
IMDb member since January 2021
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    3 years, 3 months


Normal People

What I can most prominently take away from this show is social anxiety. Stress is lurking in the corner when one is watching this show. Something makes the atmosphere unesasy and alarming.

If you haven't experienced the feelings this show present, you are damn lucky. However, if you have, you will instantly relate to the characters. Anxiety can undermine relationships, just like it did with the main protagonists. It can choke you making you unable to express the truest feelings of yours and having you say the exact oposite of what you want out of fear.

I don't even know what to say... I am just thrilled how this story presents human struggle. Thank you!

La rivière du hibou

Striking adaptation!
I read the short story of Bierce and then watched the short film, yet I had completely different thoughts, feelings and impressions. The novella is really outstanding - you should read it - but let's concentrate on the movie.

YES: most of the part of the movie takes place in a nonexistent, dream-like reality of which we are unaware until the very last minutes. It is hard to realize that we are in the main characters imagination but there are evidences of it. Concepts of time and space are being questioned and expressed. How exactly can a film express concepts which are usually explained through words? They use amazing techniques, wonderful camera angles, scenes and music. It is really impressive and impactful.

NO: inner monologues murmured out loud.

Malcolm & Marie

Captures the inexplicable
Every element of the movie made me feel essentially frustrated and I didin't understand why. However, translating it makes me believe that in relationships there are inexplicable feelings and in my reading this is what the movie is about. It is hard to understand ourselves let alone another person. There are several stories of the huge fights in relationships, but who talks about the feelings? The deep feelings that connect and separate the loving partners at the same time. If you think of an everyday fight between partners, you realize that it is nothing like in the movie, we wish it would be. In life people don't try to understand one another... they shout, break staff and interrupt each other. In the movie, in spite of the tension and contradiction the lovers listen, reflect and react to the other's speech. Most of all I adored the camera angles... the way they presented the distance between the two hears by putting the wall of the house between them, for example. The visual elements speak for themselves and help us understand the wars the characters fight in their souls. Yes, the war should be proclaimed against ourselves because deep down we create it not the other person. The movie consists of a mixture of contrasts: silence, long dialogues; hate, love; hurting, being hurt; woman, man etc. It has a unique atmosphere, lovely scenes, cuts, camera angles. It is pure art. The acting is incredible, they need to present inner pain, built up frustration and at times give irrationally long monologues. I liked the (often negative) feelings and thoughts that emerged in me during the movie, they are worth reflection. After one week, I still catch myself thinking of it so all in all I find it impactful.


Give it a shot
A brilliant hungarian series prepairs you for life showing the different ways you can tackle problems. It is something you can easy bing watch, it can fire up your mind, as simple as it is (basically only containing discourse). I suggest it for you guys who love to overthink things because you can easily apply the psychological explanations to your own lives too, I am sure of that. From an artistic point of view, it has lovely scenes, interesing angles and harmonious colours. It is something that is worth consuming through the eyes and ears.

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