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Bones: The Ghost in the Machine
Episode 9, Season 8

Only rewatched for the Bones Booth
I am obsessed with Bones and have seen every episode more than a dozen times, except for this one. With every rewatch, I get as far as the wasps crawling on the camera with muffled voices in the background and skip to the next episode. I decided to give it a second real chance for the first time since it aired because the Bones Booth podcast is reviewing it this week (hi Andrew et al). The main reason I dislike this episode is because it forces us to live in a world of spirituality instead of science. As an atheist, it bugs me to see scientific-minded, non-religious characters throw away their logic and reason in favor of spirits and psychics. This is the one episode of the series that does not get a 10/10 from me. I gave it one point for "dancing phalanges" and one point for Hot Blooded.

Bones: The Body in the Bag
Episode 10, Season 6

"When it comes to plumbing, women just can't deal"
If you easily become queasy, this is not the episode for you. We start out with a man slipping in his rich girlfriend's steamy, running shower, only to discover the Swiss cheese that was once a human being. Later, Bones realizes that fragments of bone have washed down the drain. Hodgins is outside and tasked with snaking the vents. Booth's bug boy tolerance is low that day, so he turns off the walkie talkie moments before Hodgins warns them to stay away from the drain. While absolutely foul, I crack up every time Booth gets a geyser of human slime directly to the face. Who can't deal now Booth? LoL (I do feel bad for Cam and Bones though).

This week's intern is not the tight-lipped Clark Edison we're used to. He is all up in everyone's business and I'm here for it.

Hodgins and Angela purchase the ritzy home where the murder took place. They will finally be free from Chester Putnam Hodgins' chandeliers.

Best part: watching Cam, Bones, and Booth get covered in human slime.

Worst part: the Prada policeman/murderer repeatedly mispronouncing Liu as "Loo" despite previously speaking to her in her native language.

Bones: The Body and the Bounty
Episode 4, Season 6

Fig Newtons per square inch
One of my top ten favorite episodes with some of the best lines. "When science gets icky, it's okay to be si*vomits into trash can*" - - "Woah! You made a bazooka?" "If you mean a potato bazooka then yes." - - Angela says what we all are thinking, that Temperance is an awful name. Special appearance by "The Lab" sign from the season 4 finale. I would love to read some fan fiction of Dr. Brennan carrying out her perfect murder and Booth can't catch her. I have no doubt she'd get away with it. The one negative of the episode is the very brief scene in Sweets' office, that would not be written today.

Bones: The Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Episode 4, Season 5

"Can it, bub, it's just you and me here"
This is one of my favorite episodes despite what I am about to say. In the B plot, Arastoo's accent slips when he gets flustered while defending his religion to Cam. The point that he actually has no discernable accent is completely absurd. Arastoo is said to be from Iran and, based on something we learn in a future episode, only came to the states a few years ago. He most certainly would still have an accent. If you emigrate as a teen or an adult, it takes decades to lose even some of your accent.

The C plot has Parker unwittingly trying to be wing man for his dad when all he wants is to have a pool to swim in.

Bones: The Science in the Physicist
Episode 19, Season 4

"That was a lot of quotation marks"
A puddle of human is found by a model during a bizarre photoshoot. A tiny meteorite leads the team back to the Collar Institute with a building full of horny scientists that would put Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital to shame. After sexual jealousy is ruled out as a motive, it turns out the murderer just didn't want to share credit on a published paper.

Vincent Nigel-Murray and Hodgins are banned by Dr. Saroyan from being in the same room alone with one another after performing an experiment that involved explosives indoors where nobody gets injured. She eventually rescinds the ban so they can perform another experiment wherein Angela gets hit in the face by a whole a$$ flash frozen turkey. I'll take "things that would kill you instantly" for 100, Alex.

Welcome back to my favorite recurring character Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top. Everyone tells Hodgins to get out of town in order to save himself from the horrors that lie ahead. Angela does her best to dissuade her dad from taking his revenge. Unfortunately, Hodgins takes a stand and ends up with a permanent reminder of love lost.

Bones: The Salt in the Wounds
Episode 17, Season 4

IMDb vs Hulu
Hulu has Yanks in the UK parts 1 and 2 as two separate episodes, where IMDb has it as one, this is why the episodes don't line up for season 4. This would have been a response to the "incorrect episode number" comment, but I'm unable to do so.

