
IMDb member since June 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 11 months


Die Känguru-Chroniken

Unremittingly hilarious
Saw this last night as part of the German Film Festival in Sydney (my mate scored a couple of free passes in a giveaway).

Along with the rest of the theatre, we barely stopped laughing the whole time we were in there.

To get most of the jokes you'd want to be able to appreciate dark comedy, have a extremely basic understanding of the idea of communism (1min with google will do) and be able to consider the idea that Trump isn't the first or only politician of that kind in the world.

Probably also helps if you leave the kids at home - yeah, the movie has a talking animal. Doesn't mean it's a good watch for them.

Neither of us speak or read German, know much about German culture/the German movie scene, have read (or knew of the existence of) the books the movie is based on etc. There was the rare occasion where we obviously missed a joke, maybe because of the above - but they were few and far between.

My only complaint at the end was that the movie wasn't longer.

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