
IMDb member since May 2021
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Fargo: The Principle of Restricted Choice
Episode 2, Season 3

Yurii Gurka character
I like this series, very interesting to watch.

I watched first and second season and it's one best series so far.

But, what pissed me off In the third season - is having a character Yurii Gurka, which is from Ukraine, and putting a russian music when he appears in the parking scene... "well done", "bravo".

I don't like Ukrainian character being shown as crime element and evil, but when you decided to do it, at least, make it right. Dig a little deeper, it really shows you dont know the sibject.

Otherwise, what is the purpose in doing this? Do you want to show Ukrainans and russians being same and equal, or what? Awful, very disappointed.


The worst movie I've ever seen
I can't believe I've lost 1.5 h of my life. If u are planning to see this - Don't. Movie is so lame and boring. If u want to find out what is movie about - just watch the trailer - that would be enough.

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