
IMDb member since January 2021
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    3 years, 5 months


Sabrina the Teenage Witch

90s Flashback
If you are like me and enjoyed the television show as a kid and had no idea this movie existed, well then you probably never gave a second thought to spending an hour and a half of your life watching this. With its straight to video production value, this nostalgic time warp will make you remember every thing we wanted to forget about the 90s. Yes, I'm talking about Ryan Reynolds hair. What the heck! I can forgive and sorta forget the loose plot and the ridiculous score but that hair style is a sin.

Munster, Go Home!

Just When You Thought You Saw It All
I am as old as I am today when I found out this film exists and I will never be the same. Who would have thought the world needed a movie about the Munster's traveling to England, but here we are with a piece of cinema that could only hope to stand the test of time like the Munster's themselves. If you have ever laid awake at night with restless thoughts that you would have to live the rest of your God given days on this earth without knowing what the Munster's look like in beautiful Technicolor, this is the moment you have been waiting for. With lovable characters, campy humor, and a plot twist that would make M. Night Shyamalan cry, this movie is everything we never knew we wanted and more.

Here Comes the Navy

Warning! Black Face Scene
About halfway though the film James Cagney does a scene in black face. I understand that was acceptable entertainment at the time but by todays standers it is not okay.

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