
IMDb member since November 2020
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    3 years, 7 months


Hadaka no shima

A suprisingly timeless humbler.
This film brings you back to a similar time of honest hard work in agrarian life, and you should emphasize 'hard work'. From back breaking water carrying to rowing across the sea just to get to school in the morning the viewer gets a lengthy 'eye-full' of the experiences of this traditional family of fours' daily routine. The characters although one might first view as emotionless I eventually felt sympathy and care for each of them.

My only complaint with this experience is how slow the scenes feel to be passing. Although I do love lengthy scenes or scenes that drag out to test the stamina of the viewer this films felt much longer than the hour and a half it should have felt like, with the sensation of unnecessary repetitiveness. However the Intimacy of these scenes does in my opinion make up for their length.

Overall this movie is a gem if you enjoy classic films and don't mind a loss of dialogue. The story is simple, and the timeline, and almost everything else, but when the simplicity is so intimate you never feel too bored.

p.s This movie is available to watch on YouTube in its entirety and I would recommend this to most out of convenience.

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