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The Boys: The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies
Episode 5, Season 3

This Season is brilliant
I am so hooked, incredible. The show keeps getting better and better Every single charackter is interesting, the coices they make feel organic, the drama isn't forced.

Season 2 bored me in the beginning but season 3 has been so good till now.

The show is unpredictable, the writing and dialouges are great and everybody puts in an incredible performance.

I really can see the Boys in my Top 5 Tv Series of all time if it keeps up the momentum.

The Episode is a strong 9 in my opinion.


Good series, with uncertain future
I really enjoyed the first and second season (espacially the second one). They introduced some interesting new elements. I loved wilford as the antagonist. He upped the stakes and gave the series more of a personality. Not to mention the great performance by sean bean. Even though he is pretty one dimensional, i still found him really entertaining.

I also liked that they didn't go the same route as the movie (which i love), but introduced new elments like the second train.

But the third season is just really weak right now. It seems as if they have run out of ideas and don't know where the story should go right now. The writing overall just had a huge drop off and i hope they will recover.

Otherwise my score will drop to a 6 or lower.

Snowpiercer: Ouroboros
Episode 7, Season 3

Bad Episode
I really enjoyed the first and second season of this series. The third one was kind of meh for me until now.

But the last two episodes were just bad in my opinion.

The writing feels really off, the way the charackters act is incredibly weird and forced. Charackters suddenly loosing it just because the show needed a new antagonist while Wilford isn't available. A dream sequence/near death experience that is just plain bad. There are no real stakes, the plot isn't progressed in any meaninful way.

I really hope these episodes are just the calm before the storm. Otherwise this series is going downhill incredibly fast.

Pieces of Her

First of all Toni Colette carries this series. Her acting is great as always.

But my biggest problem with this project is the pacing. Its just so damn slow most of the time. So slow infact that I think a movie adaptation would have been much better here. I just don't think that the reveals and payoffs in the end are worth the extremly long wait.

Still worth a watch if you are into thrillers and don't have a problem with slow pacing.

The Guardians of Justice

What even was this
I actually sat trough the whole series because i wanted to give it a fair chance and wanted to see if it got any better. Spoiler alert: it absolutley didn't.

I can't believe this is a netflix original show, it feels more like a compilation of youtube skits. Like the only thing that kind of works are the animated segements. Besides that nothing and i mean absolutely nothing works: plot, acting, editing, soundrack, humor, plot twists, cinematography, sets, cgi and action are some of the worst i have ever seen, so bad that they don't even function most of the time. Like the humor is the worst I have ever seen. Tiktoks are funnier than the attempted "jokes" in here.

The only reason I don't give this a 1 is that I have seen "hype house" that abomination of a series. This at least has some slightly creative moments, even if they are still really bad.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Declaration of War
Episode 5, Season 4

I just love everything about this episode. The slow-burn pacing, where you just know something horrible is gonna happen. The character study of reiner/eren and their parallels. Also the contrast and similaritys between tyburs speech on the stage and the conversation underneath. The horrifying ending and climax of the episode. You just know something catastrophic is coming but it still shocks you.

This is the episode where Aot showed that its so much more than a simple action rollercoaster. I thought Aot was overrated one year ago, and how wrong I was.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Funniest series ever
Incerdible cast, jokes and social commentary. The dark humor is phenomenal. Never seen a comedy show that (at least for the first few seasons) is so consistenly funny and creative.

Simply an amazing series.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

As a spidey fan this is a 10/10
Not a single movie made me this happy in a long time.

The fan service is just pulled of so damn well and the movie was incredibly fun. But i have to try and be subjective so I won't rate this as a sam raimi trilogy fan but as a normal movie goer.

Plot 8/10: good, fast paced and straightforward. But no masterpiece.

Acting 8/10: pretty good performances by all sides, but nothing oscar worthy

Cinematography 7,5: some standout moments (peter realizes green goblin took over), but nothing too impressive

Soundtrack 8,5: this is where i can't be objective. Great soundtrack with the right amount of nostalgia and own personality

Overall: 8,5/10 Great Movie for non spiderman fans but an absolute must see for every spidey fan. Can't describe the experience, you have to go out and see it.

The Book of Boba Fett

Not bad but nothing special either
I don't wanna lie, as boba fett fan I was pretty dissapointed in this Seasons. Espacially because the strongest episodes were about the Mandalorian not Boba. The pacing in the Fett episodes was just really slow and the plot not interesting enough to make up for that.

Nothing was too bad but everything seemed like a light version of "the Mandalorian" And I might even have given this season a 7 if they wouldn't have killed cad bane in such a bland way.

