
IMDb member since April 2021
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First Wave

I love this show
First wave is simply amazing, I really wish there where more than 3 seasons. Its super entretaining, with a 90s X-files style monser of the week story telling with the odd bit of progression in its story telling.

I love the relationship betweed Cade Foster (Sebastian Spence) and Crazy Eddie (Rob LaBelle) and they really do a good job in their roles.

I think the best part is when they are trying to convicne people that they are Aliens, which they dont beleive to the end when they kill one and it dissapears in a cool alien glow, which never gets old.

This show really needs a reboot or continuation, but I guess it can never be as it would lose its 90s charm.

The Swarm

Its not that bad
I dont why people are giving this show a negative review, maybe its because there is too much talking and not enough pew pew pew. I guess if its an action packed rollercoaster of a tv show, then this is not for you. But if you love a well written sci-fi drama then its worth checking out.

I loved all the scientific explantions, the mixture of english and foreigne languages, the preformace by Barbara Sukowa was also awsome, I love every scene shes in. She such a great actor, its worth watching the tv show just for her.

Id ignore the haters and give it a watch as they are far worse shows out there like star trek Discovery.


Not sure what to think
In the first episode they already stole two jokes, one from red dwarf and the other from Mitchel and Web. Are we the Baddies ?

Its crude and vulgar, Im not sure if its trying to be solar oppisites or something else. Its not bad just a re-hash of lots of other shows, its worth watching though.

Rip in Time

Such a Lovely movie
Im not realy into Hallmark movies, but this one was such a sweet cool time travel one. The actors are likeable and it has a good story, it reminds me of the man from earth and is very dialog driven which I like.


Fun movie
I dont see why there is so much hate unless its some sort of troll campaign.

If you like cheesy action movies from the 80s then you will love this, just dont think too hard about the movie and enjoy the cheesy action, its entertainment not some sort of higly philisophical movie that you could write papers on for decades.

The Transporter

I dont understand why Hollywood cant create new IP with strong POC roles instead of shoe horning a pollitical statment into a rebooted tv show.

Blade was awsome, Black Lightning was cool, Luck Cage, Black Panther and Deep space nine was also an awsom show with a black leed.

This is sadly a poor reboot of a decent franchise, we really do need new ips for black folks and not a white hand me downs, which is insulting to many of the awsom black actors.

The Overnight

Some stanley kubrick easter eggs
In the movie, there is a Clockwork Orange book and a Frankie Goes to Hollywood mug, in one of the rooms Both relate to Stanley Kubrick's, as the movie of the book was made by him and included a Frankie Goes to Hollywood song.

So as the movie was set in a hotel it has to be a nod to The Shining, they even have a creepy typewriter, so obviously, the writers are fans.

The story is different to the shining yet it's set in a creepy hotel, with lots of weird stuff going on I think the 6 stars is about right for this movie, It's worth watching if you have nothing to do.

Zvyozdniy razum

Not a bad movie, with some pretty CGI.
I dont understand the hate, I guess its not all pew pew pew and explosions.

It dose have a decent story, trying to save humanity from a virus.

I have seen far worse stuff released from Hollywood, I like sci-fi and think a 7 is a reasonable score.

Its a shame the universe wasnt explored a little bit more though, might of worked better a tv series.

Moon Knight

I love it
The show reminds me of the Darkness vid game and Venom.

Its so much fun to watch and it looks amazing, I hope we get a season2.

I actualy prefer this than Venom, I cant wait for the next episode.

Star Trek: Discovery

A Poorly written Holo-Novel
I really hope this series ends with the Doctor from Voyager, saying computer end program as he walks out smugly from the holo deck. I hated this ending for Enterprise, but for Discovery it would make alot of sense.

Its almost every episode someone is crying or having an emotional breakdown because their hamster is dying. Then they all have to hold hands and talk about their feelings. Even the ships computer needs a pet talk.

I miss old trek where they would just reverse the polarity or invert the neutreno flow and then have a laugh playing poker at the end, even though a red shirt was flushed out the air lock 10 min earlier.

There really need to start increasing the lithium supply in the air or just activate self destruct and get it over with.

The Matrix Resurrections

Never thought I'd rate a matrix film 1
I love the original, this film is terminator all over again. They never made a decent film past 2.

I'm sad now and want to cry my self to sleep.

I think I'll pretend this movie never happened.

The Wheel of Time

A mix of the Witcher and Skyrim
The show reminds me of the witcher game due to the simular sounding music and feel to the show with a bit of the plot of skyrim, though instead of dragon born they go with dragon reborn.

The music scenes where pretty decent compared to 90% of shows that try to add folk music or some other medevil fantasy style that becomes more cringey than anything.

I like the show as its got a bit of campy, legends of the seeker, the outpost and xena feel to it rather than game of thrones.

I would give it 7.5, though i did rate it 8.

What We Do in the Shadows

The TV show is far Better
Saying that its made by the same people and i would see this movie as more of a prequal to the TV series. Its still funny, just a little less structured and diffrent to what im used to.

Its worth checking out to see how the movie to show has evolved.

Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

Its a decent 90s movie
Its not something that would be made today in our current woke culture, but I love it. Its from a time when people didnt get offended and where able to laugh at them selfs and others. I loved the sucky sucky 5 dollar joke, others might be offended.

Though because these jokes come from movies in the 90s, many might not get the refrences.


I was expecting something like looper, instead its a teen drama with little sci fi.
Pretty much what the title says, the show starts of intresting but gets very boring very fast. I made it half way into series 1 episode 3 befor turning off, its boring.

Attack the Block

Horrible characters that no one should like
If you want to watch a movie about chav criminals with no redeming quality then I guess this movie is for you. There really is nothing likable about any of the characters and the only good part of this movie is watching them die. There is no hidden meaning or social commentary, just chavs doing what they do best.

I was hoping for something like Critters 3, which is like this movie only funny and involved people you can like.

Red Heat

Fun 80s movie
The movie might as well be about a camp russian T800 who teams up with Bill Murray to fight 80s crime.

Very cheesy, very 80s and fun.

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