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"The King"
It's a good movie but with some flaws!! Let's talk about the good!! The story nails what Elvis was like and how he abused drugs and was abused!! And how he cheated on his wife with many girls!! But the bad is: Mixing Rap and Hip-Hop with Elvis music!! Like that will turn away the Boomers that's coming to watch it!! But that's about all for the bad!! I love how this movie just makes you sad, happy, feel good, and shout!! The Elvis actor is Awesome like he played the part so well i could barely tell in some scenes that it was the actor!! Plus the editing on this movie is just fabulous!! The edit Elvis with Auston Butler!! This movie has a vibe like Once upon a Time in Hollywood and Boogie Nights!! I would recommend you see this movie!! Good Night Elvis has left the building.

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island

Very Scary and Intense for a Scooby Doo Movie!!
So this movie is one of the best Scooby Doo movies!! It does not have people in masks scaring Shaggy and Scooby!! We have friggin Zombies that are scary( Fred pulls a zombies head off too!!) And we have people that turn into Friggin cats( quite disturbing for young kids) I know that probably ratings were low on a Scooby Doo show so they made a real ghost show!! ( I think that one show had real ghosts)!! But this is set in Louisanna and a haunted house and a haunted bayou!! There's voodoo dolls and Human Cats and Zombies!! So I think any Scooby Doo fan is gonna love this!!

King Kong

A great Peter Jackson homage!!
Peter Jackson really put his heart and soul into this movie as you might know Peter Jackson is a huge freaking fan of King Kong he watched the original 1930s version as a kid and loved it and that's what kicked off his love of films!! He didn't as a kid made watching short films and as an adult made a couple weird New Zealand horror films!! Years later after directing all of the Lord of the rings movies he decided to make a three hour and seven minute long epic of King Kong!! This version of King Kong is better than any other Version of King Kong!! Starts out with some Jack Black goodness and he's a jack blacks filmmaker and goes to look for his next project in a deserted island!! The island is filled with cannibals and he gets freaky from here!! Then King Kong captures a girl and then you just pretty much know the rest after watching the original!! Then King Kong is shown in New York and King Kong finally dies after getting shot!! This really truly was a sad ending to me but Peter Jackson did a freaking job on this!! As I said he put his heart and soul into this movie!!

It's the best Peter Jackson movie ever better than any of the Lord of the rings!! And better than his weird New Zealand horror films!! Dead alive might be better but I'm just gonna say King Kong's better!! I love long movies and this one really just gave me my craving of long homage movies!! Great job Peter Jackson if you're reading this or ever get on this app just give me a like!! I hope Peter Jackson makes another king Kong like baby king Kong or something that would be awesome! But right now Peter Jackson so busy with his beetle documentary!! Hope you liked the spoiler review that's just pretty much boring and friggin long!!

The Mummy

This movie is good from the beginning but gets worse
OK I went into this movie thinking it was going to be better than the 1999 version I was wrong universal tries to make this movie scary and fun but it's just old!! Now back then people are screaming in the 30s over this movie they thought it was scary well now in 2022 this is barely scary this is like watching peewee Herman!! This crap is child's play!! Now scary movies today would be it chapter 1 and two or Annabella or the nun!! Not this garbage!! No Boris Karloff did a good job and I love him for playing Frankenstein but he needs to just believe this character alone!! It has a weird but kind a good plot but it's just tasteless!! I'd rather watch the 1930s Frankenstein movies!! You're better than this piece of universal garbage!!

The Dark Crystal

Ok.. the first time watching this you will love it the second.....
First time I watch this movie I loved it I love the fantasy the story they left out a lot of story that we needed to know but that's OK!! The second time watching it it's still amazing but it's just dread and you want the movie to be over!! The third time will make you want to claw your eyeballs out!! And scream to the heavens! The fourth time is pure torture and it'll just feel like this is an acid trip!! So I only watch it one time ago wow I love this movie it's a Jim Henson classic!! The Muppet movies are kind of better than these but still they're boring! Show only watch it two times!!