Bones: The Man in the Mud
Episode 10, Season 3

"You want to come bowling with us at the bowling rink?"
Sweets is becoming more a part of our crew every day. To observe Bones and Booth in a non-work environment, he invites them to come along to his and his girlfriend's ceramics class. Booth wants to do something he'd be good at like shooting or climbing, but it turns out he's quite the sculptor and impresses everyone with his horse. Sweets messes things up with his girlfriend and gets a face full of wet clay. Later in the episode, a freshly dumped Sweets is wandering around the Jeffersonian and just happens upon B&B. Clearly he wouldn't be in that building if he wasn't looking for our duo. They see right through his lie and invite him out bowling. A first step to a lifelong friendship with the young psychiatrist.

Bones: The Santa in the Slush
Episode 9, Season 3

"Santa myth is based on blackmail; be good or you won't get any presents"
Booth has an early Xmas present for Bones, a dead guy in a sewer. Someone killed the numero uno Santa of the temp agency, Kris Kringle. The sniffing of each temp Santa's butt tells us who the killer is. The gang of Santas agree the killer is a disgrace to the uniform and angrily sing "you'd better watch out" at him.

Last week we got a cheek kiss, this week we get a full-on lip kiss that lasts for a whole flotilla of steamboats and even includes a mid-kiss exchange of chewing gum. Brennan says it was like kissing her brother, but considering she could barely put together a coherent sentence afterwards, I think she may have been downplaying that a bit.

Bones: The Knight on the Grid
Episode 8, Season 3

"Amen, Monsignor. Amen." "Thanks, Steve."
Brennan is everything in this episode! Having a pulmonologist friend take care of her brother's sick step daughter is incredibly sweet. Her familiarity with Archbishop Wallace/Monsignor/Steve never ceases to crack me up. Her oblivious, bad acting in the Gormogon vault is one of the greatest gifts this show has bestowed upon us. Misunderstanding Caroline saying she, "did not hear that," and then loudly repeating the fact that Booth lied to a federal prosecutor is just, wow.

Honorable mention to the Honorable Judge Watkins who says that in lieu of banging his gavel, the last one to leave his chambers just slam the door.

Bones: Boy in the Time Capsule
Episode 7, Season 3

"He loved The Cure" "For what? What did he have?"
A body is discovered in the time capsule from the class of 1987, dug up after 20 years. This year is my 20th high school reunion and all I can think is, these people look so old, there's no way we look this old!

After seeing this episode for the dozenth or so time, it only just occurred to me that the victim fathering a child shortly before being murdered makes the child, said to be a high school senior, just about 20 years old. While not unheard of, it is a tad strange.

Sweets is giddy over being, "in the field," but Hodgins points out they're in a secure (not so secure) lab. If only we could all find such joy in our jobs, sigh.

Bones: The Secret in the Soil
Episode 4, Season 3

"Don't mind Mr. Grouchy"
Finally! The first episode with John Francis Daley as FBI psychologist, Dr. Lance Sweets, our team is complete!

When the body is found, it's warm. 127 degrees, warm. Even Booth knows that's not normal. The victim, Franklin Curtis, is the owner of an organic market chain and a well-known philanderer. Bones and Booth investigate his next-door neighbor who didn't want to switch his farm to organic. While they search the property, the farmer's wife brings lemonade and is being quite loose-lipped with Booth, answering questions he didn't even ask and making her husband seem even more guilty.

New evidence brings the team to a composting facility where Hodgins is in his element, even when they find a second body that they'd been looking for. The second body has the same congenital abnormality as the first and Dr. Saroyan discovers the decedents are father and daughter. Noel, the friendly, stalking, stoner dude points Bones and Booth in the right direction and it all ends very sadly.

Back in Sweets' office, Bones and Booth agree that, were there no more murders, they would still probably get coffee sometimes, which I'm certain would turn into dinner and drinks.

Bones: Death in the Saddle
Episode 3, Season 3

"A horse is a horse, of course, of course"
The Jeffersonian team quickly finds many attributes of the victim, Ed Milner, that point to him being treated as a horse, down to the contents of his stomach. Mr. Ed's most recent credit card charge brings Boones to a rural inn where they discover something that makes teenagers watching this episode with their parents very uncomfortable. A pony play fetish convention is taking place. With the details of the murder being so close to the way a real horse is put down and lovingly buried, it's obvious who the murderer is. One of the ponies, Sparkles, is a lawyer, but before they arrive, Mr. Ed's rider, Annie Oakley, confesses all. She couldn't handle coming in second in Mr. Ed's life.

