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Mother of the Bride

Spend your time on other things
Complete waste of time. Trash at it's finest. Awful. Disgusting. Sad to watch highly talented people create a distasteful, disrespectful, degrading movie. Hollywood has been losing money for the past few years and the Oscars have had bad ratings and bad attendance. Movies like this are the reason. One positive moment was at the very begining where dad was acknowledged, which was shocking given the rest of the movie. If you value marriage and family and the joys of weddings, this is not the movie for you. Many other choices out there, make a better choice that will uplift your spirits and bring you joy.

Harmony from the Heart

Jesse and Jessica are TOP NOTCH STARS that do a PHENOMENAL Job in bringing this story to life! The supporting cast are also THE BEST IN THE INDUSTRY!! I was overwhelmed with how accurate this movie was in depicting Music Therapy and how it gets "poo pooed" by Doctors other than Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine Physicians! Jessica had a major role in writing this movie and her accuracy is excellent. The music was perfect as well. The love stories in this movie were also so well acted that it felt like I was in each scene, sitting like a "fly on the wall" as it unfolded. WONDERFUL VALENTINES DAY CLASSIC for YEARS TO COME!! KUDDOS Jessice, Jesse and acting team. Thanks to writers, producers, set design, music ETC .. YOU ARE FANTASTIC!!

Miracle in Bethlehem, PA.

Interesting the way the writers engaged the Biblical account of the Birth of Christ into this film. Clean, free of smut. Not completely accurate. Good discussion movie for when chatting about the Biblical references. More shocked that this movie originally showed up on LGBTQ Hallmark! Hallmark is obviously trying to get their past viewers that prefer Bill Abbott being at the helm. Hallmark failed miserably when booting out Abbott and are likely frustrated that GA Family is doing far better in ratings than "inclusive" Hallmark. Like seeing Ben Ayers in a radically different role. He was funny and challenged me to observe his various talents. Support cast were funny and enjoable to watch. Sets were great as well.

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

Sweet Struggles with Romance
Sarah and Simon do a fantastic job sharing a story of how two rivals with personal internal struggles come together at work to accomplish a huge project. The push-pull of the relationship gets your heart pumping at key moments. Love the concept of a niece living with a relative for education purposes, including that the niece is not a boneheadded teenager but a balanced teen that can enjoy the education pursuit and still enjoy the romance of her aunt. Extremely purehearted movie with a few Christmas capers tied in. Despite other reviews, I think the chemstry is fantastic and Sarah Fisher's natural beauty is a huge draw. Robin Dunne is one of my favs as he has done awesome work and this one is no exception. All the supporting cast is FABULOUS! NIce to see Paul and Jan together again this year as a power couple! Enjoy!!

Christmas in Maple Hills

Score 10 for an AWESOME and TIMELESS MOVIE!!
Marcus Rosner and Emily Alatdo knock it out of the "farm" with chemistry in this well-written, excellently cast movie!! Supporting cast is outstanding also!! Love Amanda Jordan and Adrian Spencer, Zarin, Thom, Bukola, Daneilla, Andrew and the man who played Emily's brother----they all do a FABULOUS job in their respective roles!! Thank you to them for being willing to bring this AMAZING STORY to life!

Celebrate Christmas present with mystery from Christmas's past to uncover the family not talked about secrets. Sheds light on relationship challenges in the main romance as well as the supporting romance and dad/son relationship. I love how this movie incorporates honor to our Military who sacrified for our freedom and exposes what the military personell go through during battle.

Once again score BIG for Great American Family for being willing to show this on their channel.

A Christmas for the Ages

Refreshing and Reflective, Worth the time to watch
Cheryl Ladd, Mel Tuck, Anna Furgeson, Giles Patton, Kate Craven, Anthony Tempano, Natasha Bure, Dean Gibson, Marisa Crouse do a FABULOUS job! SO MUCH TALENT in this movie that reflects on Christmas' past in the present time. Celebrations cherish the Birth of Christ at each family Christmas crawl event and celebrating what the meaning of Family is!! So REFRESHING to see a movie that recognizes and honors God as the REAL MEANING OF CHRISTMAS. Movie contains real family love that is expressed in the actions of enjoying each other and helping each other. Honors what a "MAN" and a "DAD" is, which is SO REFRESHING!! Romance is present at every age, addressed in purity, genuineness and truth without games and smut. A precious and priceless and "timeless" Christmas movie WORTH the time to watch. P. S. Music is fun and festive--TIMELESS CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!

