Too Little

It's hilarious
One of my favorite comedies of all time. Well written, and Bill Murray nails it. The jokes and laughter keep coming because of these two things. I mean - pure comedic gold. If you love movies like "The Jerk" and Dumb and Dumber"... this will treat you right.

Chicken Little

This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Period.
I watched this movie in the theater and I felt sick the entire time... but not because I was ill. The second hand on my analog watch kept drawing my attention because it was more entertaining and less predictable. Yes it's a kids movie. But it would be nice to not have the desire to slit wrists vertically for an hour and a half. Good luck.

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