
IMDb member since November 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 6 months


The Thing About Pam

The show is entertaining ...
... but oh boy, did they EVER do that monster too many favors in casting. Even when you try to make Renee Zellweger look like a flaming pile of garbage, it still can't accurately capture the level of absolute droopy, pock-marked hideousness that is the real deal. And that's just Pam's soul. Never mind that face. Yikes.

Real Time with Bill Maher

It's time to hand over the car keys, Grandpa
I've watched Bill since his Politically Incorrect days. Loved him then. Sharp, wickedly funny, and pulled no punches, but he was fair.

Why does he even bother inviting people on Real Time now? All he does now is talk over them & act holier than thou. That kinda behavior, I thought, used to be why his shows existed. Let opposing viewpoints be debated. You're not a preacher; this isn't church. If I wanted to be molested, I'd only have to go down the street. (Like, 30 years ago, but still.) Whatever the show was meant to be, it's not that anymore. This isn't "real time"; it's just "Bill time." And he sounds more & more "grumpy old man" & less the acerbic comedian my family used to love and look forward to watching.

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