Angela gets hypnotized in hopes of finding her estranged husband's name. While under, she sees a wasp in place of where her husband should be. This is enough information for her to remember the book she was reading around the time of the wedding (an actual book about giant wasps spawned by a nuclear test gone awry). In the book, she finds a Polaroid photo with the name Grayson on the back.

It's a bit upsetting to see Booth so prude with his traditional views on sex, but we do get a sultry scene between him and Brennan at the end. Get together already!

Bones: Soccer Mom in the Mini-Van
Episode 2, Season 3

"I do facial reconstructions. And him."
A soccer mom is blown up in her wood-paneled mini van. The FBI bomb tech sent to the Jeffersonian is a bombshell and this causes a lot of tension between Hodgins and Angela.

Caroline is upset to learn the identity of the victim, as the soccer mom was actually a wanted woman for 30 years who had just agreed to turn herself in.

Bones is allowed special visitation with Max in prison. She reluctantly takes advantage this of until Max wants her to use her influence to help him. Booth points out that Max is a con man, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love her. She gives dear ol' dad another shot and goes to play a game of blitz with him. I don't know what card game they were playing, but it wasn't blitz.

Drunk Booth is drunk!!

Bones: The Widow's Son in the Windshield
Episode 1, Season 3

"Squeeze and squish?"
Welcome new intern, Clark Edison! Everyone is trying to get Bones back into the field with Booth, however she doesn't trust anyone as her assistant but Zack. Lucky for her, Zackaroni comes back from his government posting in Iraq. I'm sure we'll see Mr. Edison again.

Hodgins and Angela work with a private investigator to find her estranged husband. However her memories of the ceremony and "husband" are blurred due to a local drink called kava and she is of little to no help.

In the murder case, we have a skull that's been chewed on by a cannibal with a diamond incisor. This introduces a recurring theme for the season of a "cannibalistic secret society" as the ever lovely Ms. Julian calls it. Unfortunately, the murderer with the diamond incisor is just an apprentice and he is found dead in jail. The Jeffersonian team will have to dig through the copious amounts of evidence recovered from the secret society's bank vault lair to find how deep this goes.

Bones: Stargazer in a Puddle
Episode 21, Season 2

"Art made science her b*tch"
I won't dwell on the murder long as I find it upsetting. A small female with an aging disease is killed by her own mother out of a belief that after the mother's imminent death, the daughter won't be adequately cared for. The mother's illness is no longer a death sentence due to the development of new medications. We're made to feel bad for the mom and that doesn't sit well with me.

Brennan's dad, Max returns, only to be immediately arrested by Booth. Caroline Julian explains that Max is not Max, instead he has an iron-clad identity as an electrician from Coos Bay, Oregon. After a bloody napkin in evidence from an old bank robbery proves Max is Max, Booth goes to arrest Max again. Max won't go quietly and an hilarious fistfight takes place.

Zach is being asked by the government to go to Iraq and identify bodies.

Billy Gibbons, of ZZ Top, returns as Angela's father, he is easily my favorite recurring guest on this show. "If Angie finds out that a man, you, asked another man, me, for her hand or any other of her fine parts, horrible complications will ensue."

Brennan receives a VHS tape of her mother, recorded after her parents disappear. This obviously is upsetting to Brennan.

Angela and Hodgins' wedding: take one. Lovely harp music, a hooded wedding dress, the wrong couple hugging at the alter, an interruption by the State Department, Angela finding out that jumping over a broomstick in Fiji with a guy years ago means she's already married, a runaway bride & groom, Boones standing in front of the minister.

Bones: The Glowing Bones in 'The Old Stone House'
Episode 20, Season 2

"Me and my partner talk baseball"
In this episode, directed by Emily Deschanel's dad, a locally famous chef, Carly, is murdered. This upsets Brennan as she's met Carly previously and is used to murder victims being strangers. Carly is believed to have been with her friend and business partner, Abby, who is still missing. Abby is eventually found locked in the trunk of her own car where Carly was murdered. Most of the evidence points to Carly's husband or Abby's boyfriend, but in the end it's discovered that Abby killed Carly after finding out about her affair with Abby's boyfriend.

