
IMDb member since December 2006
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    17 years



waste of time
I do not know how this film got such a high rating it is a terrible film. The acting is over done a bunch of weeping saps that put there self's in that position. The main character Rob how he could endanger his friends at his own needs is shockingly selfish, the biggest coward in film history. Pointless story poor characterisation no point to telling this story after watching it I felt cheated oh why did I not turn off earlier? Why god oh why? I can not think of one redeeming feature about this s$*%, do not believe the hype, do not watch this drivel do not waste your money or time learn from my mistake people avoid it, it will only reduce your IQ.


the funniest sit com ever
Firstly people will relate this to friends because both have six characters and three female, and that is where the similarity ends. Coupling being a British comedy is honest and funny no writing to be liked or to be politically correct. The characters and plots are about relationships and sex with some more sex and a little lesbian porn thrown in for good measure, i don't think it is possible for Americans to understand or appreciate this masterpiece of comedy, it would have to be dumbed down too much.

The actors are all great and the scripts never fail to please, more coupling bbc, it is one of the few sit coms that are actually funny.

Wedding Belles

Welsh at his funniest.
Wedding Belles was a breath of fresh air to British TV. The acting was outstanding with an exceptional performance from Shirley Henderson. The screen play was well written and extremely funny, with the actors executing the lines with perfect timing.

Welsh's cameo was amusing as his cameos usually are. The story is typical of welsh and I am sure people will be offended by his unrelenting honesty and attention to actual life he puts into all his work.

What is it about and who will like it? Fans of train spotting will enjoy the comedy and drama, it is not as controversial as the Acid House but still has the gritty sense of life in parts of Edinburgh, the comedy is the strongest and most important and entertaining part of this little drama.

The story is about the relationships between four female friends that have grown up in the east of Edinburgh, it takes place in the lead up to Amanda's wedding, a few secrets are revealed along the way. It is an amusing piece of entertainment.

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