So there is a lot of personal bias in this review/score,

Still a pretty fun season overall.

Space Force

Maybe just not my style
This may be very subjective, but the style of comedy just didn't stick with me. I thought it was extremley unfunny and most jokes either seemed incredibly forced or as if they were improvised on the spot. The actors were the only saving grace of the show, because they are all incredibly charming. It's just pretty sad when steve carell can't get me to laugh even once per episode, even though I love him in everything else he is in.

Breaking Bad

The greatest
I will keep this short as everyone already knows how perfect this show is.

Plot: 10/10 Acting: 11/10 (only Mr. Robot comes even close) Cinematography: 9/10 Soundtrack: 9/10

Overall: 10/10 A Masterpiece in every regard. So good most other shows can just hope to come even remotely close.

Mr. Robot

How can this show only have a 8.5 rating? I guess some people were turned of by the style of the show.

Without any doubt one of the greatest shows of all time.

Great from beginning to end.

I will just go over all of the aspects:

Cinematography: 10/10 some of the most stylised, special and creative things I have ever seen. There is no other show that looks even remotly like Mr. Robot. Combined with the editing its just next level. A stroke of genius. And probably the most impressive one-take episode in television history.

Plot: 10/10 just perfect. The plottwist, charackters, foreshadowing, buildup, pacing, overall plot, villains, motivations, themes. Everything is perfect

Acting: 10/10 everyone puts in amazing performances but the obvious standouts are Elliot and Mr Robot. They are phenomenal, some of the best acting ever.

Soundtrack: 8,5/10 not bad or anything, pretty great actually. Extremly fitting for the story and create the perfect athmosphere. Still nothing above a 8,5 for me personally (very subjective)

This Show and Breaking Bad are the GOATs of live action TV shows imo. Nothing comes close to their level of plot and acting. Game of Thrones was also there, but unfortunatly the last 2 seasons happend.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Yet another Netflix Horror Movie
If you are into gore this movie probably won't dissapoint you. Otherwise it's just weak. Characters barley exist and basically don't have any development not even mentioning the amount of stupid decisions made by them. The Plot is pretty much non existent, with no real buildup, suspense or anything that makes a a good horror story work.

Its extremley jumscare reliant, where the same kind of "scares" are repeated over and over and over.

Some kills are pretty fun tho and if you just want to watch a dumb horror movies with some friends and beers it should work perfectly because there is pretty much no downtime in the movie.

Thats the only reason why i even rate this movie 5 Stars.

Blade Runner 2049

Underrated Masterpiece
My personal favourite movie of all time. A sequel that surpassed the original, which already is a classic.

I don't want to make this too long so:

-Cinematography: 10/10 Deakins the GOAT

-Plot: 9,5/10 only thing that keeps it from being a 10 is the pacing which, at points, is really slow. Everything aside from that is perfect imo

Soundtrack: 9/10 Zimmer and Wallfisch delivered the perfect athmosphere in this soundtrack. Simply astonishing from beginning to end.

Overall: 10/10 Masterpiece.


Breathing new live in the Superhero/Comic-Genre
Great charakter study with an oustanding Performance by Joaquin Phoenix. Great Plot but obviously inspired by the king of comedy. Great cinematography and soundtrack.

Still something is missing to push it to a 9/10.


Amazing War-Movie with stand out cinematography
To keep this review short i will just go over all the aspects:

-Cinematography: Easy 10/10 one of the most ambitous "one-shot" movies I have ever seen. But even aside from the "uninterupted" camerawork the shots in itself were absolutley stunning. Deakins is a genius

-Plot: 7/10 pretty basic but straightforward plot. Too simple to be outstanding, too engaging to be boring/bad. Pretty servicable overall

-Soundtrack: 9/10 Great with some outstanding Ost's like "Engländer" or "Sixteen Hundred Men"

Overall: 8/10 Great Movie with outsanding visuals, which make it one of the best war movies in recent memory.

Dexter: New Blood

Good series dragged down by extremley mediocre ending
I really liked the series until the finale. It was well acted, written, directed and intense. The characters were interesing, well layered and acted naturally. Everything was building up to a great finale, it just got better and better. Until the last episode happend. The episode wasn't entirely bad, it even had some great moments.

But the last few minutes were just awful. All characters acted weird and their actions felt incredibly forced. It felt like they just wanted to wrap up the series very quickly.

Incredibly dissapointing.

Game of Thrones

Easy 10 without the last 2 seasons
How much i wanted to give this series a 10. It was up there with Breaking Bad and Mr Robot.

