
IMDb member since December 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Big Boys

A Gem!
I binged watched the series and after a bit of a slow start, I ended up loving this little gem. It is funny and moving all at the same time. It tackles coming out and mental health issues brilliantly. I look forward to series 2.

Crimes Gone Viral

Really Bad!
This show is bad! The video clips are shown in small segments over and over and over again. Also has the annoying presence of Talking heads giving useless commentary. All I want to see is the clips from start to finish without the padding!

Chaos in Court

Cout Cam Clone
Don't bother with this utter dross. It's just Court Cam but with extremely annoying talking heads, one who seems to be obsessed with race. They add nothing to the programme and if you are a fan of Court Cam then you will have seen all these cases before.

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