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The early statements in this fawning documentary that he was the only comic in the 70s breaking new ground and the most important comic is pathetic. Richard Pryor and George Carlin were comedic geniuses. For all his faults which came to light later, at that time Bill Cosby was huge and important in the comedy scene. And Gabe Kaplan. This documentary is boring and sadly lacks true context. Steve Martin's clownish act in the 70s and early 80s does not stand the test of time and he comes off as a novelty act in episode 1. They somehow make the very funny movie "The Jerk" into a bland footnote. Very disappointing documentary.


Boring until last 10 minutes
This is more of a court room drama than an exciting movie about the man behind the Los Alamos laboratory. Two and a half hours in, we are still in character development and jumping between 3 different timelines. A confusing, boring slog. Nolan has mastered the manipulation of timelines in his previous brilliant films, but here it just fails miserably until the pieces and timelines FINALLY coalesce in the last 10 minutes. Einstein is in the movie for 5 minutes and without giving any spoilers, he steals the show in the end.

Oppenheimer could have been a 75 minute movie instead if 180 and it would have been so much more effective. Clearly, I am in the minority and it will probably win all kinds of awards, but I don't think it deserves it.

Poker Face

Decent so far
I love the actors in this series. As with any series, some episodes are better than others. It all depends on the writing and story structure, and the first 2 episodes were solid entries.

The third episode, the BBQ murder "mystery" was watchable, but did not come close to being a mystery and the way the protagonist figured out the murderer's identity was poorly handled.

The series has Rian Johnson listed in the credits, and this seems exactly like his other efforts: sometimes excellent, sometimes pretty bad. Overall, it's worth watching, but not gripping or "must see" content. If you have nothing else on your watch list, you might find this to be entertaining.

The Menu

Not good
Luis Bunuel did it much better in 1967s El Angel de Termidor. Great cast wasted on an old but rarely duplicated story about the evil, impotent rich. This time told with a device of a chef inviting snobby guests to a "perfect" dinner.

The Movie starts off well enough, mysterious and intriguing, but the black humor lands flat most of the time. The ridiculous plot is supposed to be part of the humor but becomes so preposterous by the end that it just falls apart.

Don't waste your time on this. It's like one of those appetizing desserts behind glass at a diner: looks really good, but it's not and you will wish you skipped it.

Jack Ryan

Season 3 is terrible
What a tremendous decline. The only reason I give this 3 stars is because season 1 was so good. Season 2 was not good and season 3 was terrible. The only good thing about season 3 was the acting and the first episode.

The music throughout the season was awful, the dialog was something from a ten year olds imagination and the story line was all over the place. Even the action was stuff we have seen 100 tines before and done better by others.

The scenery is nice, so there's that. Italy, Greece, Russia and Czechoslovakia were the main locales.

Very disappointing season.

Save yourself some time and skip this.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Scorsese lost this in the editing room. Far too long because the film repeats the drugs and sex mentality over and over and over again. Performances are great but cannot redeem this overblown film. The quaalude scene was meant to be funny (I think) but was ridiculously stupid.

Received a lot of nominations and won a number of awards (but no Oscar wins) so I was expecting an awesome film. Critics loved this movie so was hoping this would be a great movie. It started of strong but after 45 minutes it really got repetitive.

Want a good movie about excess and money and how money corrupts? Watch Oliver Stone's Wall Street with Michael Douglas.


Started off good turned into Christian propaganda
Started off as an interesting sci fi series. Then morphed into not too subtle religious propaganda. Incredibly slow moving. Each episode could be 15 minutes and not lose any plot points. Acting is decent but the writing is lame.

Only Murders in the Building

Gentle mystery
This is a pleasant show. Steve Martin and Martin Short are fun to watch. Selena Gomez was fine in Wizard's of Waverly Place and a few Disney made for TV movies but she is really wooden here. Maybe it's the direction, but her performance so far is mediocre. The story moves along slowly but at least it moves.

Bo Burnham: Inside

A masterpiece
A brilliant piece of filmmaking by a true artist. So much talent and honesty in one person is mind-blowing.

The songs, the thoughts he expresses, the lighting, editing, everything about this is a masterwork.

It is deep, funny, sad and powerful. A one man show in a single room. I am sitting here having just watched it, and am awestruck.

In & of Itself

Interesting performance art
I watched this based on a tweet from Henry Winkler (Barry, Happy Days). I knew nothing about it other than Mr Winkler liked it. The show is an exercise in identity and includes some phenomenal sleights of hand. The camera is close up on Derek's hands and his skills are amazing.

Spoilers The story that ties the different facets of Derek's life together to help us learn his journey is too disjointed to adequately provide a smooth transition from one segment to the next. The two segments that were the most impressive (other than his card handling) were when people randomly selected from the audience randomly select a letter from a pile and then read it to themselves and then out loud. Many of them burst into tears reading these letters, and we learn that they are from their relatives or friends. So, not really random at all. This viewer felt manipulated since the method of the selection appeared random, but clearly some clever behind the scenes work made sure these letters were made well in advance and would wind up as planned in the hands of those "random" people. The second impressive thing was the end, when Derek somehow was able to assign each I AM card to the exact audience member with 100% accuracy. Amazing trick and or memory exercise or both. I believe I saw David Blaine, Bill Gates and Tom Ford participating in the audience. That was interesting but also made it feel even more of a trick than some personal identity epiphany.

Bottom line, some really good moments with over-dramatic staging.

Ocean's Twelve

None of the charm or pacing of the Ocean's 11 movie. The plot was terrible, the writing and pacing flat.

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