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Another 48 Hrs.

Not your typical 80's sequel
Usually a sequel in the 80's to a great movie tanked but this one actually was better than the original. The action was constant and flowed quickly. I read that the original run time was cut quite a bit by the studio and many of the supporting cast had reduced screen time. Nolte was great and continued his original character. Murphy definitely took over as first billed and was a much more dominant lead character. The plot had a continued story from the original that made it interesting. The laughs were good and another great soundtrack. The only con was some of the gunfights had bullets flying everywhere but everyone was missing.

300: Rise of an Empire

Worth watching just for the action sequences
A prequel/sequel that at times parallels the original 300 movie telling the story of Greece and the fight against the invading Persian army led by a god King. The action/fighting scenes were amazing but as good as they were it made for many unbelievable moments. Not as good a 300 due to the lackluster acting. A lot of battle scenes and blood to satisfy the typical action movie lover. Beyond that there is not much to gain from this follow up to the superior original

About Last Night...

My favorite 80s romance/comedy
A very touching story of love and fear of commitment of a young couple who meet and move quickly through the relationship phases. They experience the ups and downs of a budding relationship that outgrows the boundaries set by both. The influence of friends, job and fear of love wreaks havoc on the young couple. Rob Lowe is a playboy that is scared to commit to Demi Moore who wants more out of their relationship. The soundtrack is amazing and the reality of the situation makes the experience so heartfelt

48 Hrs.

A classic with some simple storytelling
I have seen this movie many times. I recently watched it after many years and realized that although funny with some witty banter it had a lot of scenes that were contrived to make the action continuous. It is definately a classic comedy drama pairing of a young Eddie Murphy as a convict with a past who is used by a tough San Francisco street cop to track down a couple of prison escapees who have ties to Murphy. A bit edgy with comedy and action blended to make for a fun watch.

30 Days of Night

A vampire movie unlike the rest
Very suspenseful and original. Many of the scenes were done so well with the filming and scenery, very believable. The characters were all believable and none acted over the top. The fight scenes were gory but well done. I was disappointed in the ending as Josh Bartlett's character chose a very unbelievable solution. Up to that point he worked in an intelligent way managing to survive and protect the others. A great scary movie with an original story and characters


Watch for the entertainment value..not the factual
Usually a story based on actual facts makes for a great watch. However this movie had quite a few moments that questioned the believability. I gave it a 7 out of 10 purely based on the entertainment value. As I watched the movie I tried to forget that it was based on actual events so I would not be so focused on trying to believe some of the things the characters did that I am sure the real students did not do. For instance returning to the same casino over and over made for some contrived drama but would be very unlikely given the intelligence of those involved. I did learn a little bit about 21 and the ideal of card counting but again it was more entertainment. If I were to rate it from the actual events perspective I would only give it a 3 out of 10. Kevin Spacey nailed his part as he usually does

21 Grams

A puzzle of a plot with an emotional impact
The plot is unraveled in segments that do not follow a chronological order so it can be confusing at times if you get distracted while watching. The plot surrounds three separate lives that are connected thought unfortunate events. The film covers loss, grief, vengeance, love, and belief through the three lives that find themselves forever changed through their related circumstances. The film is dark at times and shows how loss and tragedy erode otherwise normal individuals.

2 Guns

Bulletproof without the silliness
Very similar to "Bulletproof" with Adam Sandler and Daman Wayons but without all the silliness. Mark Wahlberg stole the movie. His character kept the laughs and action going. I though Denzel Washington was stoic at times compared to Mark. The plot was intelligent and kept me interested all the way through with all the interagency double crosses. A good crime/comedy mixture. It was a "don't trust anyone" movie. The comedy was smart and quick with the main leads playing off each other really well. The naval base chase scene was farfetched for anyone that has ever been on an active duty post. If you watch it for the entertainment value you will really enjoy the film. Deep thinking viewers will be disappointed.

127 Hours

Emotional to anyone that has ever ventured out
I just watched this movie for the second time and enjoyed it even more than the first time. Normally watching a true story a second time is anticlimactic knowing how it ends but this movie is not about a surprise or shock at the end but was purely a story of determination and survival.

I read several reviews on this movie prior to writing this one and it was either loved or hated. I think it has to do with the viewers perspective. For me it was very emotional. That may be that I have hiked most of my life and can somewhat relate to the shock of realizing that something horrible has just happened and the process by which reality sets in. The heart of the movie for me was the emotional stages he goes through as he progresses through the emotions of shock, anger, fear, loss of reality, then resolute. To those that have never really ventured out or put themselves it possible danger one might think it was 2 hours of foolish self narrative. For anyone that has ever wondered about the limits of human determination this is a must watch. Give it a chance.

The Foreigner

A very different Jackie Chan flick
This was a thriller that kept me engaged from the beginning to the very end with several surprising plot twists. I have seen many Jackie Chan movies and the seriousness of his character was refreshing. I swear I don't thing he ever breaks a smile during the entire the movie. There are a lot of revenge flicks that follow the same ole same ole but even though the principle was the same the story telling was a great. My only complaint was that as a 61 year old, and he looked all of it, he was pulling off some really implausible physical action and stealth scenes. I thought he played the vengeful father very well. He did not have many speaking scenes but the dramatic effect was still there. If you are looking for a Jackie Chan movie with the usual comedy/action appeal this is definitely not for you.

