
IMDb member since February 2021
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    IMDb Member
    3 years, 3 months


Are All Men Pedophiles?

Didn't Care
I just couldn't watch all of it. There were some stuff that were wrong. Like saying most gave birth at 13, but didn't people back then have a lot of kids? Despite what some people believe a 12-14 year old girl is fertile then a 18-22 year old women. Yes younger is more fertile, but that is young as in no younger then 18 or 16. I don't know if a 12 year old is more fertile then a 39 year old. However according to research older teens and women in their 20s are the most fertile. Younger teens and preteens go through a subfertility Also young teens are less likely to survive childbirth.

@ nmk330 A girl around 13 makes a worse partner even in the Stone Age. She is less likely to survive childbirth and less fertile. Teen girls go through a subfertility for a few years. She is most fertile as early as 16-18 and late as 23-24. Not saying younger girls olds don't ovulate, but not on every cycle. Even during the Stone Age 13 is too young. But 30 would be too old, so 15-16. But under 15 or 16 would not be good for pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is worse for girls under 15/16.

Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy

The rating was higher
Didn't this had a 6.2 or something? Now it's a 5.9. The likes of this show has been dropping. I wonder it's the hiatus.

Ryan's Mystery Playdate

Not Terrible, but bad
Title saids it all. No one but toddlers and preschoolers would watch this. The theme is so annoying. Even worse then the one from Pinkastupid (Pinkaliocous).

And to the mom who hates when adults review kids show should back off. Why? Well because it being a kids show doesn't mean we can't judge it and adults are the ones making the show. That's like saying I can't judge food because I'm not a chef.


This show is amazing. It's enjoyable to watch for older viewers too. It teach good lessons and it's funny.

To person who gave this show a three stars. Yeah Bluey have some bad episodes, but most of them are good. It seem like you only watch a few episodes. And yes some characters are mean, but it will be boring if all of them were nice and the mean characters aren't the main ones. They minor characters. Kids need to learn that not everyone is nice and it's dumb to hide that from them.

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