
IMDb member since January 2021
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    3 years, 5 months



Beautiful film about the motives for immigration
Immigration to the United States from across its southern border is a widely misunderstood topic because most people involved in it have polar stances and / or limited voices. Icebox is a beautiful film that brings to life the reality of so many thousands of people who have been voiceless for so long. This is the beginning of a Latino rights and immigrants rights movement, that most surely is being born and recognized as the seeds are planted today. The topic of family, the motive of love- these are the reasons why people- adults, children, men, women- immigrate. Not because they want to, but many times because they have to. In this film we see how the system is not designed to help-rather to exclude, to inconvenience, to scare and frighten. Every time I watch this film, it inspires me and brings tears to my eyes.


Spike Lee in classic fashion, weaving culture, humor, and politics.
Spike Lee just has a gift, you know? Unparalleled in ability to be conscious of culture, and represent it in a way that is both knowledgeable, inspiring, and humorous. Spike Lee never disappoints.


Unpalatable message, digestible form
The message ethics in the food industry is making a rise alongside many other counter-culture, woke-culture movements. I am proud to say that this movie has inspired me to become vegetarian. It is truly a masterpiece of director Boon Joon-ho, who so masterfully crafts his social issues into humorous presentation. Okja is a seemingly innocent film with humor and very serious overtones. My only complaint is the unnecessary use of more than necessary F-bombs.


Beautiful, reimagined themes
Many people are disappointed by their large expectations for a Disney masterpiece. I think this reimagined version of Mulan is rather a quaint focus on the virtues that make up the hero and legend of Mulan, reimagined for children (and adults) of 2020. I think too often in our modern world we discredit talent and passion, suppressing it to pursue a more acceptable life course. Mulan proves more boldly in 2020 that the beautiful and fearful journey of following your heart is more true today than it ever has been before.


The best of Nolan
Tenet is a combination of all of the best traits of Nolan. The cryptic script, the mind-bending of reality, the exploration of time, and subtle political and social messages. Tenet is fantastic work on so many levels. Many complaints about Tenet are about not being able to understand the story, the significance, the characters, the science, the script. That is what keeps me coming back to watch it. It is a big mystery to unravel, each time you watch you understand one more piece of the puzzle. This movie is not for the simple entertainment, the easy satisfaction of understanding at the movie's end. This film requires thoughts outside of the theater.

The Chosen

From the director's story to Christ's story
The concept of this show is what makes it revolutionary. The nature of it being completely crowd-funded means that the writers and directors of this show are totally committed to providing the loaves and fishes, not performing the miracle, not seeking the riches. It's all about the message. And the message is great- it is Jesus as a man: his social graces, humor, his deep understanding and appreciation for other people, his ability to teach without ego. To see Jesus as a man has truly began to change my life. To see each disciple of Jesus in his and her own light is very fascinating as well. To understand that as Jesus chooses me now, he chose them of old: imperfect, with many weaknesses. Thank you to this show, I recommend sharing it and studying it in personal and public life.

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