
IMDb member since December 2006
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Bones: The Man in the Mansion
Episode 14, Season 2

Booth annoyed me here
I really enjoy this series but this episode irritated me. The dynamic of all the characters is so good and well written that it's great getting lost in the episodes. Of course it's a little obvious when "there is only one spot in the country that has this dirt" or whatever that it's a little hokey but who cares. This episode annoyed me because of the Booth/Hodgins thing. Booth is so angry at Hodgins for disrupting the crime scene and compromising evidence, but he was totally fine doing the exact same thing when Bones was in NO and he picked up her earring when she was suspect #1. Like I said, I love this show and all the characters but I found myself annoyed at that point. Oh well, lol.

77 Minutes

What is the filmmaker hoping to achieve?
There are always tough aspects when you watch a documentary about such an awful act of violence by someone. The overall incident was well documented and the interviews with the victims gave the sense of how awful this was, though the crime scene video of the inside of the restaurant seemed a little gratuitous but that's fine. What really overshadowed the whole situation was the filmmakers desire to position the police as being incompetent and costing an unknown number of lives that would have been saved had they not been the worst police in the history of the world I guess. As someone wielding a camera and a microphone he seems to have a lot to say about what officers should have done and that protocol should have been different. The only reason 21 people were killed here was due to a single man who was a monster. Leave your feelings towards police out of it and just focus on the story. Too over the top with that slant he was putting on it.

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