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Good show until 10th episode
Have been watching every episode and found it to be a good show until the10th episode. They are supposed to be tracking people to get a sister and brother rescued from men that are looking to get their money back. The bad men kill everyone along the way but the brother. A random guy shows up, kills the "client." One guy gets shot in the stomach but manages to fly out? Really does this guy have super powers? The lawyer finds out that someone gets passport pictures done for Canada and the shop just happens to know the criteria? He makes it to the ranger stn, but doesn't kill the ranger and leaves on an ATV? But leaves the truck? Then Coulter makes his way to a set of cabins in the woods and these cabins are cleaned by staff pushing by carts pushed along a rustic path--not believable. The writers really need to think about the logustics of the story line for this series to continue beyond this season.

As Luck Would Have It: Murder for Sale
Episode 3, Season 1

Second look
Saw one of these TV movies and thought the acting was bad in that show. But I thought I'd give it another try with Murder for Sale. Again, the people not involved was able to get into the home where the murder took place. The two detectives don't conduct themselves professionally by interviewing the mom and son in their cupicle and not an interview room isn't good policing. The one well known actress Jackee over acts. The story line is weak as is the acting. And you would think that the costume people would know that female cops don't wear heals, it's too hard to run after the "bad guys" in heals. This is another poor attempt by a Hallmark film company to create a mystery series. They should give up while they csn.

As Luck Would Have It: Murder 101
Episode 1, Season 1

Another poor attempt by Canadian film makers
This murder mystery has two well-known actors, but that is about it. The story line is weak and the main characters don't show any moxy. There is no way a detective would be wearing heals. And when the two detectives catch a distraught person who crossed over the Do Not Cross tape, they politely asked her to leave. Where were the cops designated to guard the room--oops in the garden on the same sidewalk where we last saw them. And the one dectective's mom keeps putting her nose into the investigation and the captain merely lets this slide. Will watch the rest of this ill directed movie to see how badly it ends.

Family Law

Great Canadian Production
Was sceptical at first. However, before the first season ended, I was hooked on the concept. I began pulling for the daughter, who is the "black sheep" of the family. The newest family member to struggle getting the approval of his father is her 1/2 brother. During season 2 Abby finds herself fighting with her estranged husband, who at the end of season 1 was preparing to move back in, but she catches her hubby cheating and now she is fighting to keep custody of her kids. Can't wait to see the next episodes. Abby is now getting wooed by a cute fireman. The other ire is with the paralegal and the new temp receptionist. This too is a scenario that may prove interesting. I sure hope this series continues. It is well-done.

Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini

Another Canadian attempt at a mystery
This Canadian made movie based on a true story which was so well done by 20/20 is an "OK" movie. It's too bad that the acting wasn't better by the actors who portrayed the cops. On the other side of things, money woes seems to be the main focus on the part of the husband. The wife in the movie isn't acting too traumetized by it all, then brings cookies to the police??? Why would this even be in the movie.? The scene in the restaurant was almost laughable. Then there was the " happy anniversary" scenes-- should not have even been in the movie. They should have focused more on the detective work and how they figured it out and why wasn't some of the story wasn't plausible.

The Disappearance of Cari Farver

Good story line, okay acting.
The movie based on a true crime, but the acting itself is just okay. Filmed in Manitoba is a plus for the Canadian film industry; however the script flow isn't so great. Lea Thompson does an okay job as Cari's mom, and not sure how the real-life story went, but I would think that the mom would be on the case with the cops. Alicia Witt does an okay job as Liz. She is better known as the love interest in Hallmark movies. The cops involved in the case sound really stupid and not tuned into real detective work in 2015. The only reason I watched to the end was to see how the movie ends. A time waster movie at best.

Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas

Copy cat script
Started watching and without fully watching can see the similarity with another Hallmark movie where a woman and her friend try to locate the woman in a picture. This one has a woman and her friend try to locate the person behind a phone message. Obviously the message should have revealed the phone number of the owner who left the message. But the movie would have ended before it began. So the confusing flashbacks to her past. The friend is reluctant to tell her he still "loves" her. Same old story like all the rest. Although, it looks put together than the older one, but probably will end the same. Will watch to the end and see.

Must Love Christmas

OK try
This is the same old story plot as all of the Christmas themed movies. A woman who is too busy with her eork doesn't have time for ger love-life. Then her and her assistant are driving through a "snowstorm" and must be rescued by an old "flame." The rescuer brings them to a "mysterious inn." There is another man who has come into her life. Dilemma, who will she pick? I wish these movie companies would make a Christmas movie without phony snow on green leaved bushes. Then there is the fake snowstorm. And not that I am against gay couples, why must these movies always have a gay component? And I doubt it very much if Charles Dickens was in a town outside of New York in 1867 considering Dickens died in 1870. Same old, boring, boring, boring.

