
IMDb member since November 2020
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My Generation

Good understanding of 60s
This movie gives a good understanding and impression of that freespirited time. That is so well understood by the people living that period in history. Ofcourse there were downsides like in any other times; but there was hope and a type of positivity that todays society is lacking for a lot of people. Great to see English people living that 60 period in; My Generations telltale movie. Narrative, and depicting in birdseye an interesting period of English history with an accent also showing London. I find this movie colorfull, artistic, maybe part two; would be nice to show other parts of the World as well during that 60 period?

Once Upon a Time in America

Classic Crime Drama
Great movie with excellent actors and directing. Just wondering about some people telling that part from Noodles at opium den was intended to cause doubt on either fantasy or reality. I'd be going for the more realistic last part and ending; since would the latter part be an opium induced dream of Noodles then what happened with the Million Box that no one else ( besides Noodles, Max, Patsy and Cockeye) knew the location of. Great ending where one feels kind of relieved when the garbage truck passes Noodles (who thus abandoned the gangster lifestyle) unharmed and also one could imagine Max escaping his faith once again jumping on the side steps of that truck passing Noodles unnoticed.


Had a good time watching this movie. As far as the critics go I've seen protagonists specializing in martial arts killing up to hundred other people. Films in which people are killed for no reason and films where former alcoholics go back to drinking. Its all about mindset. She can obviously stand 3 little minibarbottles, only min point on that is; can one still fight off the enemy, and that act is not an ode to her former boss who told her not to drink on the job; but okay she lost him. Waiting for Ava 2. As far as the hair goes, once she suspects theres gonna be a hit on herself, why keep the same appearance and the same hair all that time???

Cold Blood Legacy

Breathtaking snow scenery with a bit meagre plot
First see the movie before reading this. Beautiful winter scenery but did I miss something out, falling asleep (snowy landscapes always makes me sleep good) at one point in the story? A solitary guy has to make another hit on the very victim who is coming wounded to his door? Him being intrigued wants to find out what is the reason for the visit or who is behind this; otherwise he could have accomplished that job instantly by not saving the maybe in the beginning unrecognizable visitor? Leaves me puzzled in the end or is there going to be cold blood part two? The winter scenery is absolutely beautiful and the rawness of the nature and snowmobile scenes are well filmed, those alone make the movie worth seeing.

Hide and Seek

Where s the logic? If I were to explain my review would contain spoilers, so I will try to keep my review vague. Lets just say the killer kills out of frustration?

The Godfather Part III

Disappointing ending
How such an disappointing ending. Apparently Michael Corleone and his staff know theres going to be a hit on him and or his family members yet he goes out to a public performance exposing all his family members in public.....without enough body guards surrounding them just lawyers. The man Corleone is he could certainly afford better security. Especially the end is totally dramatic they focus on Michael and his daughter standing without security. And they get shot at , Andy Garcia his best man, isnt close either to protect them.

Brother Nature

Worth viewing
Above expectations I found this a worth viewing movie. In the beginning a bit dull but towards end interesting and funny developments occur. In such an environment they could have added a tiny bit more suspense to it especially with congress in view. But to me overall impression; funnier than some mainstream high budget comedies.

Red Joan

Red Joan
Not bad but as drawn from real life they should have given more character to the protagonist and especially her background then this movie would have made sense but for how they depicted her makes the story not really believable. Don't want to spoil here but they made her look too English. Just as one knows the true background of the real person the story is drawn from; one is able to get the AH moment.

Boy Wonder

Interesting but....
Would the ending have been different the story would have made sense

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