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Hit Man

The 'real' Gary Johnson was not a murderer!
This is NOT a spoiler. The credits show a photo of the real Gary Johnson and says "he did not murder anyone."So much hype and then as I viewed the film I realized the funniest moments were the few seconds showing mug shots of those Gary nailed for soliciting murders. Other then that there is a dearth of humor.

What police department hires a 'teacher' to do undercover work? I am scratching my head thinking this is absurd. Later learned I was right, the real Gary was an investigator for the local DA's office, so an official law enforcement officer.

The entire romance was fictionalized. Okay, no real problem with that, done in so many 'based on true events' films. BUT having BOTH Gary and Madison end the film as happy go lucky murderers was absurd and neatly destroyed any semblance of 'romcom.' Such a totally needless ending. Good acting, yes, BUT here all the hype fails given the many flaws in this effort.


Writers must believe we are morons!
I get that the husband is a workaholic loser and so the wife needs some 'space' away from him. Enter Melissa Genie granting him 'unlimited' wishes. Wrong! So nonsensical since he now has the power to pretty much change the world i.e. Create a trillioni dollar foundations for every disease known to man! Maybe win some huge state lotteries and donate the cash??? He has a couple of final wishes, maybe use them for family health crisis, kid's education, money to guarantee the families financial future (especially since he is newly unemployed). Nope forget any such things all of us might well do. Why insure your kids education and family's health and security when you can use final wises to get a restaurant table and then to order a peanut butter sandwich when it is not on the menu? Worst writing ever! None of this is any sort of spoiler to the main story, wife/husband/kid and we all know how that will end in all the nice family comedies.


Ten for entertainment value - What a fun ride!
Could not believe the low reviews on this one. FIrst, not an Adam Driver fan but he won me over here. Driver and 9 year old Greenblatt are superb, with Greenblatt nearly mute the entire film. Together they deliver a fine non-stop adventure as they barttle dinosaurs galore. The production value wass high, filmed from Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana to Ireland! Awesome special effects as well as ultra cool views of the planet. The final scenes were beautiful to view.

Overall, I was totally entertained, start to finish, with all aspects of this film. And that is what good movie making is all about. And all this with Driver and a 9 year old who speaks a language Driver can not understand. Kudos to Greenblatt for her great performance. Big things ahead for her. Ignore the low reviews, grab your popcon, kick back and enjoy!

Autumn in the City

Only thing worse then plot holes is the ENDING!
On its face this seems to be a nice bit of romcom. Piper moves to NYC for two months during which she 'must' discover and embark upon her proper career path. Her handsome neighbor Austin is a fine love interest if dare I say their was a speck of love interest shown on the screen prior to the final scenes of the film. They go from being neighbors to Piper doing illustrations for the kids book series Austin is seeking to have published.

Through 98% of he film the two never do as much as hold hands. Aside from trope smiles here and their there is only a working relationship with zero physical contact, no kissing just their work collaboration. Here is where the screen writers went off the rails. In a final scene, after book related obstacles are overcome, Piper and Austin admit they are in love and want to be together forever. But flash back to the preceding scene where Piper has not met her two month goal and we see Piper leaving her apartment with her luggage and heading to the airport. She later says 'I'm not good with good byes' as the reason she was leaving Austin forever without so much talking to him about it. Absurd! So, at this point their unspoken love is DOA because Piper's two month job plan had failed. Like, what about the option of staying in NYC with the love of your life? Maybe even discussing this with the 'love of your life.' Maybe Austin, knowing Piper's two month sub let is up would have discussed this with Piper since he is head over heels (unspoken) in love with her. Are we to believe love can not survive the expiration of a sublet:? Here the end of an eight weeks meant the end of love. To recap: For 98% of the film the two are 'silently' falling madly in love BUT there is zero on screen evidence of any romantic relationship. Then, when her sublet is up Piper is leaving without a word of discussion with Austin, the love of her ilfe. The screen writers toss two bones in the final scenes. Piper's career quest comes through and hence the two are permitted to now declare their love. Title should have been: Love DOA if the job hunt fails!

Shotgun Wedding

It was taking on water, when the 'terrorists' sunk it!
I can not fathom how Lopez, with all her star power and money can not find/wait for a great, good or even passable romcom script. Really, it boggles the mind! Her fiance walk into the rehersal his hair dishevoled and soaking wet and no one notices this for minutes. Why is it wet she asks? I went for a moonlitght swim (on his way to the rehersal). Another example of level or humor: Jenifer Coolidge: When I'm in formal wear I like to pee standing up. If th is was a Woody Allen film the addtion of gun toting terrorists might possibly have worked. Even when they were firing automatic weapons. Here, it is below awful. It was at this point I hit the STOP button. That she would agree to wear an absurd looking wedding dress, another non starter. I saw zero redeemable attributes during the brief time I was tortured watching the first 20 minutes of this so called romcom.


