
IMDb member since January 2021
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Avatar: The Last Airbender

I love One Piece, but Avatar is better.
I had to re-evaluate the series after watching it for the second time. The series is AMAZING! It's really good and now it's my favorite live action series, surpassing One Piece! All the questions I raised the first time were due to not paying attention to details, but the series is well resolved and with just one "flaw" Aang doesn't bend water this season, however you might think that The Book of a certain element It is the phase where Aang learns how to bend a certain element or you can think of it as the book where Aang finds his master of a certain element. In this book of Water Aang found his self-taught master and she will be Katara, who proved to be a rare bender of the water element. It was clear to Pakko that her bending was not inferior to his, she just had no combat experience. Yes, Katara is like that in the cartoon! Don't forget that in the cartoon she learned the rarest bend in her tribe just by hearing it and seeing it, that was enough for her to bend blood! While mastering the technique took years.

I also think Aang should have waterbended, but he refused at first when Katara wanted to train him, but he now has the water master with him and will continue training.

Knights of the Zodiac

The movie deserves a sequel!
The film avoids the many plot holes that exist in the manga and anime, creating its own initial narrative that will not harm the development of the work in any way. We will not see absurd errors. That's why there's no Galactic War tournament, Mitsumassa doesn't have a hundred children, Cassius isn't a dumb disciple of Shina, etc. The movie isn't perfect, but it's a good start to the universe, yes! Everything that is not good in the film will not be followed in its continuation, not even the armor! So what really matters to the universe are Seiya, Saori (Athena), Marin and Ikki and they are all amazing, very well adapted! I never liked Seiya, I loved this Seiya from the movie. I hope the fans open their minds and give this universe a chance, because it deserves to continue.

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