
IMDb member since January 2021
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 4 months



Very Well Done
Enjoyed Laura's adventure very much and for several different reasons. Her focus is sharp and unique for a teenager. Most adults are not quite so capable. Maybe best of all, she changed quite a bit, became wiser, learned lessons, and allowed the spell to be cast. (Minor point reduction for small gaps in the details of the oceaneering).


Depth and Drama
Hostiles does a tremendous job of traveling well below the surface to explore personal grief and conflict among its various characters. It does so in a manner - much of the time - which allows the viewer to put together pieces that are falling all around, rather than define them for the viewer. Christian Bale's many silences are a great example. Even at the very end, he said good-bye to Mrs. Quaid with silence, saying nothing to her. The various friendships, loyalties, ties, and bonds portrayed create a rich landscape of emotion. This with beautiful natural scenery and just the right score. The tears were flowing.


Very Good Historical Drama
Enjoyed the miniseries very much, especially the excellent cinematography, score, clothing design, landscape scenes, etc. The historical era is also excellent to explore. The drama does not try to gain converts, but is even-handed given the sensitive topics. I lowered my score because, even though it is a drama that is trying to appeal to a broad television audience, the actors were always far too well-dressed for 1850s. They were always mostly clean-shaven, with the women having clean, beautiful hair. Slaves wore dirty, tattered and wrinkled clothes but you never saw any dirty, worn-out clothes in this film. Lastly, the plot for the first half of the film before the outbreak of war is far too synonymous with the plot in the movie Mandingo (1975); practically an exact copy. I was shocked. Overall, Queen is very good.

Trapper Jake

Old School
Detailed, graphic insight into a really old guy who doesn't reflect his age. In Wyoming, the documentary shows how trapping is deep within the psyche of Trapper Jake. He has every tool and every skill. His expertise, while a bit crude, is remarkable. A desk job would never suit him. Gotta like someone who knows his calling, even though most of what he does is legally and socially prohibited in most places today. Unique story.

All Is Lost

Surprising that a legend in the film industry would sign-up for a relatively cheesy film. The boat was docked a mile out from Santa Monica pier, for most scenes, that way the film crew could just go home to Los Angeles after work rather than stay in a motel. Indian Ocean, ya right. It's almost like Bob had a thing for this idea and his well connected producers said "Alright. Go ahead, but just as long as it doesn't cost too much", hence the one-person cast. I lost hope (ha) when Bob woke-up nonchalantly to the most horrifying occurrence for anyone out to sea, a gaping hole in the boat for water to pour into. The only reason I stayed with it for an hour more was because I'm an older adult and couldn't believe how a 77 year old would put himself through the struggle of navigating the high seas. What a reminder that the most complex job for anyone over 70 is to cut the front lawn (summers only).

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