10th sequel to 'Robot Gone Rogue' films
Really, WHY? I was conservative referring to 'only; 10 prior rober gone rogue movies. Scores for sure. The kid was a horrid actress and the story was so predictable and mostly boring. Rogue robots tend to kill those who are a threat to themselves or someone they are programmed to protect. This yahoo screenwriter has the robot kill someone who is neither! There is a near zero body count anther reason for thumbs down. Even the cool giant robot at home proves to be non consquential in the end. All the elements needed when trying to do yet another robot goes rogue movie are missing. Lack luster script, poor acting all arond especiall the key kid role, no real thrills, rediculos low body count, worst guardian in the world and so on. Yawn yawn yawn....!


Ten star salute to Die Hard and Under Seige! Elsa Pataky ROCKS!
Ignore any and all low ratings IF you liked great, awesome actions like Die Hard and Under Seige. Lead actress Elsa Padauk plays Capt JJ Collins. Mr. Evil is played by Luke Bracey who does very well as the 'evil genius willing and eager to kill 300 million Americans. Back to the absolute all star, Elsa Padauk. She is in virtually every heart pounding scene. Actions scenes are endless and super well choreographed. It looks as if Elsa may have done many of her own stunt works. The camera loves Esla and she excels in this super star making role. Just as a sky scraper and ship were the focal point in Die Hard and Under Sedge we have here a ocean based missel interceptor platform as the structure at the heart of the film and it works well in every way. Great script with some cool surprises. No major plot holes obvious to most all viewers. Simply stated an easy ten star rating for a super entertaining female lead action film. Also, sentiment i.e. Her back story and role played by her dad. This is woman empowerment that saves us all!!! What total, entertaining, action FUN!!! Bravo Elsa.

The Noel Diary

An otherwise good movie trashed by its ending
We all know bad endings but this one should win a bad endings award. Rachael has been hell bent on finding her birth mother so she could corner her and pose one searing question: why did you not love me? Jacob joins her journey and they do find her name and where she is living just a couple of hours drive. THEN Rachael reads her birth mom's diary and learns that she loved baby Racheal and would always love her despite the having to give her up for adoption. What could possibly go wrong here.

Rachael having read the diary decides there is NO REASON for her to drive the couple of hours and visit her birth mother who has declared in the diary her never ending love for Rachael.

Get it? When she believed her birth mother never loved her she had to meet her. When she now knows her birth mother always loved her she , like Rosanna Danna of SNL says, NEVER MIND!

No more reason to see/meet her birth mom.

Kung Fu Ghost

A grade B title for a film that is grade A qwirky, funny and entertaining!
I just watched this film and despite various technical flaws I was so very entertained from start to finish. My hat is off to writer Ivan Wright for so many funny lines delivered by delightful, eye catching, super talented Jennifer N. Linch. LIke when Daisy complains about being possessed by a fat Jackie Chan and how difficult it is to be sexy. Yes, klunky here and there and Warren seemed stiff as a board delivering his lines but Jennifers presence in virtually every seen made for such a fun movie 'ride'. The various surreal, colorful foilage scenes were an peasant surprise. Artsy in a good way. In the end it was Jennifer who steals the show from the moment she gives her cat bills to pay to her amazing first hours in the house and never ending comedic complaints she was a joy to behold. Thumbs up for a unique, fun, entertaining film.


Both deserved to die....of stupidity!
I have read 'climber reviews' and agree their 'plan' from lacking in essential equipment to not tellinga anyone where they were going was nonsense. They don't tie themselves together so one or both should have died in their sleep rolling off the platform. No way she could survive a huge tallon vulcher attack hanging on a slim pole with no life line. No one mentions the red beacon and the fact that once take out it hould signal someonoe to ASAP replace it given it is like a functioning lighthouse. No mention that the beacon must be monitored. Battery is life and death and she's watching video! And no last scene of her near ly expired when she hears the whirring sounds of a rescue helecoptor. After all we invest in viewing and no rescue scene.

The Princess

The Princess kicks butt like an entertaining Eveready bunny
The Princess (Joey) is in every action packed scene of this fun fest flick.

