
IMDb member since May 2021
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The Taking

Good grief! It has every cliché of the generally poor "found footage" genre and doesn't do anything with it.

Nothing scary; nothing new; nothing worth wasting time on. I did actually watch it to the end because sometimes you have to watch something through just to see if it can get better/worse and for giggles.

Lots of silly growling; writhing around; daft voices; people who can't turn a light on; possessed character with their back turned to the camera; dust covers over objects in a spooky room; a scene in the woods; random banging; black bodily fluids; infrared camera footage!

This whole genre needs to end.

Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin

As bad as all the others
Wow, how can a story this boring find it's way to becoming yet another in the series of bad films; have no lessons been learned?

No surprises, no jumps, no scares, no actual interesting plot.

It's not particularly badly acted, but there is nothing to interest or excite a viewer who has an ounce of intellect.

I'm finding it really hard and indeed most difficult to relay anything else in this review to express how utterly terrible and pointless this film is, yet alone any positive words. Now I'm just continuing to type to complete the requirement of a minimum of six hundred characters for the review.

The Canterville Ghost

A great short story ruined.
A Britain the British won't recognise and one sold to the population of the United States that even they are unlikely to believe.

I've always liked the story and always find time to watch any version of it when it is presented, even though they are usually only loosely based on the original. This time they have gone too far, by embellishing the story so much it barely resembles it at all.

Add to that the ridiculous notion that a small village and its occupants is somehow in need of being saved from its stiff-upper-lipped and stuffy self by the American dream is utterly infuriating.

So-so acting, dragged down further by the terrible accents and then crushed further into the dirt by a contemptible story alteration make for an excruciating watching experience.

Save yourselves!

Paranormal Activity

Originally, I saw this at the cinema and was incredibly underwhelmed by the lack of anything really happening, certainly nothing to horrify or frighten me or my partner, with zero jumpy moments.

We have just watched it again on TV, just to see if it was as rubbish as we remember - it was.

The acting is fine and they do a good job and I get that it is supposed to be found footage and realistic, but the film is just lacking anything scary. The ending is daft and made us both say " that it?" Which you'll say at the end of this review.

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