Fire Country

Had hopes
The pilot is was hopeful. Then watched the second episode when the lightening storm and the team went to the pool to rescue the kids and fire broke out and then the "fire" jumped to the entrance and surprise a hose was located to spray onto the fire. A pool without access to water, really stupid. The fire "jumps" again to the roof, and oh oh now the tanker truck arrives and "saves" the building. The kids are put into the inmate truck and all are safe until the lightening strikes the truck. The fire fighters save the driver and the kids. Drama again with mom and dad and the firefighters. The son inmate's drama looks are too intense. And there is no way any fire fighter inmate would be given any leeway he has been given just because mom and dad are in charge. Not sure if I will continue watching. Its too bad, because the story line had promise.

Yellowstone Romance

Comedy, I think not.
If this is Hallmarks idea of a comedy, it doesn't work. Stereotypical characters probably will insult New Yorkers and westerners alike. Then there is the stereotypical gay friend. The air-head bride giggles her way through. The gay guy who wears spures and doesn't know what they're for, how stupid. Putting 3 greenhorns on a trail ride for hours doesn't work. They're bums would be sore after the first 5 minutes. Wolves are nocturnal animals, why they are out during the day? Typical New Yorker rides off ?? Then they throw axes and she doesn't miss? Fixing a fence on a ranch, he leaves to let her finish? And she is holding the hammer wrong and then gives up? How stupid. And don't forget the local dance and sing-a-long. Predictable outcome.


Better than the other Hallmark movies
A "take off" from the recent TV series Fantasy Island. It has a similar plot as the TV series. 3 girlfriends go to a retreat, but find themselves on a mysterious island. They must discover their true life calling. One, wants to go back to work, one wants to be a mom, the other still needs to discover her true path in life. You can see where the adventure is going to to take them. The mom will take over the salon, the salon owner is going to become a foster mom to the young girl on the island, and the workaholic will discover her calling is to slow down and get back into painting, and she will get together with the good looking man. All 3 will find their true direction. A better movie from the rest of the Hallmark movies. Someone at Hallmark must have been listening and decided to change the script direction.

Fly Away with Me

Bad, just plain bad
Hallmarks attempt at romantic comedy has failed miserably. Most exotic birds can't fly because their wings are clipped. Therefore, the owner must live in the building. And for her neighbour to harbor a large dog, its a wonder he hasn't been caught. The old joke "dumb blond" is true to form, the two friends are about as "dumb" as they get. And how all of a sudden does the bird cage changes from small to big and back to small again? Clandestine escaping with the bird to vet who freely agrees boards the parrot, but all of a sudden can't? Hallmark really needs to look at their movie scripts and drastictly needs to up the game. These RomComs are going from pure poor to just plain bad.

Marry Go Round

Rerun of another Hallmark Movie
The same premise of another Hallmark movie Autumn Dreams from 2015. Hallmark just doesn't seem to want to change to updated plots. The actors, while okay, are getting too old to play a 30 year old. The mom and her group are a little childish when they throw a bridal shower. The plot is so predictable that you can "see the writing" on the wall before even getting half way through the movie. And another "dance" scene with the two "still married" couple fast getting back together and we all know the wedding and moving to Paris will not happen. And a song by an "up-in-coming" local is getting too tired even for the romantic watcher. Hallmark needs to get new plots and cast to up their game. Hallmark has done well with their murder mystery series. They should stick to scenarios along those lines. The only good these type of movies are for are as background noise while doing other tasks.


Dallas rewrite(ish)
Totally reminded me of the primetime soap Dallas. But it can't compare to the superior acting of Larry Hangman. There is more depth from his character. Not that Susan Sarandon isn't a good actress, she is, but the first show misses her strong points. She could have been more of a "JR" type character, but is too soft. Not a big fan of country music, but expected more considering this series is about country music. Then Susan Sarandon leaves by taking pills? She could have been a great "JR" and rule her family with an iron fist. Instead it looks like her X takes over? Will have to watch more to see if it gets any more exciting.

Love's Portrait

Similar script different characters
Remember the story about the bridal veil? Similar idea, different characters. Who painted the portrait? Predictable story. Boy meets girl. Quest to find artist. Boy and girl begin looking and eventually both start caring for each other. Another strange thing is how phony the male riding the bike was. And the female driving in a strange land should be more careful, that too was real phony. You would think the male lead would get out the drawings and voila mystery solved. But that would be the end of the story. Why would anyone invite a stranger to dinner? Would she not need to get to a hotel? And a picture of their "new friend." Now, she has to find a place to stay? How dumb. And her car won't start--how strange! Hallmark looked promising for the fall movie lineup. Not likely, the only thing is these movies are a time-waster or something playing in the background while doing something else.

Marry Me in Yosemite

Great scenery that's all
Other than the great scenery the movie is a waste of time. How she would get a cell signal in the mountains is a mystery. Any educated person knows not to venture in the wilderness alone. When she goes with a guide, she takes heavy camera equipment that would take an extra pack to carry. The actress and the way she says her lines is a bit robotic. This actress should have left when she "married Mr. Darcy." Over the past couple of years, Hallmark's has lost its oomph. The scripts need to be beefed up by Hallmark. The only movies that have been anything more than boring were the murder mystery series.