Excellent cast, good script and high production value for starters. I have not enjoyed such a fun, action packed film in quite a while. Just what we need for these awful reality based days. Slicing, dicing, sliding, jumping, hi diving yada yada this film has it all. On top of that one of the funniest fat soldier charactors and scenes I have ever seen! Inclding the very last word on the screen. Grab the popcorn and go for it.

Marvelous and the Black Hole

Talened young actress in 'fun w/Rea's magic' quirky coming of grief age film
Quite a waste calling this film predictable. Like calling James Bond films 'predictable.' The ensemble cast did a great job in this small budget film that examines one teen's grief based destructive path angst. Then, to our viewer delight we have the arrival of Rhea Perlman the 'magician' and the real star of the film Sebastian the rabbit. The look and feel of a well made low budget indie film with a big dose of feel good angst resolution!

The Valet

A lovely, heartfelf, fun film that is NOT a romantic comedy!
This film surprises most who have seen it BUT most miss the point. This is a great ANTI--romantic comedy! For starters the lead actor playing Antonio, is 30 years Olivia's senior. Also, Antonio looks his age and is no where near the silver fox Cary Grant type that might date such a young super start actress. We are left to suspend belief that the two can convince the press and public that they are dating. This aside, Olivia is in an awful relationship with a low life married man. For his part Antonio tells us 'I have not gone out on a date in like forever.' Unlike, most all romcoms here there is never any romance between Olivia and Antonio. What is the point of this movie? The movie shines in that it is all about FRIENDSHIP not romance. Where most romantic comedies end with true, happily ever love this movie is about a new, unexpected, enduring FRIENDSHIP. The 'subplot, is all about family which is a new and loving experience for Olivia and with a great supporting cast. They missed one and should have had Olivia, in disguise, attending a funeral with Antonio glancing in her direction. In the end Antonio has helped Olivia improve her life and he is overjoyed to be going out on a second date with the lovely owner of a nearby bicycle shop! This movie's 'happy ending' is not about finding true love and is all about a finding a new friendThis film surprises most who have seen it BUT most miss the point. This is a great ANTI--romantic comedy! For starters the lead actor playing Antonio, is THIRTY year Olivia's senior. Also, Antonio looks his age, he is no where near the silver fox Cary Grant type that might date such a young super start actress. We are left to suspend belief that the two can convince the press and public that they are dating. This aside, Olivia is in an awful relationship with a low life married man. For his part Antonio tells us 'I have not gone out on a date in like forever.' Unlike, most all romcoms here there is never any romance between Olivia and Antonio. What is the point of this movie? The movie shines in that is all about FRIENDSHIP not romance. Where most romantic comedies end with true, happily ever love this movie is about a new, unexpected, enduring FRIENDSHIP. The 'subplot, is all about family which is a new and loving experience for Olivia and with a great supporting cast. They missed one and should have had Olivia, in disguise, attending a funeral with Antonio glancing in her direction. In the end Antonio has helped Olivia improve her life and he is overjoyed to be going out on a second date with the lovely owner of a nearby bicycle shop! This movie's 'happy ending' is not about finding true love and is all about new friends!

Zoe and the Astronaut

Most get it wrong...Fun except for missing dialogue and plot holes
First major complaint is that Jacque "... never gives Zoe a choice." Not so! Jacque's key conversation with Zoe occurs off screen BUT we know he is going to tell Zoe that he is an alien and also his reason for coming to Earth. Is Zoe's 'cure' permanent in which case she can choose to stay here on Earth or is it temporary? Zoe answers this when she tells her crazed parents "if my only option is cancer or life with Jacque I choose life." So we know her cure is temporary has been told by Jacque that it will be permanent only if she 'chooses' to leave with him. The dying race theme comes right out of The Last Mimzy. In that case a 'race' was saved by toy rabbit Mimzy simply collecting DNA. Here the alien race needs Zoe herself. This brings up Jacque's mention that on his planet Zoe will be a queen and she will repopulate his specie. Scary thought! Rest assured Zoe will not be a sex slave since Jacque assures her dad that on his planet Zoe will have everything she wants. Could be his scientists will harvest her eggs over many years etc Will use Zoe's eggs for next decades. When dad asks Jacque 'will you force her to leave? Writers made an awful mistake by having Jacque remain silent. He should have issued a resounding NO! The parents are off the chart and hard to watch but did note there was no indication that Jacque loved Zoe. That is for Zoe to decide which she has. Also, an alien is not expected to confess love as we do. If you fill in plot holes, make assumption and connect dots it sort of makes sense. Zoe and Jacque are in love, expressed on their terms, her cure is temporary so she must leave and she will not be a sex slave. As Zoe believes....be happy don't worry!!!

