
IMDb member since October 2006
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    17 years


Beyond the Trophy

Gillan makes Madsen, Miano & Robert's performances kill.
Gillan brings out the talent of all involved in this fast paced thriller! This film is an all round 10 of 10. At times your at the edge of your seat.while at times your wiping the steam off your glasses as, the eye candy is always great in a Gillan film! Love it Love it Love It ******** ********* I have worked in a few films myself, and working with Gillan has always been a roller coaster of fun. If the walls could I would recommend watching this film if not for just PURE Entertainment. This is a cast of people on screen and behind the camera that always turn out a quality product! Judge this film for yourself. Stay home, pop some corn, break open a box of strawberry twizzlers to stir your strawberry marguerita with, sit back and get ready for an E ticket entertaining night. PS~ New face Gary Private as Boris is an actor to keep an eye out for.... I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of him in the days to come! (If I have anything to do with it) ;)

All In

Ace high Straight !
I enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. If your a guy or girl who likes Vegas and the unexpected result every time a card is flipped over then I recommend picking up some Chinese food and beer and sitting down with this flick .Anyone who loved movies like Scorsese's CASINO should enjoy this genre, even though this film deals more with a father/daughter relationship and being there for a loved one rather than the typical mob Vegas..Madson's emotional performance with his kid almost had me in tears in the end...I also would keep a sharp eye out for this new director Vallelonga..................................I give it a full boat or at least 3 aces............Private

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