
IMDb member since May 2021
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    IMDb Member
    3 years



Just another predictable ordinary horror movie...
Nothing special, just some jump scare with sudden loud noise. Typical stupid people with poor decision making. The story is cliché just like almost all regular horror movies. Acting is fine. There were a lot of potential and possible good twist, but they decided to just make it cheap and end with a mediocre and typical unsurprising ending where the protagonist is obviously easily defeated. Not really good, I regret watching it. I was expecting something more realistic and different, something unique. This movie is easily forgettable. Please don't make a part 2. But just in case they did, then I predict it's gonna follow the same story line.

Huwag kang lalabas

Nothing special, seems like a very low budget film.
The stories are like written by a three year old. The special effects are like made in the 70s, and the acting are way over the top. A waste of time, no potential, and uninteresting. High schoolers can do a better. I'll pass on this if I were you, it doesn't deserve to even be mentioned. I'm just writing a review coz I regret watching it.

Army of the Dead

This is a joke.....
Totally unentertaining. Boring as hell, and the story is so stupid. The characters are also stupid. I wouldn't recommend this for anyone.

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