
IMDb member since February 2021
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One of our favorites
My husband and I have loved this show since day 1. We have the series in our collection! Not too many shows out there that does not have bad langauge so we love that this show does not have that. You can talk to people without saying cuss words! We were sad that Ty is gone. We were not expecting that! We wish it would have been the person that plays Lou that decided not to be on the show instead! Lou is horrible, selfish, rude and we just cannot stand her! Sister or not if I had a sister like her in real life I would have nothing to do with her! In the current seasons her daughter Katie is just like her, just a brat! The other characters are loveable which makes up for Lou! I cant believe Peter still has feelings for her, someone like Lou should be alone. Marriage is not for people like her! She does not value marriage nor does she believe everything does not revolve around her! But besides Lou we love this show!! We will forever miss Ty, hate that had to happen but understand an actor's choice to move on in life! Keeping our fingers crossed Lou will go away!!!

A Biltmore Christmas

Completely Captivating!
I have no idea what it is about this movie that captivates me but it does! There are many halmark Christmas movies that are my favorite and I have watched more than once but something about this one drew me in in a way that a movie never has before. I found myself wanting to watch it again right away! And I have seen it more than once! I have it set to record again. If it ever comes out on a DVD I will own it! It was not what I was expecting I was expecting it to be better than it was, but for some reason I am completely in love with this movie! I found myself feeling as if I was inside the movie! I could feel the atmosphere and felt like part of the cast just watching it! I have never felt like part of a movie but this one didn't just take her to a different place and time but it took me right there with her! I just do not see how anyone could hate this movie! And as for Bethany and. Kristoffer their chemistry and their performances were truly amazing!

9-1-1: Lone Star

Pure Junk!
It's not okay to have your own thoughts, feelings and opinions if they differ than what a liberal thinks, feels and has to say. But this show proves that they can say, think and feel however they want and push it down our throats over and over!! This show is pure trash, it's nothing but push, push, push and the actors should seriously be ashamed of themeselves. You couldn't pay me enough money to portray these storylines! It's sad what TV has come to these days! But if someone other than a liberal wrote a show that tried to push their opinions down a liberal's throat there would be a petition to remove the show after the first episode! It's a shame we live in a country where you can't feel and think or say whatever is on your mind without being pushed to think differently just because someone doesn't like your thoughts. That is kind of what this show is! Just show everyone how they should be thinking instead of allowing them the freedom to have their own beliefs and feelings!

Quantum Leap

Absoulute Trash!
Just terrible, just more nonsense on TV trying to get others to feel and think that evil and wrong is okay! Just about everything on TV now is trash! This is one! Just more being forceful to others to try to get them to think and feel like the left think they should feel! No one is allowed to have their own opinion anymore! Evil has completely taken over the world these days! And this show is another one of those shows that just make you sad! The world has come to a terrible and evil point and it's sad that.if you don't think or feel a certain way then you are the bad guy! Freedom of speech and having your own thoughts and opinions is now a bad thing and that is just wrong! A person should be allowed to feel anyway they want and have any beliefs they want and we should not be forced to feel a certain way by TV shows trying to push their beliefs on us!! If someone gets their feelings hurt then that is just life, that's the way it works. Not everyone is going to agree with you or feel the way you do. If your feelings are hurt move on! Let it go and just agree to disagree! Getting your feelings hurt is part of life it's no reason to try to push others to think like you! This show is majorly liberal and not entertaining at all! It's just being used to push an agenda and not a good one! Every episode gets worse and worse!!

Dear Secret Santa

Just horrible
The parts that made this movie terrible ruin the whole movie!! There is so much wrong with this movie that the good parts don't even make up for the bad things! The time warp etc and the unrealistic part of that doesn't even make the movie bad compared to all the other parts of this movie!!! This was NOT a CHRISTmas movie! It was a slap in the face to an actual Christmas movie it was very, very sad if you think about it, just truly sad. It does not represent those who hold the true meaning and value of Christmas in their hearts at all. It is not how we truly celebrate Christmas! If the description of the movie had more to it I would have never watched the whole movie!

Three Wise Men and a Baby

Fun, cute, entertaining and heart warming
You can't go wrong with any of the three main actors! They are all very good! Paul Campbell is my absolute favorite! This movie was cute, fun and different but different in so many good ways! It was very enjoyable and fun to watch! It is right up there on my list of favorites! The acting was great the storyline was great and I just can't understand it not being something anyone would like! I'm glad Kimberly Sustad did not have a bigger part in the movie even though she helped write it. I am no fan of hers at all! The movie was perfect just the way it was! I'd definitely watch it again and it being a Christmas movie made it even better!

We Wish You a Married Christmas

There were parts of this movie that absolutely ruined the whole thing for me! It could have been one of my favorites and a really great movie! The good parts were great but the bad completely ruined my opinion of the movie and how enjoyable I found it! I wanted to like it but just can't say that I did. If I could edit and add parts to the movie I know it would be an absolute great movie! It was just not what I was expecting or hoping for. Usually I turn things off I don't enjoy but I watched it to the end just cause I wanted to see the end of the couples story! Which was great, I am glad they had a happy ending!