The Titan

High expectation, low result
This was my 1st Netflix original movie. I took a chance due to the good cast and a tempting storyline. I am sad to say that I was disappointed. I had hope that it might rival movies like "Deep Impact" or "Armageddon" by focusing on humanity and its response to facing its own annihilation. Or something like "Morgan", but the 1/2 was very slow and the latter half was a letdown as it ended up being a cheap sci-fi. The plot holes added to the misery. How can one man alone on a Jupiter moon reshape the demise of mankind. I will not give up on direct to streaming movies but I will lower future expectations

American Made

A great rebound move for Cruise
Tom Cruise hits a homer with the depiction of real life Captain Barry Seal who was a hot shot ex TWA pilot recruited into the CIA after getting caught smuggling drugs for the Mexican drug cartels during the 1980s. It was good to see him back in a great role and movie after his disastrous Mummy movie. Watching Barry Seal ascend to the top and subsequent fall reminded me of Ray Liotta's depiction of mobster Henry Hill in the movie Goodfellas. The move was a bit of a comedy wrapped around a serious story with an unfortunate ending. I really liked seeing Sarah Wright in this film playing his wife. I have never seen her in a mainstream film but look forward to seeing her in the future.

The plot was fast flowing with very little pauses or breaks. I was quite surprised how quickly the time passed while watching. The aerial film sequences and location was worth the price of admission. The film was bright and the sound was great unlike so many crime films today filmed in low light/night. The 80's props and clothing was very authentic and believable. Although the whole movie surrounds drug smuggling there was almost zero scenes showing drug usage. I probably would not watch again as the plot outcome is the big reveal.

16 Blocks

An unusual pairing
I saw this move for the second time yesterday. If you are looking for the traditional "Die Hard" Bruce Willis, you will be a bit disappointed. There is a fair amount of action which is typical for a Bruce Willis crime film, but his character in this film is much more cerebral, lacking the usual type A personality. His character is quite depressing but by the end you will realize the cause of this mentality. His co-star initially was annoying but he grew on me as the movie progressed to the point that, mixed in that peculiar voice of his, he has a very strong message on morality and regret. The plot can seem unbelievable at times due to geographical small area in which the entire story occurs and the time elapse especially toward the end but not to the point that it brings the move down. The plot flowed at a constant pace and kept me interested. There was an alternate ending available on the DVD which some viewers may find more appealing as it is quite the opposite of the released ending. The director did a really good job of filming angles and working within the crowds of New York City. If you want to see an atypical Bruce Willis action movie with an interesting co-star this could be one for you. Not one I would recommend to watch with a significant other on a date night and I would not begin to compare this to the popular Die Hard franchise but on its own merits it is well worth the watch

The Adjustment Bureau

More than an action sci-fi
I had mixed emotions after watching this. I had anticipated a movie along the lines of the "Bourne" series or "Total Recall". This movie had a lot more of a romance flair to it which ended up working very well between Damon and Blunt. The first half of the movie was written very well and set a great stage only to fall a bit flat during the last half.

The direction seemed to lose its sharpness in some of the silly details revealed in the later parts. Especially the hat the door knob props. It also felt like the ending was rushed a anti-climatic. I never did understand the ridiculous reference to the "Chairman". Had the plot not contained such a strong romance theme I would have rated much lower

Black Death

Dark tale of suffering and hop3
From the beginning I loved the setting with all the scenery that consumed me in setting the mood. It started off a bit slow but quickly picked up. About 1/2 way through there as some intense fighting along with quite a bit of gore.

From there the story took on a different view as they entered the village. I too thought that the villagers seems a bit too modern for the rest of the backdrop. Sean Bean looked like he walked right of the Game of Thrones set onto this set.

At times the plot covered religion and faith as a over-compassing subject forcing the watcher to at times self reflect. I found some of the dialog was a bit drawn out and the shaky camera action was annoying. Overall it was a good movie


A bit of a mind-bender
Many will probably view this as a typical slasher film, but I actually found it more of a head game. The story seemed pretty thin in the beginning but very quickly turned into a clever storyline that at times was hard to follow. Melissa George was about the only "known" character as the others seemed there just for the effect. The story definitely revolved around her.

In the last 10 min a lot of the purpose was revealed but even then there were a few holes that were left unresolved. I get the feeling that the director had more on his mind than making a typical horror movie. Weak acting was definitely overshadowed by the though provoking plot. Some nice directing also helped


A reality check
Even though I gave it a 5 rating I did enjoy the story itself. I normally look for a clever plot or a bit of action in the movies that I give a higher rating. But nevertheless the story was touching and very real to anyone that has lived with regret. Billy Bob Thorton is such a diverse actor and played the part with conviction. At times the move depressed me but overall I came away with a bit of appreciation the the director committed himself to focusing on a single man and his road to redemption

The supporting cast was a bit unbalanced. Samuel L. Jackson and Kirsten Dunst seemed out of place in the movie. Holly Hunter was a good addition and carried her role well. Overall its a 1 time watch and will touch some while boring others

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