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

A Good Comedy/ Horror!!
This is another failed movie that was turned into a cult classic!! This movie is silly/ goofy/ and sometimes gory!! Klowns land on earth and start to turn people into Cotton Candy cocoons, until they die!! Also in one scene a dude gets his head punched off by a Klown!! ( it's very gory)!! Which movie does have some disappointments to it!! The plot is dumb and goofy but I still love it!! It just has little things that I kinda don't like but it still makes the movie good.


A Korean Monster movie!!
This movie is kinda overrated!! I loved it but there's to many boring things in this film. Like the virus, and Korean Politics, and trying to find a "dead girl"!! It can kinda get confusing and wild!! But like the plot is so crazy, it would never happen! Duh!! Bong Joon knew that he had a master piece with him!! But in two hours a lot can happen!! The first 30 minutes are the best out of the whole movie, there just the creature attacking the city, but then the virus plot is just crazy, and wild!! I know without somewhat of a plot this movie would be crap!! I would rather watch a 1960s Japanese Horror film than this, but it is what is is!! I love it it's just kind of overrated!! I'm gonna try to watch another bong Joon movie and see if he's one of the greatest Korean directors ever!! I recommend this to people that love Korean films I will most likely like Japanese films over Korean films!!

Batoru rowaiaru

Hunger Games ripped this movie off!!
This is one of the best Japanese films I have ever watched!! It's fort has romance, and suspense!! It's perfect, but in 2012, Hunger Games released and people were wondering, "Hey, did they just ripoff Battle Royale"?? I think Suzanne Collins knew what she was doing when writing the novel and making the film!! Battle Royale is better though!! This is also Quentin Tarantino's Favorite Film ever!! I love it too! It's in my top 10!!


A great Philip K Dick adaption.
This movie is unlike The short story, in the movie Chris Johnson is an LA magician who can see into the future and then the FBI does tests on him and then he tries to save LA from a nuclear bomb and he falls in love!! In the short story, Chris Johnson is not human but he can still see into the future and he is golden hence the name the golden man!! Let's get into the movie!! Nicolas Cage plays Chris Johnson a.k.a. Frank Cadillac. Nickolas cage did a wonderful job in this movie!! I know this movie only has a 6.2 on this app, but it needs to be higher. It's a wonderful movie with a little bit of some twists and turns. 10/10.

The Simpsons Movie

A great movie but not as good as the tv series!!
Homer gets a pig, Marge is going through tough times with her marriage and Bart is having issues with Homer!! This movie is good buts wild and all over the place(no wonder they had 16 writers on the script). But there's some good things, Spider Pig song, Arnold Is President, and, the church scene is hilarious, a good comedy with to many jokes but it's still Simpson's Gold!!

Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB

A Mind Blowing Short Film By George Lucas.
This movie can be boring more than exciting!! But it is sci-fi and I love it!! This Short Lead to a Epic Movie and kickstarted George Lucas's Career as a Filmmaker!! He did a wonderful job!!


Another Deep Film By George Lucas.
George Lucas was going through making short films with deep meanings!! This one is just classic!! It's about German WW2 and a boy trying to escape Germany but is Shot down, in a gory manner!!


A Good Racing Film By George Lucas?
This Movie depicts George Lucas in his Racing Days( he had a very bad accident that nearly killed him) it has no words in it and has a lot of intense racing in the short! This is just George Lucas Short Film Gold!!

Look at Life

A Powerful Short Film By George Lucas!
This One Minute Short, shows how life can be filled with Violence, War, Love, and Happy Times, Racial Movements,ETC! George Lucas is most known for Star Wars and other Films, but this might be his most powerful film!!


