
IMDb member since October 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years



Nice Korean Horror movie!
Good Korean horror movie. Good direction and photography, actors are great and the ladies are cute! I don't particularly think it resembles other Asian movies but at the end of the day aren't nearly all American horror movies the bloody same thing with all their Nightmares and Fridays and Hallowens or Vampires/Warewolfs? I could go on for hours you all know that! At least Korean movies are something different and may get you to understand some other country's culture! I think this is worth watching if you like eastern cinema: Asian horror movies are better than their American re-makes! The story is nothing like other films I've seen before, and for sure nothing like "The Ring". It's not the greatest horror movie ever but I support it and if you want to spend a non boring couple of hours then please yourself! Big up South Korean cinema!

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