The B plot has Hodgins reeling after once again being turned down for marriage by Angela. After dwelling on his emotions, he realizes that he doesn't need to marry her to be happy. He asks her, by way of a message written in bioluminescent-bacteria-coated shrimp, to be his love. She immediately says yes, but then elaborates and states she'll marry him. Not next year or next month, but next week, and she wants a big wedding. Good thing she's marrying someone so financially sound (i.e. Filthy rich).

Bones: Spaceman in a Crater
Episode 19, Season 2

"My knowledge is vast"
The episode begins with a mass falling to Earth in a field behind some cows. The mass is revealed to be the body of astronaut, Cal Howard, after being killed and tossed out of an airplane. Hodgins badly wants the body to be extraterrestrial in origin. He is turned to for his beliefs in conspiracy theories on a number of occasions in this episode and I want to throw in one of my own. I think they wrote this episode in response to Pluto being demoted from planethood. Season 2 had already started airing when the International Astronomical Union downgraded our beloved planet, so the timeline adds up. Okay, back to the review.

Brennan and Booth go to speak with another astronaut and friend of the victim. Commander Adams is about to go on the A300 Zero-G, "the vomit comet," and Booth grins with childlike wonder like he's realizing a lifelong dream to go up in the plane. If I only had 15-20 seconds of weightlessness, I don't think I would be doing flips like Brennan did. With my luck, the gravity would come back and I'd belly flop to the floor from 6 feet up.

We find out that our victim was attempting to counteract the osteonecrosis caused by space travel. He has had an experimental surgery that started to regrow his bones and he will be ready for the next scheduled trip to space. This does not sit well with Commander Adams' wife and she hits Cal who steps back into an idling plane propeller. My sympathy for the reluctant killer only goes so far. This was much more believable as an accident before all the evidence was cleaned and covered up.

The quick B plot tie up at the end has Hodgins proposing to Angela for a second time and being turned down for a second time. I don't understand why the writers continue to draw out this plot point. It just causes unnecessary anguish.

Bones: The Killer in the Concrete
Episode 18, Season 2

"Cement is an ingredient in concrete"
I chose that quote for the review title in hopes that I might actually remember it some day.

In the B plot, we have furthering character development between Brennan and her father. She is incredibly hesitant to trust him, but after Booth looks into Max's record, he states that, "in the Old West, he would have been considered a hero" for the types of people he killed. Max keeps showing up until his presence becomes useful. Father and daughter team up to save the day.

In the main plot, the Jeffersonian team finds that murder victim, "Cement Head," was paralyzed with a sharp implement being either wiggled or waggled in the base of the spine, then had concrete poured over him while still alive. I'm not easily nauseated, but the concrete-shaped pieces of the upper respiratory system are unsettling. Now retired hit man, Hugh Kennedy, who killed our victim, gets the drop on Booth and ties him up, but courteously leaves Booth's gun since he'd get in trouble with the FBI if he lost it. Unfortunately, mobster Gallagher comes upon Booth before Brennan and dad get there, and Booth is taken, tortured and beaten up badly. Booth is saved moments before certain death, the current bad guy gets taken in by the authorities, and the actual murderer slips off into the night.

Bones: The Boneless Bride in the River
Episode 16, Season 2

"No bones, no Bones"
Not much to say about the case of the episode. The family of a deceased man purchase the bones of our victim, Li Ling Fan, for a mínghun, "ghost marriage," ceremony. The victim's fiance runs away from Booth and leaps across the roof tops with such ease, it makes me wonder how often he's had to flee his home in that fashion. The murdering marriage broker certainly puts on a good face initially. I actually believed she didn't know anything about Li Ling Fan's death.

The more important part of the episode, in my opinion, is technically the B plot. Sully asks Bones to take a sabbatical with him and sail around the Caribbean. Angela is a good friend and pleads with Bones to go, I just wish she had gotten through to her. Obviously the show wouldn't be the same without its namesake, but I think the writers should have made it work. Maybe have Bones run off with Sully, but cut the trip short and have her back in an episode or two. I wonder if Professor Shi, the cultural anthropologist, got under her skin by saying she's no longer dedicated to the larger truth and that's why she didn't go. Now she has something to prove. Bon voyage, Peanut! You will be missed.

