
IMDb member since March 2021
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Inside Man

Joy to the last Minute,everyone can turn to a murderer...
...when he have a bad day.

There is not more add otherwise it will be quite spoiling.

Cast is great,Tucci great,all of them are very entertaining.

It is a Thriller and it is also funny in a dark way.

I want more thats for sure. It has only 4 Episodes(1 Season),i say Give it a Try without expecting much,but Sense of Dark Humour,otherwise you´ll probably feel disturbed. This is thrilling but its not a action-show,so lower you expectations because of the cast and you might be pleasantly surprised,maybe even longing for more like i do.

I give easily 8-9 of 10 stars ,its definitely worth it without a doubt.

Onder Vuur

Actually quite decent Europe/Netherlands 911 Show
I am a Big Fan of 911/911 Lone Star,so i use them as Measurement, but i think this Show holds his Ground.

It is relateable,the Stories inside are interesting,the Emergencies are maybe not sooo dramatic but not unrealistic and way better than other 911-Clone Shows.

The Stories are not stretched over 39 episodes,hihihi.

I like the Cast,they look ordinary which fits to the more-real-feel.

Its true this Show probably doesn´t had Big-Budget,but isn´t low-budget,either. There is no big CGI-Effects,or special filters for the Camera,still it looks good,sounds goods,more real.

I did enjoy it and recommend it.


Sooo funny and a good Cast
I always looking for a Serie which could be the next Leverage which also was a funny Show,same Idea Bad Guys/Gals doing good "Sometimes the Bad Guys are the better Good ones" was kinda their Slogan,hihi.

AND here it is,not a Successor per Se,but same Spirit. I have to say very funny,sooo enjoyable,the cast are great,each one of them give the Show a FeelGood-Vibe to it(i am a great Fan of Garret Dillahunt). I dont know about how much of Sprung is true,but i can imagine it myself.😄

Big Recommendation,watch it,i am sure you´ll looking forward to see all the Episodes like i do now. Give us more more more,hihihihi.👍

The End Is Nye

Very Entertaining,give it a Try
At First i thought Nye who? Then i watched the Trailer and thought looks entertaining. So i started to google/search about the Show and found Seth MacFarlane has his Fingers in it which is a Plus in my Book.

Informations about Bill Nye,for me a unkown Person because i live in different Country(Europe,hihihi), was also interesting: Nye worked as an engineer for the Boeing Corporation and Sundstrand Data Control near Seattle. At Boeing, he invented a Hydraulic Resonance Suppressor Tube used on Boeing 747 airplanes. He applied four times, unsuccessfully, for NASA's astronaut training program.

SO he was/is a legit Engineer at least it seems so(plus one INVENTION),but made a career-change into Comedy later in his life.👍

Damn i thought to myself,give´em a Try for Sure.

And not surprisingly it is very entertaining.

Why Didn't They Ask Evans?

Very enjoyable Feel-Good Adaptation
As some reviewers stated,it is very satisfying and a delightful Adaptation with lovely Characters as Protagonists.

True it is a lighweighted Thriller but i actually love it.

I watched it with my Family(ages 12+,so no kids,hihihi) and Friends together,We all did enjoy it,which is a big Plus,because some of them are hard to please.😄

Donde Hubo Fuego

Decide for yourself..just kidding dont waste your Time!
When you are 911/911 Lone Star-Fan,you know they somehow manages to begin and finish more than 1 Stories in 1-2 Episodes and Inbetween alot of Emergencies,Right?

Well this Show however manages to stretch it to 39 !!! EPISODES with just a few Emergencies.🤦

Yes there is alot Sexiness and Hotness but the Plot would easily fit into 9 Episode TOPS.

It is Torture for Fans of 911,thats for sure,dont watch it.

But for Telenovella-Fans maybe abit interesting.

Be aware that you will often find yourself predicting all the Time the Episodes just after watching a few Minutes.

There is nothing unforeseeable happing here at all and worse,they stretching it over alot Episodes.


Pure,raw,emotional,intelligent wonderful...
Masterpiece of a Animation.

Yes it is Primal but has so many Aspects and Nuances,the whole Facettes of Emotions.

From Brutal to Kind to Funny to Smart.

While it looks like Earth,it clearly isnt. You soon get that, without to spoil it,it isnt actually clear with Age/Era it is.

I beg you give this a Try but more than 1-2 Episodes,and you will get hooked and you understand what i mean: Masterpiece.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Kinda childish/very juvenile
As already some Reviewers pointed,it lost alot of his Charme because it is childish/juvenile and too much empty Talk/Conversation🤔. The Action Part and the Colors are beautiful,Bale has a good Presence as usual.

Nonetheless i gave it a 6-7,it entertained me enough, but i agree it is the worst Part for now.🤗😎


Dont,just dont waste your time
I never thought saying/writing this but there is real Stupidity at Work here.

Alot stupid Conversation,alot bad Acting,so many Logic-Errors,dont want spoil anything but somehow i made it to the last Episode, this Episode will prove the Logic-Errors unforgiveable in a Grand Scale. The Amount of stupid(yes really annoyingly stupid) Talk and Behaviour makes you want slap Naomi(and the whole Cast+Crew) left and right with the Script endlessly. Actually this is a Insult for Comic-Fans (Readers and Watchers). For the Love of Comics,please please please no no no second Season,cancel it. The Actors degrade in Acting,when they continue for more SeasonsI really believe the Writer are not Comic-Fans.👿👿👿

Le dernier mercenaire

French Humour Packed with Jean Claude Moves
And i love it. Nothing more to add besides it supposed to be cheesy,either you get the French Humour or not.


Tv-Show Evil is the US-remake of Priest,but this one is way better
Very short Review: This Show is great,and for those liked Evil(US-Remake),i think you will love this.


Interesting and important Insight
This a very interesting and,at least for me)important Insight of Life in Palestine,in this case the "Capitol"-City Ramallah.

Whlie it has a centered point of view,following Mayor Musa Hadid 24/7,the documtary shows that the people have to fight to just get a bit Dignity.

The Freedom what we take as granted,is in far reach for the palestine citizens.

I say it is a Must Watch,to get a indepentent Perspective .

Take Back

too generic...
As a previous reviewer commented base story ok,but overall acting is something you dont find in this "movie". Especially Mickey Rourke is so displaced,he looks really like someone who don care that he should act. Very disappointing. MJ White and Wife are not that bad,but still cant get my head around why they took M. Rourke.....

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