
IMDb member since June 2021
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    3 years



Almost there
Stillwater is an average crime/drama movie. Not bad, but not specially good either. Worthwatching if you don't really know what to watch.

The film begins with a good premise. The MC has to get out of his comfort zone, travel to the other side of the globe and help his imprisoned daughter. The mystery deepens, the drama grows and the film, slowly but steadily, keeps getting better.

Around 2/3 in I found myself thinking that it was actually going to end up being a great movie. Not the best, but a memorable movie. Something I could actively recommend others. But it just didn't get there. The plot failed to reach a satisfactory ending. The characters weren't resolved in an interesting way eithrer. Halfway through the movie I was actually staring at the screen, wanting more, wishing everything went well for the characters. But when the movie ended, I just didn't really care anymore.

I don't regret watching it. But I probably won't remember it in a couple of days either.


Favorite Disney movie in a long time
It's my favorite Disney movie in a long, long time (probably since Tangled, but haven't watched that in a long time. So it may very well be the 3D Disney Movie I enjoyed the most).

Cool characters, a cool twist in the movie's "villain", really catchy songs (I specially liked the soundtrack in this one), really pretty visuals. The only complain I have about the movie is a problem I find in every Disney movie since they abandoned traditional animation. I'm not a big fan of the style. It's not really about me preferring 2D animation (which I do), I just think they could have a more unique style.


It's an ok animated comedy. It's not specially funny, but it's still entretaining to watch, since it's characters and settings are cool and imaginative.

I would say it's biggest flaw is it's plot. It doesn't know how to tell a story. Events never happen in a natural way, with characters randomly stumbling upon something that makes the story continue, villains reappearing from nowhere to give a purpose to the main characters and an overall lack of continuity. It's not that big of a deal since it's story it's not really interesting to begin with, but at times it feels too poorly written.

Give it a try if you like Groening's other stuff, but don't expect too much.

Jigeum uri hakgyoneun

Cool zombies, awful script
I started this show with very high hopes, as it's first episodes shown well done Zombie action. The makeup was really great, the effects were cool, and overall, everything Zombie related was pretty well done. And although that persisted throughout the episodes, I must say that it's script is, sadly, one of the stupidest, worst written and most obnoxious ones I've watched in a long time.

Every time, every single time, a character opened their mouth or made any kind of decision, I just wished for all the cast to be eaten by zombies right then and there. Every single death from this first season was due not to the zombies themselves, but to every single character in the show having less common sense than a rock. Characters made the worst decisions they could have for every single scenario.

This became extremely obnoxious half through the season, and the last two chapters I just straight skipped dialogue scenes because I couldn't bear to watch more of the plot.

The zombies are cool tho, so if you are a fan of the genre, I guess it's still enjoyable to some extent. Just be prepared for the plot.

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