My Christmas Hero

Movie with Value!
As the granddaughter of a Pearl Harbor Survivior, I appreciated the depth that this movie goes to value the lives of the American Military members and Space Force. Although a fiction story with some minor goofs in history, the writers do a fabulous job honoring those who serve and examining the topic of brain injury and PTSD. The entire cast in this movie is A++ .

Loved the American Christmas traditions and many little things that make the season bright instead of "ugly" There was so much hot cocoa that I will be trying to replicate the treat at home. America needed this movie reminder in this season of chaos in the world. Thank you Great American Family for another FABULOUS REAL CHRISTMAS MOVIE!

A Royal Date for Christmas

"Duke Charming"
Classic fairytale story with a "duke" instead of the "prince". Love Damon Runyan and Danica McKellar paired up in this modern day, not-a-cinderella story of blooming love, beautiful etiqutte, respect for tradition, honoring Christmas' past, getting past grief, and dealing with the paparazzi. I enjoyed watching this story unfold and glad for how the modern day challenges were addressed. Writers do a good job displaying what disrespect for formalities can breed. Supporting cast is fabulous! I am now a fan of Patrice Goodman, Deanna Jarvis, Vicki Papvis, Nigel Hammer! Sets, music, costumes all well-thought out and presented. Backstage deserves kuddos. Felt refreshed, uplifted, and ready for a Christmas party with traditional Christmas carols and food after viewing.

Jingle Smells

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN MOVIE!!! The movie interweaved many serious topics that are present and REAL in today's culture and brought them together in a fun, and yet serious, way. I was laughing one minute and seriously aware the next minute. Hollywood needs more real to life movies like this that teach how to make good decisions when faced with life's deception and yet find the humor and love that is present at the same time. Well worth the dollar spent and the time spent to ponder life's realities and also learn how to navigate and find what truly matters. Excellent work Logan Sekulow, Bart Scott and Sean Hannity!!

Paris Christmas Waltz

I didn't but you might
I did not enjoy this movie. However, people that love Paris and think it is the romance capital of the world might. Story is about a kind woman who gives up her job for the sake of another when the "happenstance" moment occurs and she is swept away for a Christmas in Paris with the man of her "wish come true" from the previous Christmas. He dances like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins around the streets of Paris which is supposed to captivate the viewer-It didn't for me. The typical deceptions occur and the woman falls prey, and in the end, comes out on top. I am confident that others will enjoy the talent in this movie and the beauty as the acting is good and the sets are well-done. Movie didn't do a thing for me to put me in the Christmas mood. Only one rewarding moment in the entire movie for me. All the glitz and glamour does not cut it for me but like I wrote, others will enjoy.

Santa, Maybe

Cute Story - Needs a little more development
I enjoyed the movie and it kept my attention. Covers several true-to-life side stories to learn from which I enjoyed. Acting was excellent throughout as the entire cast brought the story to life in a genuine way. Rated it a "7" because I feel the supporting cast stories could be developed more. (Loved seeing Brooklyn Brough again) Lila's family and Glenn's family had lots of interesting idioscracies that were "touched" on but I would have liked to see more time spent on. May be some of the "theater" workers. Music choices were fantastic! Overall it is a wonderful, uplifting movie and when it ended, I found mysefl personally challenged and inspired.

Journey to Christmas

I was not familiar with the leading cast members prior to this movie. I have become a fan of Ash Tsai and Joey Hayworth now. The two have excellent Chemistry throughout the movie - Fresh, sweet, appear genuinely enamored with one another. I love the way the couple meet and how the relationship develops, something that is completely rare in 99 percent of Hollywood movies today. Kuddos to the writers! The scenery and sets are realistic for common people . I feel the set designers did a wonderful job creating "real life" at the various stops and the main home used in the movie. Once again, a thank you to all invoved for making a movie that I happy and uplifted at the end. This is a good one for a sequel!