Wolf Like Me

Fun ride BUT huge plot hole!
Should have been a 2hr movie so just viewed it as such and really liked Isle and the kid. Great final episode. Now to the huge plot hole. Isle says she 'ate' her husband in Italy. We know a situation may arise 'again' where she can not get back to her locked room. So, impossible for Josh to live with her since she admitted killing a 'loved one.' No sane dad would risk his daughter's life in this situation. Script should never have had her admit to killing her husband. Deal breaker plot hole. Josh was lucky this time that she had the two very evil men to snack on, taking one's head for a late night dinner.

The Carducci Talent Show

As Seinfeld might say: It's about nothing!
Utter video jibberish, nonsense! We know frame one that either she will be 'hunted' of someone else will die. Zero talent and less the zero story. Why in the world are they all looking shocked or dazed when they supposedly wanted this to happen? Why did they want it to happen? How do they benefit? How does branding make one a family member when no magic of any kind is shown? You know the drill...says leader. Meaning every year they call the police to announce another suicide. You think the cops might not buy it AGAIN? Calling cops is more inept writing! Why does the leader put gloves on? Since they are counting on suicide not murder all he need do is put the gun on the table next to the knife. What good is a noose? Is he supposed to hold it in one hand and hang himself? In then end an utter waste of time.

Home for Harvest

Totaly lame screenplay/story line!
I usually stay far away from 'she returns to her home town and runs into/meets/has to work with her old boyfriend' films. But here we are told Katie will meet both her old boyfriend and a 'new' love interest. Good start and then headed full speed down hill. First Katie is a woman who fled the town and later when her mother was dying she refused to help her sister care for their mom. Later Katie admits her sister called and she Katie never called the sister back, so they are totally estranged. With all that history Katie winds up staying at her sister's home and then after all the hugs tells her sis the she was forced against her will, by employer to make this return visit to write an article. Had zero to do with seeing her sister, brother in law and very young niece. New love interest reads an article quoting Katie and which upsets him. He confronts Katie who says the article is fiction, totally untrue. Love interest Noah storms off not caring one wit to hear Katie explain how it got printed. One nonsensical mess with zero entertainment value.

Endangered Species

Lunatic 'dad' & airhead family had me rooting for the animals!
Having been to Africa, including photo safari game runs, on two memorable occasions I sat bug eyed in disbelief at the gross stupidity of this screenplay. For the first time in recorded history lunatic 'dad' books plane tickets and a safari lodge (hotel) but intentionally does NOT book a photo safari for the family. Photo safari means a vehicle and at the very least a driver/guide who will find the wildlife, identify the wildlife and and assure your survival driving to and from the safari lodge. While you could technically rent a vehicle in Nairobi zero safari hotels, in the wild, will provide a vehicle for guests to head out on their own. What could be worse then going it alone? Driving off the main safari road so that you are guaranteed to be lost and with chances of all surviving being reduced to about zero. More kudos for an absurd screenplay!

And this is merely the premise of this absurd film, as many others have mentioned. The CGI was awful but the actors did an okay job playing the role of idiots per the screenplay they were stuck with. This film would have rated 8 stars if it was titled: The Three Stooges and Their Families Go On Safari!

It Was Always You

The ridiculous screenplay screamed 'abort' this nonsense
There have been many films with this very same premise. Mismatched couple usually involving a workaholic fiancé and suddenly the wife-to-be meets the person who was meant to be her soul mate. Some films do a fine job but you need minimal ingredients i.e. Decent screenplay and actors with chemistry. Enter Eren playing Liz and her fiances globe trotting and borderline insane brother David.

Why borderline insane? Erin and George's mother and family are deep asleep at 2am when she (and presumably all others) is jolted out of bed by ear piercingly loud, blaring hard rock music. She rushes downstairs.... David it's 2am...you'll wake your mother and your entire family! Now the screenplay goes off the rails creating a selfish, self centered, unfeeling and insanely inconsiderate David who could not care less. I'm still on Tibetan he replies. Obviously, the screen writers created a David monster who will not, at his age, be changing his personality disorder.

At this point a little voice spoke to me: 'abort, abort, abort.' I do hope the film went on to have the mother take a large wooden paddle to David, her utterly uncaring and disrespectful son.

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