A Good James Cameron Short Film!!
This has themes of Alien, The Terminator, and Avatar! This short film is only 12 minutes long! It had a budget of $20,000 USD. This movie was just a test screening of a movie he was gonna make! This coulda been a heck of a good movie!! But he could not get anybody to Pay for the movie! He got the $20,000 Because of Dentists wanting a tax write off!! This short is the best thing James Cameron has ever made!! ( Terminator, Alien, and Avatar are good too!!)


A Good Unfinished Movie
I watched a One Minute version of this movie that showed what the movie was gonna be like!! It was pretty much just People Bike Racing! Not really special!! This would have been a good TV movie!! Wonderful!! Steven really is a good director of Movies and Tv and Short Films!!


A Good Lost Movie
I would have loved to see this short when it was on the theater in 1960s! Steven probably owns this movie and won't release to the public!! When he dies we might see it!! But I watched a 3 minute version on YouTube! And it was epic, confusing in some places and thrilling too!! This would be a good movie if it was released today! I think people would see this and love it!! 20 years later, Steven would make Close Encounter of the Third Kind, and ET.

Escape to Nowhere

A Good Lost Short Film!!
There was on YouTube a 2 minute version cause the rest is lost and it was violent and good!! Fast forward 30 years or so, and Steven would be making Saving Private Ryan and Empire of The Sun!! The opening scene of Saving Private Ryan kinda resembles this short film a little bit! 10/10) Haters need to quit hating this short film!!

Death Proof

A Great Tribute of the Films in the 60s and 70s!!
This movie is like the stunt movies of H. B. Halicki!! This one is a good movie about a guy that kills Hot girls! This movie people have hated I think it is a good Tarintino film!! The 60s feel and Scratch's in the film make it feel like a 60s movie!! But the first 30 minutes take place in a bar and a hospital!! The first 30 minutes was just a time filler for the last 45 minutes of the film!!

The Evil Dead

A GoreFest
This movie is the most violent movie I have ever watched!! Other countries have banned this movie due to the amount goes and violence!! This movie is Bruce Campbell's best movie and his best character!! The video games have influenced me to watch this for the first time! The Chainsaw was not used very much!! I need to watch part 2 now and Army of Darkness!! Before Sam Raimi directed for Marvel, he made carnage films! This was a real struggle for him to make, but it made him famous and the best director for Marvel!! This movie is available on Tubi!! Rated R in US and NC-17 in UK, this is Banned in Germany.

Chop Kick Panda

A good animated movie!!
Very good animation!! I love it and it has a horrible plot though!! A janitor brings kids to a dojo to show them karate but fails!! Then a bad guy try's to steal a amulet but the panda kicks his butt perfect!!


A Weird but Good movie!!
This movie is not like the Disney movie, it's a spy movie with rats and half of the movie takes place in a restaurant!! This is a crazy Mockbuster!! Brazil good job!!

Ursinho da Pesada

Confusing, and does not have Kung Fu!!
This movie is a nightmare!! The have a carebear as a boxer! The Panda that is soppesed to be Kungfu is not!! He try's to fight loses and then Dances!! They should name this Little Panda Dancer!! And the animation is the worst!! Brazil this is your worst work!!

Os Carrinhos em: A Grande Corrida

A Boring Movie!!
Half of the movie takes place in a parking lot and they talk then there's weird stuff like one car talking about a girl car like look at her headlights!! Then the last 8 minutes has a race!! The voice acting is pretty good though! The animation kinda sucks and they could have done better but hey it's a Mockbuster!! Brazil you can make boring but good movies your welcome!!

Jeepers Creepers 3

A Heart Pounding Thriller!!
This is a good movie!! It's gory and crazy!! I Don't care what people say!! Victor Salva came back to make a third one and it's great!! The creeper is just bone chilling!! Good actors great script and Gory murders!! If you want to buy it got to Redbox and get it for $3.99. It ended in a Cliff hanger and a part four to JC 3 would be Awesome!! See ya!!

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