
IMDb member since November 2020
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Race to Glory - Audi vs Lancia

Give it a chance. Not as bad as others say.
I read the reviews before watching the film and therefore had zero expectations. We have all seen Jeremy Clarkson's story-telling masterclass on the Grand Tour. This is the film version and overall it was better than I was expecting. The cars are great and the story could have been told better I'm sure. Daniel Brühl was one of the draws for me as he had played Niki Lauda to perfection in "Rush" and I was left feeling his character could have been more intense and the rivalry with Cesare Fiorio could have been developed further. Some of the incidental music was age appropriate which was good. I felt Ron Howard (Director of Rush) could have done more with this story. Maybe he can do the Group B story up until Henri Toivonen crashed his Delta S4 in Corsica leading to the Group B ban and the subsequent development of Group A and the Lancia Delta Integrale which dominated and won 6 years in a row.


Terrible in so many ways
Where do I start? The lighting was non existent in some scenes so I couldn't see what was happening. Someone switch on the lights please. The casting was terrible. American actors speaking English dialogue with a fake Italian accent. They all mumbled their lines too which didn't help. The story was confused and busy. You don't connect with anyone on an emotional level. The race scenes looked well shot and were full of excitement. It was mis sold as Ferrari meets the Godfather. It really isn't. Avoid at all costs. Save your money and 2 hours of your life that you will never get back otherwise. You're welcome.

Fast X

I fell asleep after 15 minutes. It was as bad as Fubar. The real trick is knowing when to stop. Rocky 4. Stop.

Rambo 2. Stop. Fast and Furious 7. Stop. Indiana Jones Trilogy (Stop) I couldn't possibly release any spoilers for Fast X as I simply haven't seen past the first 15 minutes. More importantly, I don't want to. Indeed, that was 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Be warned.

Good space movies include : Gravity. The Martian, Interstellar. Star Wars Episodes IV V VI (Stop)

So to be clear.... Fast and Furious is NOT A GOOD SPACE MOVIE.

Not sure what I can add, so I'll finish by saying....

That's it. That's all.

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