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Well, there were some good parts
Okay, let me start by saying that I did enjoy this movie and that there were some good parts. I want to say this because overall, it was not a good movie and I enjoyed it in a really cheesy flick way.

Synopsis: A scientist has invented a machine which not only allows you to view but to actually visit your past lives. Unfortunately when he tested it on his daughter a religious cult destroyed everything and she was lost. Now he has to send a cop to DilMoon (which is where her past life takes place) in order to free her and bring her back.

Good Points: There were definitely some cool fight scenes. Several actually. You get to see some great wire-fu which seems Matrix inspired but looks cool. Also, the special effects in the movie are great overall. They are obviously computer graphics most of the time, but they honestly pull it off and it just looks plain cool. On top of this, the story has some neat ideas and seems like it might go somewhere with it. It doesn't, but it seems that way.

Bad Points: Well, for starters there are a lot of things that simply are not explained in the movie. It states that DilMoon is an imaginary space that does not exist in the past or the future, yet this is where both of their past lives take place. Do what now? Also, characters will suddenly have crazy powers which were never mentioned or explained, even the cop when he goes back physically. Hunh? Not only that, but the whole opening scene is crazy. One of the girls from DilMoon is apparently a bad guy in this time. Okay, sure. But she looks exactly the same. Well, so does everybody else, right? Yeah, well, she actually has the EXACT SAME TATTOO! Ehhh, okay... Also, NOTHING in this movie is subtle regardless of what you may have heard. The whole plot of the guy's past life character (paralell life character?) and the girl's past life being in love with each other is completely rammed down your throat. I lost track of how many times someone pointed out that they could not be together because she was a princess and he was just a 'lowly warrior'. Over and over and over... And, my lord, it gets SOOO cheesy. There are these horrible montages of all the touching scenes with music playing over them. Two characters that barely interacted get one and the only scenes the can play are him helping her up from the floor and her shooting an enemy in the back to save him. Sheesh. And finally, the whole ending is crazy. I'll try not to totally give everything away, but it probably won't really matter. So, the cop goes to DilMoon physically to save the girl and he only has six hours to do it. Somehow, six hours turns into about ten minutes. The villain knows all about him and (I guess) about the dimensional/time travel. Swords cut through forcefields easily. And, why is she in a forcefield anyhow? What has she been doing for two years? What part of the 'evil' plan does she even play? Who knows?

Conclusion: Maybe if everything were explained it would be better. Maybe if it wasn't so cheesy and melodramatic at times. If you like cheesy Asian sci-fi/action/romance/martial arts movies then see this one. Otherwise, just don't bother. Rating: 2 out of 4 stars.

Minority Report

Spielberg has lost the magic.
Let me start by saying that I think Philip K. Dick is one of the best science fiction writers ever. Conceptually he is matched only by such greats as Frank Herbert (Dune), Robert Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land), and Isaac Asimov (Foundation). Typically, his books have turned into some pretty good movies. Bladerunner (based on his novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) is one of the better Sci-Fi movies out there. Even the under-the-radar Screamers was a pretty good movie. That's why it's such a shame that Minority Report, which had a huge budget and big names, was so bad. I must admit that I liked the way the movie looked. The effects were certainly top notch and the 'washed out' look definitely made things more interesting. There were also a lot of great ideas concerning what advertising might become in the next few decades. But the movie just loses its focus within the first half hour. Let's not forget that this is based on a SHORT STORY, not a novel. At more than two and a half hours, the movie takes longer to watch than the story does to read. Why? Spielberg Padding. He just can't let it die. So, now you've got a really long movie that drags because it doesn't have enough story to support it. This would leave us with something mediocre that I would have enjoyed, just not enough. Unfortunately, ,it gets so much worse. At some point or another it was decided that this dark film noir-esque movie should have some slapstick humor thrown in. This is where things go from boring to painful. In one scene Tom Cruise has some eyeballs in a bag which he needs to sneak into somewhere. That part makes sense. It's just the shot of him scampering down the hallway chasing the eyes as they roll away from him that reminds me of the Keystone Kops which bothers me so much. How about during the intense jetpack fight when some burgers get singed from the action? These stupid scenes don't constitute a majority of the movie, just enough to make you really question what the hell they were thinking. And in the end, that's what I walked out of the movie asking myself. What the hell were they thinking?

Good: Special effects, film's look, some of the acting (not much though) Bad: Everything else.

If you thought Independence Day was a great movie, then go see this. If you though BladeRunner was a great movie, rent that instead.


One of the best movies ever.
Simply a brilliantly made film, which seems humorous considering the subject matter. Verhoeven manages to create an atmosphere that hasn't really been touched since. The ultra-violence mixes superbly with the dark comedy to create the just-slightly-in-the-future Detroit setting. Then, to top it all off we get a great Christ parable as well. Murphy is killed and then resurrected in order to clean up the system. Keep your eyes peeled near the end so you don't miss the walking on water scene. They actually built boards under the water for Peter Weller to walk on so don't think it's just shallow water, that's on purpose. Basically, if you can handle the violence and you're prepared for the tongue in cheek attitude of the movie, you've got to love it. Just don't watch Robocop 3 whatever you do.

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