A Christmas Blessing

A Christmas Hug!
This movie has a A+++++cast....several of the cast members are excellent actors and actresses! The main character inherits property and as often is the case, the buyer is ready and overly passionate about getting moved in. The twists and turns, stimulated my viewer mindset, keeping me engaged throughout the movie. I love warmhearted Christmas movies that promote the true meaning of Christmas and this one does just that. Many people suffer hard times, and Christmas often emphasizes those losses and struggles. This movie is a gentle reminder of what is important in life and how not to act when faced with the hardships of others. Great Job Great American Family for keeping it real. Thank you Cast for your sacrifice for being on a Movie that is sensible and has value!

Christmas Keepsake

Captivated in the First Five Minutes!!
I was captivated in the first 5 minutes of Christmas Keepsake by the love of a father for his daughter. Daniel and Ellie do a remarkable job that makes one think they are a real father and daughter combo. I think that is what makes this movie so special, the genuineness of all the cast to make the main story and the side stories come to life. Jillian is fabulous also as is the woman who plays her mom. I love the way Christ is honored in this movie as well, not only on Christmas Eve, but also instead of the tree lighting being the focus, the Nativity Scene reveal draws the town together--priceless! The multiple lessons throughout the movie are also extremely well inter-weaved. I rated it 1000+ Just such a wonderful movie!! Hollywood needs more of these kind of uplifting and genuine Christmas movies. Expecting critics to complain and whine about this amazing movie. Whatever the critics whine about, watch the movie anyway. It will uplift your emotions and encourage you!

Our Christmas Wedding

Cute Sequel to My Boss' Wedding
I enjoyed this movie. Drew and Holly are fast becoming an iconic "movie" couple. They have awesome chemistry whenever they are cast side by side. I liked the way the story starts and unfolds. It is not what I expected and that is a good thing. This movie is a continuation of "My Boss' Wedding" I recommend watching that before watching this movie so you can understand the Character development. The music, the sets, the makeup, the wardrobe are all well-done. The supporting cast do a wonderful job also. This is a lighthearted movie that has it's serious teaching moments. It is clean and smut free which is another huge plus.

Bringing Christmas Home

Wonderful story that captures the heart and has a sweet adventure while love develops. The beauty of of this movie is that all cast are incredibly talented (main, supporting, extras) that bring to life this beautiful story. I have a great respect for military personnel who sacrifice their lives. This movie honors that perspective. The sets, the costumes, the music, the make-up are perfect in my opinion. This movie also addresses the stress military personnel experience in the line of duty without getting too graphic and the challenges returning to civiian life --- all written in good taste. LOVE IT!!

Destined 2: Christmas Once More

Must Watch Sequel!!
This was a fun movie to watch unfold!! The majority of same cast from the original movie developed their characters in this one and I loved that! Unfortuately I could not find the full names other than the lead roles of Shae and Casey. However, Noah and Wexiln who play Hunter and Vickie do a great job in making the story come to life. "Mia" and "Ashley", whose characters also develop more in this sequel, add the antics of children that make this movie believable, funny and heartwarming all at the same time.. Gotta say, the role of Kim's mom calmed down from the original which helped me not be annoyed with "Mom" - Pam Echler is a great actress and I have to give her credit for her ablity to create an "annoying mom" as she nailed it in the first movie--just glad she did not have to fully reprise that again in this sequel! Again, loved this sequel and Thank you to all who made this possible. Thank God for another decent movie that is worth watching and not filled with vulgarity and does not destroy the family unit!

Twas the Text Before Christmas

Delightful and Funny
I enjoyed watching this movie! Merritt Patersen and Trevor Donavan are so talented! They both can create characters, develop the story and create chemistry no matter who they are matched up with in a leading role! Just love the two of them playing opposite each other in a romance movie. This movie addresses multigenerational family life which is refreshing in today's world! Jayne Eastwood and Rob Stewart are great as is the rest of the cast. The story has some interesting twists and turns and teaches what can happen when a "divine" appointment leads to more than just one moment in time! The writer deserves some allocades and the set crew and makeup/wardrobe did a great job too!! Thankful for another clean and decent movie to watch!! Thank you Bill Abbott and your team!

