
IMDb member since July 2001
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    22 years



I can't believe the idiots canceled this!
Of all the stupid shows CBS could have canceled to make room, they canceled this top notch, excellent, without a doubt best in years Sci Fi show. I didn't get a chance to see it first time around due to work schedule so I bought it recently based entirely on numerous recommendations from friends and co-workers and watched it (unintentionally) in one sitting! I literally could not leave till I had seen every one! I want to see more of this show! I plan to view it again and again with others who I know will also love it. Each and every character was well casted and excellent. The story never got dull or repetitive and there was a perfect mixture of suspense, excitement and humor. I just can't believe that CBS could be this idiotic when dealing with a public clamoring for good Sci Fi. Isn't there someone at CBS with an ounce of intelligence? If there is, put it back on the schedule. This was a winner!

Snowball Express

One of Disney's funniest and best!
I have a well-worn, copied from tv version of this movie that I watch again and again. The cast is wonderful and the ski and snow-mobile scenes leave me laughing till I cry. Harry Morgan gives (in my opinion) one of his best performances and Dean Jones is in fine form with other Disney regulars making this an exceptional family movie. Could we please see a release in the near future?? Families need movies like these!

Robinson Crusoe on Mars

Exceptional sci-fi flick!
I saw this rare gem as a child when it was on the big screen. It left quite an impression on me. I think it was a cornerstone of sci-fi for the time period. This and the new series "star trek" sealed me in as a true blue sci-fi fan. What do I have to do to help this film to be released again?? anything short of giving up a limb would be acceptable!

Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus

outstanding performances in a beautiful story!
It would be difficult to say at this point if it were Richard Thomas or Charles Bronson who carried this timeless beauty so successfully to it's moving conclusion, but all performances were top notch. This movie NEEDS to be released to all for the upcoming Christmas season as it would quickly become a classic. These are the Christmas lessons we all try to teach the young this time of year and movies like this one are needed to do it so nicely. I hope to see this one on the DVD new release list soon!

A Smoky Mountain Christmas

A lot of fun and a beautiful Christmas story.
Dolly Parton was wonderful in this piece Mountain Christmas Magic. She plays a big country singing star who "escapes" the city scene one Christmas into the mountains where she was raised. Borrowing a cabin in a remote spot from a friend she soon discovers that she is not alone but sharing the cabin with six runaway orphan children. From the reporter who follows her to the sheriff who chases her and the witch who wants her to leave. It's a great Christmas adventure that deserves to be released for the upcoming Christmas season!

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