
IMDb member since March 2021
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    3 years, 3 months


Ultimate Beastmaster

Entertaining but completely unfair
It's a good show and I've finished nearly all of season 1, however, there's a ton of things wrong on it. First of all the last round is a huge rock climbing wall, giving the advantage to any and all walk climbing competitors. The slits on the wall are so tiny that if you're a bigger competitor you stand no chance. Secondly, there's a ton of jumps here, so it's much easier for taller people. Women never make it through, and I feel bad they're even on the show because it's false hope. Third, PLEASE for the love of God stop replacing the chain with a rope. It rips through all the contestants hands. You have no reason to do this other than wanting to be a sadist.

So to win you generally have to have the shape of a tall, slightly thinner male contestant who is a rock climber.

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