
IMDb member since March 2021
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    3 years, 2 months


Rise of the Scarecrows: Hell on Earth

Dark Humor At It's Best
Starting off I anxiously awaited the gore, and knew there would be blood. It had a comedic appeal to me, a dark humor I've grown to love. As the movie rolled onward, I felt the suspense build up to the hack and slash. Also while dying from laughter, theres a scene towards the end, where the old man yells "THEY GOT AWAY!!! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!" Then goes back inside to sit in his chair and wait to be killed, that was funny as hell. I got some Tucker and Dale VS Evil vibes off this movie. Then the credit song began to play, needless to say the laughter was constant throughout the film. You will not regret watching, especially if you love people out in the forest dancing around campfires like their convulsing. Overall, it had some good chop chop going on and some great kill scenes. Keep an open mind, and give it a watch. Dark humor at it's best.

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