All Saints Christmas

This is a good and fun movie
This movie was just a fun movie and I smiled and laughed through out. I enjoyed it and even got my husband to watch it with me. He liked it too! It was different from many Hallmark movies but it was different in good ways! You don't have a sense of humor or a fun outgoing personality if you can't enjoy this movie it is definitely an enjoyable movie! I have added this to my list of Hallmark movie favorites. And it being a Christmas movie made it even better! I wasn't sure I would like it when I read the description but ended up really liking it! I'm not sure why people would think this is bad. There is absolutely nothing bad about it period!!!!

Haul Out the Holly

Fun and great
What a great and fun movie! Ioved it! I laughed a lot throughout the movie. I enjoyed it! I've seen tons of Hallmark movies and I especially love the Christmas ones! This one has been added to my list of favorites! And even has one of my favorite actresses Lacey Chabert! She never disappoints I love watching her! My husband andi watched this together and he isn't a fan of Hallmark movies or chick flicks for that matter but he enjoyed this one too! I would definitely watch it again. If you didn't like it then there is something wrong with your personality! It makes me long to live in a neighborhood with lots of people helping each other and doing things together for the Christmas season!


Entertaining and well acted!
Ok I'm not a fan of cussing at all so I admit the language is not needed! However we absolutely love this show. If you don't find it entertaining there is something wrong. It's just a show! The acting is absolutely amazing! They could not have picked a better cast! John's part and Kaycee's part are played so well that you feel like your right there in the show. And Beth well if you find her acting bad then I'd hate to know what you think is good acting! I don't support murder or cussing and certainly don't do either one but if you mess with my family I promise I am Beth 100 percent! This is just a show it's entertainment and it is definitely well acted and well scripted minus the cussing and murder. However self defense is absolutely needed! The family may have their faults and do inappropriate things from time to time but it beats watching a lot of the pure trash on TV these days! And no family is perfect and gets along all the time so you can't say the Dutton's aren't a normal family because all families have their issues and there's always that one black sheep!

A Kismet Christmas

Loved It!
I really just loved this movie! Not sure what it was but it just made me feel good! I enjoyed it! It just had this good feel about it! The characters were likeable and the actors looked like they enjoyed working! Lately a lot of Hallmark movies I have enjoyed but many I have just thought was pure trash and the whole movie was ruined even though it had a good story line! But this one was worth watching! It was added to my list of favorite Hallmark Christmas movies! I get nervous when I begin to watch them lately thinking I am just going to be disappointed but I wasn't with this one! If I like a Hallmark movie it will get ten stars this one definitely fits the ten!


Absoulte Junk
Just terrible! Everything about this show is just horrible! The characters are so unlovable! It's dramatic and and the family is just sad! This is not a loving, giving family but a bunch of selfish, whiny I want my way people! I would be ashamed if my family acted in such ways!! Walker Texas Ranger is a classic and it is absolutely disgusting that this show has even part of that title! I have seen every episode (husband does like some things about it) I expected it to be different cause I knew Jared Padalkei would make a terrible walker but I did not expect it to be such trash! The episodes get worse and worse. Shows these days are just that trash!

Noel Next Door

One of the best
I truly enjoyed this one, it is one of my favorites! To make is even better it is a Christmas movie! As a wife of a disabled husband I can relate to the characters. The movie shows that love is just that LOVE! In good times, bad times sickness and health! It was great to see a movie where one character has challenges. It is also great to show that we all deserve to be loved and treated well regardless of our handicaps or shortcomings. I love my husband he is a wonderful man and this movie showed just how I feel. I see the warmth, love and the joy my husband brings me and not just his health issues. He is playful, fun and amazing and I am so glad to see a movie that reminds me so much of us a movie where one character isn't completely normal and has a different life!

Sun, Sand & Romance

Great movie
One of my favorites! I absolutely love Paul Campbell! You can't go wrong with anything he is in! I thought this movie was good! The acting was not bad as some have said! Paul is a wonderful actor and so were the other actors in this! I don't understand how anyone did not enjoy this movie or many of the other Halmark movies that have bad reviews. I've reviewed a few as being bad but this movie was not one of them!

The Wedding Veil

Great movie!
I loved it! I love Lacey! She's one of my favorite! Coming from someone who fell in love quickly got engaged quickly and married quickly stories like this make me smile because they remind me of our story! Almost 23 years later and I would do it all over again!

Butlers in Love

Good movie with a good point
This was not what I was expecting. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did! I feel it had a very good point. Sometimes what we think we want ends up being not what we really want at all. I love how Emma realizes what's important in life it's being happy, finding love, having time to enjoy life and starting a family! I knew my husband two weeks before he proposed, we were married four months later and it's been almost 23 years later! When you find love go for it!

And what does it matter that she wanted to become a butler. There are lots of jobs out there. What works for someone may not work for someone else. We all have different dreams, thoughts and feelings! It is just a movie don't be so critical about it just because of the choice of career. I'm just happy she decided to choose more time for life!

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