Everything was amazing. World building, charackter development, music and plot were simply on a different level. I will forever hold these seasons in high regard.

Then the last 2 seasons happend. Especially the last episodes ruined any emotional attatchment i had to the characters. Jaime Lannisters development was absolutley ruined. Jon snow and tyrion reduced to a shadow of their former self.

These seasons weren't just dissapointing. Apart from music and the overall production which was still top tier, everything was just bad.

Its a shame.

Kangoku gakuen

Some of the funniest stuff i have ever seen
Honestley love this series. Laughed my ass of multiple times. Jokes are set up really well. Sometime extremley dragged out, but executed in such a good way that it still remains funny. The stylistic choices were genius. So damn funny.

Still can't rate this anything higher than an 8/10 in good faith.

Hunter x Hunter

Peak shonen
Incredible Cast, Amazing Worldbuilding, Great fights, strong Plot. Just a really really good series overall.

Until the chimera ant arc. Thats when the series went from being really good to absolute peak. The arc is easily a 10/10. Up there in my top 4 arcs of all time with Marineford, Return to Shiganshina and War for Paradis.

As of right now the series is still at a 9 for me overall, but i am sure that if the story was to be continued it will be a 10.


Sooo good
I don't know how I didn't find this gem sooner.

This series is soo damn good. I am only at episode 100 right now and its already a really solid 9, probalby will be a 10 by the time i finsh it.

It has an incredible cast, some of the best written characters i have ever seen. Gintoki could be my favourite protagonist ever.

Everything about the series is so charming, the jokes allmost allways land. The only thing that drags it down to a 9 right now is the lack of "serious" arcs, but i heard it gets better later on.

I don't know how this series is only rated a 8.7 right now. Probalby because some people dropped it really early on.

I absolutely love it. One of my Top 5 anime for sure.

Shingeki no Kyojin: From You, 2000 Years Ago
Episode 21, Season 4

Masterpiece (a love-letter to this series)
I don't know what to say anymore. No series does it like attack on titan. How can something be written this well. Its surreal that this episode was planned since the very first episode of attack on titan. Everything in this episode was amazing but the rumbling in itself was simply on another level. Greatest payoff to anything i have ever seen. Amazing Ost and voice acting. Honestley the only thing i don't like about attack on titan is that no anime will probably ever reach the same level for me personally. Like everything is perfect to me (besides maybe some of the Animation): perfectly written Plot with some of the best twists, foreshadowing, worldbuilding and turns ever. Incredbily well written characters with insane development. My personal favourite Soundtracks of all time (Sawano is the GOAT). Lore that is so rich and dark you simply have to love it. And probably the highest amount of peaks in any series. Like the amount of Peak episodes is insane: Senshi, Scream, Perfect Game, Hero , Midnight Sun, Declaration of War, Warhammer Titan, Assault, Savagery, Two Brothers, Memories of the Future, To you 2000 Years from now, and soon Chapter 130, 131, 134 (131 being the highest peak in all of Aot)

This series is so good that even the mediocre ending(that hopefully will be improved in the anime) can't change the fact that its one of the best series of all time.

All i have to say is thank you Mappa, Isayama and everybody involved in this incredible series. I am so thankful for being able to witness this series.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Hero
Episode 17, Season 3

Peak after Peak after Peak
What do i have to say. One of the best episodes of all time.

Conclusion of the Erwins charge, Levi vs Zeke, Zeke getting away, Armins sacrifice. Most series don´t reach this amount of peaks in multiple seasons while Aot does it in one episode. Masterpiece.

Shingeki no Kyojin: Perfect Game
Episode 16, Season 3

This is where i realized i am watching one of the best shows ever made
I liked Aot from the beginning but it was never in my Top 10. This episode (and whole arc) changed my persepctive.

Erwins conclusion is what made him one of my favourite characters ever.

Him giving up his personal goals for the goal he always pretended to have is so damn powerful to me. The moment he realizes he has to die is just gut wrenching. His expression going from horrified and scared to a relieved smile is so heartbreaking and satisfying at the same time.

And after this he delivers one of the best speeches in all of fiction.

This was when i realized the reiner berthold reveal scene wasn´t just a one time thing. This series is something truly special.

Shingeki no Kyojin: The War Hammer Titan
Episode 6, Season 4

Probably my personal favourite TV-Episode of all time
Incrdible payoff to the declaration of war. So much more than a simple action episode. The only think lacking at some moments is the cgi but the writing and action is so good that it's still a perfect episode in my opion.

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