
IMDb member since January 2021
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    3 years, 4 months



Excellent Thriller and Intercultural Examination
Unspoken is a solid thriller that exhibits profound understanding of cinematic craftsmanship and narrative complexity.

But it transcends the boundaries of typical suspense by exploring the clash of cultures, highlighting the devastating power of stereotypes and prejudices, and offering a masterful analysis of the tensions that lie beneath the surface of intercultural relations.

The director touches upon social and cultural nuances, including those of race, ethnicity, language, gender, and age. There's even a demonstration the challenges of communication between individuals who use verbal language versus Sign Language, Collectively, all prompting us to question how we can break down communication barriers to foster greater understanding.

Jing yi wui long

A Truly New Hong Kong film
Hong Kong film have went low for quite a long time during a lot of reasons. The New titles is either completely commercial or not even care about how the box office perform.

The Sparring Partner, however, seems to find a way between them. It gave a shot on the commercial performance while reserving its authenticity.

The director's work is amazing, apparently he have learned a lot of techniques from the TVB related shows, which makes the film could successfully send out the excitement whenever the audience start to get bored.

I found this film interesting and it it really precious for the domestic Hong Kong film Market now.

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