
IMDb member since February 2021
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    3 years, 3 months



Fun Show That Showcases Diverse Actors
The show has its hits and misses but when it hits, it does it rather well. I particularly like that the episodes are short (the final season offers much longer run times) so the show gets to the point. It almost gets to the point too fast but all in all, I had to remind myself that this wasn't a big budget production (although I'm sure it cost a pretty penny) and that a lot of story had to be added in its short run times. Due to that, the final season does flow smoother. There are really good takeaways and some horrid performances. The good is Monroe Hayden who holds the whole show. The messages are sweet and insightful. The final season is wonderfully made and almost seems like a different show due to its upgrades. Melanie Tornroth was great but I didn't exactly buy that she was a high schooler. The bad is Steven Acedo who plays Rath. His delivery is so flat to the point where I wasn't even intimidated by him or scared. I really couldn't figure out why Fox couldn't just get rid of him. Jacob Maciel as Alliel was also pretty cringe worthy. He never looked at any of his costars except for Oron in his final scene. He was so unsure of himself, I don't know if it was intentional or just the actor. Overall if you are testing it out, watch the final season. If you don't like that, you won't like the rest of it.


Potential first season, disastrous second
Recent comedic movies and shows have created a generic standard for comedy, all inspired by ingredients from comedies and comedians from the past. In a film/show, these basic ingredients can be humorous and delightful. 365 does not work.

The first season had its better comedic punchlines and wit as well as some touching moments. Not worthy of a 10 but a solid 6 or 7 can be granted from me. The performances from Ricky Garcia and Monroe Hayden were strong and effective. The story, although unoriginal was simple and worked (for the most part) but where the series should have picked up and gotten better (with each new season) it got worse. Season 2 I didn't care for at all. I don't really want to remember anything from it rather than to include it in my list of worst seasons ever made. The acting was embarrassing, the writing was cringe-worthy. It was a good thing it was available for free because no one in their rightful mind should be charged to watch it.

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