
IMDb member since November 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 6 months



Must see!
Heartwarming, well-drawn characters, and excellent mix of understated comic moments with compelling drama. great cast - not a weak link among them - coogan and dench are fantastic. A must see.

Reservoir Dogs

A one location movie with an electric ensemble cast, and an unforgettable story. any further words could not do it justice. the scenes are forever burned on my brain. watch this movie.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

the subplot should have been the A story
Never thought I would rate a QT film so poorly, as he is one of my favorite directors, but this was dull. too much focus on the moviemaking process which may interest the studio execs greenlighting this, but is just not that interesting to ordinary folk. the manson family subplot should have been the main story.

Knives Out

worth watching for the performances alone
No weak link in this cast, masterful storytelling overall although it started to drag in the second half. worth watching for the performances alone, they've hired the most charismatic character actors in hollywood.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

funny and educational
It's a comedy show that leaves you better informed. if college was this interesting then i would have paid a helluva lot more attention. oliver is at his best with a studio audience so the lockdown episodes haven't been as good, but his old shows can still be streamed and I recommend you do!

Avocado Toast the series

The parents made this show for me, great casting, but honorable mention to all involved. extra star for great production values, and the writing made me binge watch the whole thing from beginning to end. just as another user said, bravo!

Sober City

Fresh, witty, worth a watch
Sharp witty writing, fresh concept, and great comic timing from the cast - particularly the actors playing felix (ostin) and violet (thorn). cinematography sometimes lets the side down - a few shots are too tight - but the sound is excellent. worth a watch.

The Morning Show

a gripping must watch
Binged this during lockdown, and gotta say: this is possibly aniston's best work, although the entire cast is truly brilliant. excellent production values as you would expect from a show with an a-list cast. addresses important issues of our time.

Her Story

well worth a watch
The three leads were all fantastic and absolutely gripping to watch. great storytelling - really draws you in and shines a light on important issues. decent production values, which is pretty impressive for the low budget. nothing to fault production-wise. the one or two male characters seemed thinly drawn or extraneous to the show, there was little to engage the audience with them, which weakened the scenes they were in. overall though this was a fantastic show and well worth a watch - recommend.

Truth Seekers

nothing new to see here
Usually a big fan of anything pegg/frost... but this is their weakest instalment. the storylines are pretty interesting, and the writing is pretty good... but there is never enough tension to maintain interest. perhaps with a fresher edit and more dramatic sound design then this show could really fly?

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

the perfect comedy
Great storytelling: how comedies should be. uplifting, funny, and compelling characters. top quality production values. a must-see.

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