
IMDb member since January 2021
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    3 years, 5 months


One Night in Miami...

Solid discussion of the responsibility of influence
Set against the 1960s and Ali's victory, four influential Black men meet in a motel room and talk about the role of civil rights, their responsibility of influence, how to fight, how to win, what does power mean. How all four men wielded their power different and the 'right way'

The conversation between Sam and 'Clay' in the car got me. The conversation of power to exist without constraint. Got me. 65 years and what these men dream haven't been fully realized.

'We aren't weapons' And the gut punch on the porch took my breath And Odon's voice

7.5 It was limited as a film as it was play first and seemed like Ma Rainey to have existed best like that. Still excellent but doesn't transfer seemlessly.


Friedman was the protagonist in a film called Marshall
I loved this film, I was glued to my seat and smiled at Marshall's humour, confidence and intelligence and felt the raw emotion of the miscarriage. But I couldn't help but think that Friedman was the protagonist in a movie called Marshall, you'd think it would be him instead of the white guy. Marshall fits the role of mentor fantastically and a protagonist doesn't need to be the nost dynamic character but for all of Chadwick Boseman's phenomenal acting and delivery I can't feel like this is centred on him. He even says that he has sued Maryland and desegregated the university and will go on to win the case that will desegregate all of American schools and he has argued in the Supreme Court and will go on to be the first Black Supreme Court Judge and we get a tale of how he wasn't able to speak during this one case so that he could teach a white guy to speak on his behalf. Banding together and teaching allies how to help in the fight for civil rights is important. But the is a movie for a Black icon and the movie is pretty white. Which if we were looking at a series of his life, yes tell the story. But for the one story you're going to tell from Thurgood Marshall's life? I can't think that this was the decisive one.

Still a well acted, witty and intelligent movie.

History of Swear Words

History was the wrong word
It was a discussion, with a minute or two dedicated to the actual history of swearing in each episode.

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