Game, Set, Love

Copy cat movie
I just started to watch the movie and it has all the similarities of the much better movie Wimbelton. Why can't the writers who work for Hallmark write an original script that doesn't follow the same old scenario. Boy/girl meet, they dance, bake, or go to a farmer's market. Then they "fall in love," argue, one leaves, then changes their mind and "then lives happily ever after." The male lead trys too hard to emulate McEnroe " the outspoken" tennis star. The female lead is too old for the male lead and doesn't make a good couple. Hallmark needs to seriously change their movie format. Hallmark needs to stick with their more successful mystery movies such as Mystery 101.


Same old same old
Hallmark needs to throw away these tired and worn out scripts. Girl comes to renew her soul, she meets a guy who is conflicted and needs someone to bring him out of his lack of enthusuasim. The girl he meets brings him out of his sadness, only to get mad because she might keave, tgen they "kiss and make up." Even the beautiful Hawaiian scenery is lacking. New ideas need to come from different writers with different plots. The only reason I "watch" these movies is because I need the background noise and can do other tasks. Hallmark should stick with the murder mystery series they started. These movies had better story lines, like the Crossword Mysteries, or Mystery 101, or any other mystery series. Even the wedding veil 3 movie series was goid to watch.

Big Sky River

Another predictable Hallmark
First, she wants to go away to get over her XThe male lead is supposed to be a sheriff, but he doesn't seem to work at his job. The female lead doesn't want to get involved, but goes riding, goes to the local dance. Dances a dance, gas fun then shoos him away. Her X calls and asks her to take in his daughter. Seems like her X wants nothing to do with his daughter. She then gets really close to the neighbour and kisses him, forget the pause in her life--she strings him along. Then the X says he is getting married. He is really cold towards the daughter. The script is all over the place. Boring, boring. Predictable girl and boy have a fight. Daughter runs away. Brings boy and girl back together. Same old, same old. But that said, the ending was the most exciting part.

Two Tickets to Paradise

Same old story
Two people get dumped just before "I Do." Hallmark has done this one before, just not in Hawaii. The steratypical gay couple were the comic relief, but not necessary. Paevey is getting too old to be the young hot guy, he needs to play the dad parts. The north shore Turtle Bay Resort would have been a better choice than The Royal Hawaiian. At least at the north shore you would really have seen the turtles. When Marcus x-fiance shows up she needed to send him packing. He would have needed to get his own room. She needs to get on with her life. This is where the predictable story line gets boring. Paevey will be the "knight in shining armor." Goodbye to boring guy, hello to great guy. Hallmark needs to get on with the mystery movies like the Mystery 101 series.

A Priceless Love

Bad script
How many people would give up $80 thousand just to " look" for the previous owner. Really dumb. How many women who are getting married within the next few days just begin looking for a wedding dress finds one that fits perfectly? Why do these movies always have tea/coffee in a "to-go" cup that is obviously empty. The dialogue is really awful. Ended up watching just to waste time. This movie is worse than the really bad Hallmark movies.

Moriah's Lighthouse

Beautiful location.
An OK Hallmark movie. A bit of a better story line than the other Hallmark movies The only drawback was the "French" accent, or lack thereof. The female lead sounds like a transplanted American.

One of the reviewers complained about Luke MacFarlane's acting as he is gay and acting a romantic goofy guy in love with a woman isn't plausible. The reviewer is probably too young to remember Rock Hudson, who played a goofy romantic. That is what makes Luke a good actor.

Heart of the Matter

A very different story line.
Although the story line is somewhat plausible story; however, how a person with a an intelectual disability, who is slow to react, received a driver's licence is way beyond comprehention. A doctor would have pulled his licence, but that alone may not have stopped him from driving. As such, his mother firstly should have told him not to drive. She was just as responsible. The hospital is not standing behind her at all, even her boss is not supporting her the way he should. Putting that story libe aside, the moral story has made Hallmark movie quality step up a couple of notches. Hopefully the rest of the Summer movies are much better. Thus movie us worth watching to the end just to see how the doctor can grow beyond her troubles.

Road Trip Romance

Hallmark movies as bad as ever
I can't believe that 2 supposed successful businesses can be that incredibly stupid. Not to lock a car, take their phone, or purse, and then buy a crap car instead of looking into another rental or bus ticket. Then trust a "GPS" ap to take another route, get lost, the car breaks down. In a town practicing Renaissance Days won't kept them charge a phone, yet use a stove to make coffee? Speaking using thy and thee is dumb. And the remainder of the movie is typical Hallmark garbage. Boy and girl partner up and then one gets mad at the other and then at the end makes up. Hallmark had better re-think their reason for making movies. The best ones have been the "murder/mystery" movies. They were at least well done.

Love, Classified

Same stuff, different angle
A supposed heterosexual woman on a dating ap and goes to meet a match, but turns out the date is female and suddenly decides to explore a same sex relationship? Not believable. Writer mom tries to reconnect with children because she is sick. It would have been a much better story if the story focused more on the reconciliation between mom and kids before it's too late. The side gay relationship is Hallmark's attempt at being "up-to-date." Doesn't work. Hallmark should concentrate on re-establish the murder-mystery movies which were much better, than stupid romances.

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