
IMDb member since May 2021
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The Girl in the Dress

Not your average Rom-com
From the start of the short film we receive a feminine up-beating type of intro that captivates you and makes you engaged. I really appreciate the way the production crew decided to set the piece. The chirping of the birds were relaxing and nostalgic like taking strolls in the park or waking up in the morning hearing them; while the view of the park and being outside made it feel adventurous and a scenario that would possibly happen any other day. Well maybe not.

Our first character introduction was Emily. My first impressions of her were that she's an anxious person who needed to be somewhere urgently or even needed to get something done. While sporting a white dress that looks underwhelming she begins to mutter to herself, we see that she's worried and in thought. As she begins to converse with the "statue man" of Henry VIII, we later learn that his name is Rob, we find out that she's attending a wedding but starts blaming Henry VIII for the situation she is in. Rob, being the helpful, friendly and honest man he is, tries to talk her out of her cold feet and cheer her up with his exercise he learnt in his acting classes. The way Rob looks at her after clearly shows he's having a love at first sight experience with Emily.

Before we're introduced to Mary, Emily's best friend, we find out in the most hilarious way that there is a plot twist. Emily is not the bride to be but a contender for the heart of the groom. Now the sympathy for her is gone out the window and she comes off delusional and infatuated with someone she could possibly not get. Mary comes and tries to talk some sense into Emily however it's not easy getting through to someone in love since they do things they normally wouldn't. When Mary walks up to say a few words in the altar she spots Emily hiding and puts her knee on head. She deserves it for sneaking there before the ceremony after all and honestly that was an unexpected but humorous expression between best friends because it would be relatable in a way. The film comes to an end after the wedding finishes and the best friends leave the altar together. Emily comes to the understanding she has to love and let go otherwise there's no moving forward. Mary goes ahead without Emily Leaving her and Rob together. I really did want to see the interactions between them at the reception or where the friendship could have gone and even other peoples reactions towards robs attire as he wasn't appropriately dressed.

Gin & Dry

Full of humor and surprises.
Gin and Dry is set in an elderly home revolving around somewhat alcoholic elderly people. As soon as it starts we're welcomed by a sort of jazz or classical music the protagonist plays that gives off an older, mature vibe for the short film.

We're introduced to Albi, the protagonist, who is reminiscing with his partner I'd assume because he's wearing a ring on his wedding finger. This sequence is sweet, soothing and romantic because it shows that love doesn't age no matter how much you grow up.

The lighting in the film is bright and uplifting which could signify mischief or being active, this fits well with the next scene of the elderly's reaction towards the carer. I loved how they all were completely unbothered, uninterested and eager for something else while the carer was speaking. On the other hand it was quite hard to understand what some of them were saying at times but I'd guess that's intentional in a way. I personally found it hard to stay focused and engaged since I found it a bit dull. The story just isn't engaging enough for me and I didn't connect with anybody in the care home until the very ending which was too late but I did enjoy the music used in the background, it contrasted with what was happening as in the characters were being a pain to the carer while mellow music was playing. The main character is thoughtful and caring compared to the others and this is shown throughout his actions towards others and monologue to the tied up carer.

The ending was so heart touching and stood out to me most, I literally kept on shouting "No, No, Don't" as the camera angles changed because I had a feeling of what was going to come and I was right. Maybe Albi was using the alcohol as an escape or either a way to recollect the past. As you watch the end you come to a realization and understanding why he acts the way he does and why he is humbled and less agitated than others.

Killing Thyme

Incredible in its own way.
From the beginning you're introduced to one of the first themes of the movie, Misunderstandings. The first misunderstanding you face here is that it is not a playful or fun movie regardless of the choice of music and first character introduced. The audience are drawn in by the mischief that quickly transitions into darkness projected by the old man who is then introduced.

Between the interactions and dialogues between these two you come to see they are polar opposites by their ideals and thoughts of life. Through the child's eyes you see hope and hope while through the adults you see the opposite. Regardless of this the child by nature is persistent on getting what he wants and making the changes he desires. Throughout the course of their relationship you see it begins to grow as they open up to each other and come to certain agreements. The child not only changes the garden but slowly the old man as he rubs off on him, this is a pleasant thing to witness and enjoy as it's heart-warming.

By the end of the movie you see that misunderstandings are resolved and because of some experiences the man and child both come to embrace things together and surely become much closer and potentially relying on each other.


Has the potential to be better yet still worth the watch.
Hawk is an dark, eerie, mythological and historical film about a young boy who must come to understand the balance of nature and Gods as he grows. Even though this is a short film it has the potential to feel like a cinema movie or even a series leaving me guessing and wondering where the boy's choices are going to lead him to next.

The relationship between the two main characters are of master and student, the master goes through the days in the wild teaching the young boy survival skills, history about the land and myths about gods. Since the movie is set in the forest you can see that there's a hierarchy and food chain in place along with a sense that something unexpected might happen to the characters. From start to finish the skies kind of determined what the mood of the scene was. E.g. Clear skies meaning it was calm, dark skies meaning something mysterious is going on and thunder skies meaning something suspenseful or dangerous was going on.

The film is narrated by the older version of the young boy who must go through redemption after upsetting a god of the forest. I personally think he was put through a test to see if he learned anything at all or if he was still ignorant which was signified in the first few minutes of the movie. By the end he meets the god of the forest; some would argue that he deserved a better ending or even karma caught up to him but I think it's fair considering the choices he's made.

The Man from Mo'Wax

Interesting and diverse music Documentary
Normally documentaries about animals, space or even old mythologies would captivate me and keep me hooked every second gone by, unfortunately this one struggles to do that.

"The man from Mo'wax is about an artist named James Lavelle. It's a journey through his life and the hardship he's gone through to become successful within the music industry.

Documentaries about music are not normally interesting to me, unless it's similar to "Straight Outta Compton" or artists I actually listen to, but there were aspects of this film that did manage to catch my eye. The information and history told throughout the documentary are in depth and enlightening especially since I knew nothing about this person beforehand. The audience is brought through his life as a child to an adult with flashbacks, old pictures and videos showing what the world was like before the 21st century, which I enjoyed. I like the fact they had a lot of different people telling their own stories and experiences with James but his most satisfying one had to be his mothers. What I was also fond of was the journey of music genres, it showed how far we've evolved and nurtured it throughout the years along with the different sounds and changes it's been through.

James's success and voyage within the music industry is also an inspiration to anyone else trying to as well. Perseverance and building connections were a few of the things that made James stand out from others; his potential was limitless.

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