
IMDb member since December 2020
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 5 months


Life Below Zero

Sue just needs to shake the fake!
Sue Aikens relentlessly pretends like her survival depends on hunting fresh game and living off the bounty that the land provides. This is just absolutely laughable and insulting. Let me take a step back, I love this show and the major majority of the cast members. There are people like the Hailstones that utilize everything they harvest, repurpose ,consume, and make no exception to do otherwise. These people truely live a subsistence lifestyle. They have my utmost respect, not that it even really matters to them because they are leaps and bounds beyond me, but they do. Now, we have Sue "Narcissist" Aikens. I've pretty much wore out the mute button on my remote when she starts flapping her tireless jaws. Unlike everyone else in the show she gets regular deliveries of fuel, food, and countless other items she may request via airplane. The most insulting episode was when sue had to empty the contents of i think three deep freezers into a river which looked to mainley consist of cryovac meat from costco and largely commercially acquired food stemming from a life threating collar bone accident. And furthermore, sue put down your guns you dont need to hunt anyway and all you do is wound animals. Shooting off their antlers, tail, lips, hooves it's a joke and so is everything that comes out of your mouth. Quit pretending like you can even hold a candle to what everyone else can do in the show. I dont criticize many people as I am FAR from perfect but sue is something i really feel I need to comment on. 😁

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