Swing Into Romance

Heartwarming and Relaxing
This movie was heartwarming and relaxing even though it was a "swing" movie! Contains multi-generational family member issues and the internal struggles while moving through life's journey to resolve. Acting was top notch for all cast. "Taylor" added to the heartwarming aspect of this movie as she is an adorable girl that is all warmth, cuteness and fun wrapped into one character, I am inspired to get my dancing shoes on and work through the physical demands of "swing" after watching this movie. Once again, well picked choice for Bill Abbott and his team. So grateful for something decent and worthwhile once again from the hard working, clean and respectable writing and directing teams who create inspiring and educational movies.

A Harvest Homecoming

Heartwarming Harvest Movie
Enjoyed the storyline of this movie! This movie captures multi-generational issues within a soild family with grandfather, mother and father, and adult children. The movie incorporates delicate issues of romance --> challenges of getting oneself back into the dating world as a thirty-something and as an older adult. Work related challenges are also incorportated into the movie and that is also multi-generational. I love that although the main storyline is front and center, the sideline situations are weaved well into the main story. The fall decor throughout the movie is well-done and tasteful, without the "overkill" that some Christmas movies have. The Lord is acknowledged and incorporated at key points, which makes the movie one to watch for learning about how God works in tlife, if you choose to let Him be part. EXCELLENT! REFRESHING!! TOP TALENT!! The cast is outstanding...

One Perfect Match

This is an EXCELLENT Movie! It should be shown in all university and college campuses because of the outstanding ethical decisions made by the characters! Hollywood NEEDS MORE WRITERS THAT CAN WRITE IN THIS STYLE!! I LOVED this MOVIE! So REFRESHING AND WELL- DONE in every aspect! The cast was excellent. The background sets were great. Make-up and wardrobe top-notch! Where has the writer(s) been hiding?? I would LOVE to see more movies made with this class of writing! Such a relief not to have to watch perversion and disrespect weaved into a rom-com when trying to relax. This movie deserves awards! I hope it get some and I hope some people in Hollywood take a lesson from the content of this movie!! DOUBLE KUDDOS TO THE WRITER(S)

10 Truths About Love

Frankly, I have never seen any work of Camila Belle. This was my first time as her other work has been out of my movie/tv preferences. She is an outstanding actress. David Lafontaine I have seen in supporting roles so it was great to see him in a lead role! Both did an outstanding job in this cute and funny story about love and romance. I watched this on Great American Family under a different title. Outstanding choice to bring on GAFamily! So grateful for people like Bill Abbott who are supporting clean, funny and refreshing movies. The supporting cast were excellent as well so kuddos to them. Loved the sets and costumes as well. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!

When Calls the Heart

Waste of Time since Dan Lissing Left
I watched the first seasons of When Calls the Heart. The stories, the sets, the acting were are genuine, capturing the essence of life on the frontier. When they killed Jack's Character, the show went downhill. Now, it is completely stupid. The relationships have no chemistry any more. Rosemary and Lee are the headline couple as Elizabeth and Lucas are totally not what frontier living is. Teachers in those days were not allowed to drink alcohol nor be found in saloons. This program is a waste of time and a bunch of 2020 culture staged in 1920. Hope it goes off the air soon. Hallmark leadership ruined this show for the sake of "DEI" ...

Learning to Love

Will not watch again
This was a bad movie. The story was decent. The leading lady did a poor job. Very choppy in her lines and not authentic. The female lead character was arrogant in her "help" with the family. I disliked her style and she came off as "fake". The children's behavior and meannes to nannys was over the top fake and puke-worthy, in addition the children did not receive consequences for their bad behavior. For a "faith and family" movie, I was disgusted. Going to church and reading about Noah is not showing how the Lord influences life choices. I did not see it being anything outstanding . I do not recommend this for families to watch with children. Really a poorly made movie. The one positive was Mr. Boyd's character. He came off sincere and genuine throughout.

Dream Wedding

WOW!! All the BAD Reviews??????
I liked this movie. I thougth Jesse and Rebecca told a realistic story about what women in this day and age do!! I feel like the 12 bad reviews I read were ridculous. I watched the movie from start to finish. It kept me engaged. Again, the storyline was realistic to what women do in real life to get what they want. The acting was great by all cast members. The sets, costumes, make-up were in good taste. No swearing, no immoral behavior. Great American Family made an excellent choice on showing this film. Reading the reviews made me wonder what kind of lives the writers of the bad reviews live. I liked it. Glad it was on the air!

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