Reviews (17)

  • No spoilers. I'll only say that Season Three has turned Picard from a six out of ten into a eight out of ten. And judging Season Three on it's own merits, it's a solid ten out of ten. Not just collectively, but on an individual episodic basis.

    Where the show is set to end is where it should have began. What we've witnessed is essentially Season Eight of The Next Generation. It's been wonderful seeing the Next Generation crew back on screen together in something other than the individual cameos offered up in Season One & Two. Proving Trek at it's best is greater than the sum of it's parts.

    If this is where it ends, then what a way to bow out. But should Paramount perform a u-turn and announce Season Four i'll look like i've slept with a coat hanger in my mouth.
  • Strong acting and production values, but a quite horrible script and tone. Halloween Ends aside from being ludicrous, doesn't feel like a Halloween movie, nor even related to it's predecessors.

    Sadly H. E. is not only the weakest of the reboot trilogy, it's a strong contender for the worst of all the Halloween movies.

    I'd put it above Rob Zombie's Halloween II, simply because H2 is miserable to the point of being unwatchable. But it's down there with Revenge, Curse & Resurrection and at least those movies knew what they were meant to be and could point to cheap production as an excuse for their failings.

    John Carpenter recently suggested there could be a sequel dependant upon Box Office success. Let's hope it's a colossal failure and Halloween truly Ends.
  • Loved the podcast, hate the show. A fascinating story ruined by a horribly comedic, jaunty tone. Not quite sure what the thinking was given this is a tale of real life murder, wrongful conviction and systemic ineptitude and/or corruption.
  • The Paul W. S. Anderson movie series was underwhelming and the 2021 reboot terrible. With the bar set low, this series should have been a relative triumph. Yet somehow it conspires to limbo beneath it.

    When the initial reviews landed i hoped it was simply hardcore Resi fans being overly sensitive. But this show is every bit as bad as has been suggested, perhaps worse. Writing, acting, special effects are all shocking and it has neither the look, nor feel of Resident Evil.

    In truth this isn't Resident Evil. It carries the name, but that's where the similarities end. If you told me this was a spec script, with the title bolted on after it had been commissioned, it would make perfect sense. Sadly R. E. is all too typical of the Grade Z, Teen Horror fare, Netflix churns out with wild abandon. Avoid!
  • I had high hopes for this movie going in, but truth be told it's exceptionally bad. Seemingly without end and as a viewer you feel every minute of it. I had it pegged as a 4 out of 10 with 30 minutes remaining. But due to the ongoing punishment being levelled at my eyeballs, the terrible acting on show and the ludicrous plot, it ended up a 3. Highpoints? Only one, the end credits.
  • Great cast, but horribly dated and even in it's day it would have been a poor movie. The plusses are the nostalgia factor and the stars on show. The negatives being the wafer thin plot which sees teens seemingly standing alone in fighting WWIII.
  • Characters aren't remotely likeable, consequently you don't care if they live or die. There's no emotional investment on the part of the viewer. That aside there's no tension or horror. The original was weak but had a great premise, leaving so much potential for a remake. But this fails on every level.
  • I'd have to echo many other reviewers in their assessment of Riverdale. Season 1 is highly enjoyable, Twin Peaks meets 90210. Season 2 isn't on a par with the first but it's still a good watch. Sadly Season 3 doesn't just represent a downturn in quality, the show falls off a cliff. It's a painful, slow motion car crash of a watch from which Riverdale never recovers.
  • I'll choose not to fill in the blanks and ruin it for new recruits. Fantastic for five episodes, then it went off a cliff. Such a shame as the same ending could easily have been reached without the story being compromised.
  • A great show which has descended into a soap opera. The show itself and certainly the stories within have been extended well beyond their natural life. If you're a fan i can understand why you'd persevere. With so much time invested it's difficult to walk away (i haven't). If you're new to the show ... don't bother.
  • John Boorman's a fine Director, but this must surely rank as his weakest offering. Characters aside Exorcist II has nothing in common with it's predecessor. Tacky, not scary, the plot is clumsy & confused with a cast phoning it. Richard Burton seemingly from a local pub. Best viewed as a curiosity, but if you're an Exorcist aficionado skip II and go straight to III. A worthy and underrated sequel.
  • Went in with exceptionally low expectations given the poverty of the 2000 reboot, but Shaft (2019) was an absolute pleasure to watch. A perfect balance of action and humour reminiscent of the very best of 80s action movies. Not a bad performance to be had and Sam Jackson in particular was in gold medal form. Loved it, recommend it, will watch again and hope we'll see a follow-up.
  • Horrible script meets horrible casting with predictably horrible results. Avoid.
  • Interesting premise and a strong cast, but you've seen it all before. It's The Blacklist, it's Blindspot and it's more concerned with stringing things out for as long as possible than telling the story and allowing it to reach it's natural conclusion.

    If you're after something lightweight, but relatively engaging and you haven't watched the shows from which it was cloned you could do a lot worse than watch The Enemy Within. But if you've seen the others or you're looking for something with a little more depth, spend your time elsewhere.
  • Could have been excellent if a one off 6-13 episode series. Unfortunately it's formulaic, indistinguishable from the likes of Blacklist or Blindspot and designed to run & run. Not bad, but with so much good TV out there your time could be spent so much better.
  • I've very fond memories of The Last of Sheila, having seen it several times as a child and never been less than gripped. However some things are best left in the past. The movie's not without charm and the cast is excellent (Dyan Cannon in particular), but it's dated badly. A tight first half gives way to a flabby second and a weak finale. Primed for a remake.
  • An engaging subject coupled with a strong cast, I Am The Night oozed potential. Unfortunately the end product has been diluted to the point where even thought there are only six episodes it feels stretched out. And rather than the mature/adult tone the story merits, we're presented with I Am The Lite. It's Alien Covenant when it could have been Alien. I wouldn't recommend against watching, simply to go in with low expectations that way you won't be disappointed.