
IMDb member since May 2021
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Sijipeuseu: The Myth

I come from the future, do not watch this show!
If you are reading this, I come from the future to warn you to save 16 hours of your life and watch something else you might be interested in. I beg you hit the play button on another show. The trailer does a good job of catching your interest, but sadly the show fails to follow through.

This show isn't the worst, but its story isn't well written enough, especially that awful ending. Sisyphus has all the ugly time travel problems multitudes of other time travel shows have.

A second season I could not hope for, that would mean it would take all these talented actors' time away from doing other meaningful projects to try to salvage this average time travel show.

SKY Castle

What's so great about being a doctor .... ?
All this chaos because everyone wants their kids to become doctors. Wonderfully acted and the story line is engaging compared to the plethora of rom-coms littered on my Netflix home screen. A tad too long, the final act last a couple episodes more than necessary. I can't say I enjoyed it on a personal level because holy ... 90% of the cast is sooo unlikable. Most of the time I was going ... eff these rich ass people ... Which goes to show you how well acted the families are.

The Wheel of Time

It's fine ... is the best thing I can say about it.
It's fine ... very ... standard in it's main story so far. Nothing truly appealed to me, just going through the motions watching episode to episode. Nothing really stood out after the end of the season, I felt it was a pretty ordinary high fantasy type of show. Maybe it will get better in the future if they renew it, who knows ... I doubt many would cry over it's cancellation if it ever happened though. It seems all the money in the world couldn't bring something more ... engaging ... from a huge breath of books to draw it's story from.

Arcane: League of Legends

I'm not gonna sit here and give an incomplete show 10/10 with that humongous cliffhanger but what we have here is an awesome surprise. It's kinda boring at first, but gets better and exciting each episode and the slow initial episodes were worth trudging through. The story is just well written, amazingly lacking in anything corny, it's very serious for what it is and where it's coming from. I really did appreciate the maturity the show was taken in, as it could have gone in many different directions.

Visually it's a wickedly stylish show, really creative in it's cinematography and editing. The music, ... I don't recall much, it was okay.

The Witcher

Season 2 ...
My only reference is the three games, and those are iffy at best since it's been so long since I played them. But what I can remember some of the characterization done in season 2 was so off putting, namely Vesemir. How he's written in season 2 was so disappointing and immediately soured my already low expectations of the series.

Vesemir aside, there are some weird character changes but I did not care so much as I did with Vesemir. Other than that, I felt that 1/2 of the story was quite pointless. Ciri's training / growing up was done well, I enjoyed her limited character growth here. I felt the entirety of the insanely long sub plot involving a certain witch / mage ... whatever she was ... was such a drag concluding into much of nothing.

What a huge time waster of a season. It's like they needed to pad when the real story starts in season 3.

That aside, the acting was much better, everyone was more comfortable with their roles. It's just this story, the changes they are doing is such a bummer.

Ojing-eo geim

The best one of these in a long time ...
This is the best "Death Game" / "Battle Royal" type of show I've seen in years. There are a dime-a-dozen of these shows in the anime / Japanese world and Squid Game is the best one in a long while. What's usually wrong with these shows is that they have a super natural element (gods, aliens) to them or outrageous reasoning as to how or why these games are evening taking place. That and the general writing is kind of ... well ... awful ... since these shows are usually about mass killing and the sick ways contestants have to be punished rather than concentrating on the actual characters.

It's the well written character dialogues and backgrounds that keep you hooked, not the senseless violence on screen. Squid Game understands this. The best episodes are the ones with no direct violence to them. They will crush you.

In other shows "aliens" or what seems to be literally a handful of people are running the whole thing. That's not good enough for me. Squid Game keeps it simple. Humans (a lot of them actually) run the show, and humans kill each other. I really appreciate the logistical side of the show, it keeps it grounded.

As for the negatives, there is a small subplot involving a doctor that's really not that relevant to the show. Later in the season there's a group of people that you'll encounter and they are horribly acted. You'll notice it immediately when you get to it. Otherwise, amazing show, hope for another successful season 2 in the future.

Naui ajusshi

The Best
Granted my only exposure to K-Drama is whatever is available on Netflix. With that said My Mister and Misaeng are the only two of the handful of shows I've seen so far I would recommend without hesitation. Just absolutely solid writing and acting for both these shows.

Saikojiman Gwaenchanha

How the show portrays mental health was wonderful and makes it memorable. It does a good job of showing the real struggles families and individuals have to go through while not overbearing you.

The actual romance I felt was a bit too long and predictable. I was starting to lose interest mid-way, but something comes up in the last third that hooked me and the actors nailed it to the end.


What a show ...
I'll keep it short. I wholeheartedly recommend Misaeng if you're a working adult. I don't know how a younger audience might like it, but as for me I just really enjoyed it.

Bimilui Soop

Strong Writing
Season 1 review. This show has virtually zero action scenes. No romance. So don't come looking for it, it's not here. 16 episodes of non stop talking. Good. That's all it needed to be fantastic. Absolutely solid writing and pacing.


Great! Messy ending though.
Great show. It's not flashy so the writing and the characters is the only thing that carries it through. Wonderful cast. Sometimes it's a bit exhausting though because practically everyone is lying episode to episode. I appreciate the gimmick of the shows isn't too abused throughout its run. Though it gets really messy at the end, as most time altering shows do, but I guess it's done in the hope of a second season 2 to fix things.

Ojik geudaeman

It's written to make you cry ...
I really really liked the first half. Well maybe not that sudden hair change though. It might be quite predictable in the latter half , but the acting was top notch.

Aseudal Yeondaegi

If Korean Drama were more like this ...
Only if more Korean Drama went fantasy like this it would be more popular. Literally the only show of its kind that I know. Otherwise great show. Start is extremely predictable, but the world building throughout was fantastic.

Ibeon Saengeun Cheoeumira

Enjoyed the two main characters ... the others not so much
The main male and female leads and their respective story is the only interesting thing for me. The other two sub plots involving their friends wasn't really that great. Otherwise it looks nice and the light humor was enjoyable.


Pretty good.
Been watching a bunch of K-Dramas on Netflix recently and this was recommended to me. Storyline and set up was interesting enough for me to finish it. Only thing I wasn't too fond of was the forced romance with the main character since it was was set up so early in the show, didn't feel it was appropriate given his high stake position and the secrecy he had to maintain. Otherwise superb acting among the cast .

The K2

Fun, stayed for the cool lady.
Choi Yoo-jin literally carries this show. Everyone else is forgettable. Main male lead is kinda meh after he turns into a pretty boy like 2 episodes in .... Anna is ... a flat character progression wise. The fight scenes are okay, but the excessive cut after cut editing style is so jarring. Music is really nice.

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