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    3 years, 6 months


Lost in Translation

Halfway in and nothing happened
I do appreciate the themes and the performances of Lost In Translation, but it was one of the most desperately dull experiences I've had. The film is completely overrated and the dialogue is not engaging. Not particularly funny or interesting either. I was looking through the length bar at the bottom the entire time. However, it is definitely a film that you either love or hate. I just happen to be on the latter end.

Toast of Tinseltown: Anger Man
Episode 1, Season 1

Toast has popped up again!
I was worried at first that the new premise might ruin the show, but it hasn't at all. Just as surreal and funny as the first 3 series. Lovely to see Ray bloody Purchase back, and the Larry David cameo just was fantastic.

Last Night in Soho

"Music was better"
As someone young and into older music, I loved this film! Not only does this film have a great soundtrack, the cinematography was fantastic. Every performance was outstanding, particularly that of the late Diana Rigg. The writing tied everything up neatly and left no loose ends. I have one word to describe my feelings: Starstruck.

Inside No. 9: Last Night of the Proms
Episode 6, Season 6

Rule Britannia
This, in my opinion, is one of the strongest episodes these two geniuses have ever written. This episode was not about the twist at all, in fact, doesn't really have one. It is revealed around the second third that Yusuf is the second coming of Jesus like the song "A New Jerusalem". But in the end, they kill Yusuf, because of their pride of their nationalism. The ending is left ambiguous, which is a good thing. Did Penny commit suicide over her abusive husband? Was it all in Penny's head? Or did Jesus forgive her after all they have done? Those questions are up to the viewers. 10/10.

Inside No. 9: How Do You Plead?
Episode 5, Season 6

Going Up
I guessed every single twist in this, but I still enjoyed it very much. I did not guess he had sold his soul to the Devil, but that did lead me to guess the couple other twists after that. However, I still enjoyed the subtext, one of which led me to guess the final twist. The comedy in this one as well, is just as dark and cynical as the rest of the series. Don't know what is going on with Reece's camp persona, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this episode.

Inside No. 9: Wuthering Heist
Episode 1, Season 6

An absolute delight to watch. An all-star cast including Kevin Bishop, Paterson Joseph, and Gemma Whelan, this is just a fantastic comedy-based episode. The self-aware fourth wall breaking is funny and well-used in the story, not overusing it. The ending, as well, unexpected yet absolutely hilarious. Just like the rest of the episode.

Wonder Woman 1984

I went into this film with high hopes. Apart from less-than-decent CGI, I was enjoying it. However, the ending is what made me give it the five. I won't give any particular things away, but from what they did, it led the entire film to become pointless to any future installments. Watch it once, and see how you feel. That's my advice.

Mrs. Brown's Boys: Mammy of the People
Episode 7, Season 4

Not as funny as others, but extremely relevant
I feel like this Mrs. Brown's Boys Christmas Special exceeded my expectations. I understand why these critics gave it its poor reviews, but I thoroughly agreed with O'Carroll's writing about Covid-19. Give it a watch if you like the show, it's still funny.

Muppets Now

Not my Kermit...
I watched 3 minutes of this. That was enough. I am a big Muppet fan, and I should know how Kermit the Frog sounds like. This isn't Kermit. I tried to keep the focus away from his voice, but it was unbearable and I just couldn't watch it any longer. Don't show this to your kids!

Little Britain

Loved it, but...
Most of the sketches are incredibly similar to The League of Gentlemen. The Fatfighters - Pauline being the biggest example. Still funny though, the jokes are original, but the sketches are all incredibly ripped off.

Holmes & Watson

The Most Disappointing Film
I went into the cinema with high expectations, left feeling extremely disappointed. Terrible writing as a story, but the laughs aren't as bad as critics say they are in my opinion. But don't watch this, God.


This show is extremely unique, because it's a drama/soap opera. I would never really label it as a comedy. Watch it though, the plot is incredibly intriguing, but just isn't as funny as anything else on telly.

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

The most unique comedy
This show is so hilarious, it's undescribable. What's perfect about it is that it is special, it's not like any other show. Please give it a watch, enjoy yourself. Take a trip to Darkplace.

Inside No. 9

A box of chocolates
Inside No. 9 is undescribable how amazing it is. Two phenomenal writers at it with a different compelling story every week. Yes, some are stronger than others, but I don't feel like that makes it any less enjoyable. I fully recommend you watch it! It's funny, dramatic, tragic, and horrific.

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