Bones: The Bodies in the Book
Episode 15, Season 2

Hi Bones Booth! This was a fun story. We've known since episode one that Brennan is an author, but this is the first time we've taken a look at the books. I like how she shuts down her publisher, Ellen, when suggesting that Brennan not need to work at the lab anymore since she's making so much money with her writing. It's a shame Ellen decides that Brennan loving her work means that she needs therapy. But then Ellen hilariously calls it back when Brennan denies writing the, "dirty little scenes" about Booth. That's probably the better reasoning for needing therapy.

It didn't take long to figure out there was a murder conspiracy afoot. They spent an extra long time showing the syndactyly on the man's hand who clearly wanted his brother-in-law dead when he had an iron-clad alibi. Each one of the killers were so obvious. Hank was more pathetic, but it was still clear he had a grudge against his boss.

While the squint squad is, "debating the method of bullet retrieval," from the rats, Cam pokes her head in to tell them, "I fed all the rats a combination of extra-strength laxatives and soft-tissue dilator when they arrived so it shouldn't be long now." I love how Cam had done that when she knew very well that she would not have to be the one to deal with the bullet retrieval. Then Angela quickly hightails it out of there. I'd be right with her.

Bones: The Man in the Mansion
Episode 14, Season 2

"You people have gotta get your sand together"
Hi Bones Booth! Two things made this episode, the furthering relationship between Brennan and Sully and Caroline's rant. Of course, I'm waiting for the day that Boones get together, but this Sully detour is entertaining. I love how he convinces Brennan to come to his basketball game by using anthropology. Hodgins is lucky the rest of the Jeffersonian team is so good, because he effed up. I mean, everyone has kinda effed up royally in the last few episodes (except Booth, that shouldn't have been thrown in his face). "Gettin' blown up because you go grabbing for things you shouldn't ought" is a line that cracks me up every time! Caroline is so good at putting everyone in their place. I could listen to her rant all day! I find it difficult to give any episode a rating less than 10/10, so I won't!

Bones: The Girl in the Gator
Episode 13, Season 2

"That was not good"
Hi Bones Booth!

Succinctly put, Bones, discharging your weapon at an inanimate object on a crowded street is not good. Some recurring character introductions in this episode. Stephen Fry is great as Gordon Gordon, I'm glad he sticks around for a while. Sully is a fun character, equal parts serious and silly with a sprinkling of seductive behavior. I enjoyed seeing Sully bring out the flirty side of Brennan. "Wrong tree, doc, dad and I were tight." Not to give away too much from future episodes, but no, no they were not tight. Bones took a bite of the sausage and peppers hoagie! 😮 And then is eating more in the next scene!! 😮😮 I don't like seeing French Stewart playing a creepy, bad guy, but he does it so, very well. All in all, this is a fantastic episode, one of my favorites.

Bones: Judas on a Pole
Episode 11, Season 2

I saw this movie, I get killed on the way home
Hi Bones Booth! Welcome to the show, Max! I love how, because he's impersonating a priest, Brennan is calling him Father, even though in future episodes she goes out of her way to not call religious figures by their official titles. Makes me think that subconsciously, she knew that he was her father. "I wouldn't let anyone else call you a loser, Russ, what makes you think you're allowed?" is such a sweet line, one of my favorites. But if you want favorite lines, all you have to do is listen to every word that comes out of Caroline's mouth. I love the inside scoop from Eric Millegan that he hadn't gotten a haircut yet when they recorded the last scene, so wardrobe gave him that fantastic hat.

Bones: Aliens in a Spaceship
Episode 9, Season 2

Drama at its finest
Hi Bones Booth! This is in my top 3 most dramatic episodes of the series. I love it start to finish! Here's my favorite bits. Favorite happy, feel good bit, this is the first time we hear about the King of the Lab. Favorite heartwarming bit, Hodgins says he's rich, Bones says, "me too" and Hodgins looks at her like, awww that's cute. Favorite sad, feel good bit, when they think they're going to die and Hodgins says to Bones, "it's been a privilege" I always tear up.

Some other random thoughts. It's a good thing Booth let the call go to voicemail, otherwise they wouldn't have had a recording of the ransom message.

Even though we don't see who the Grave Digger is in this episode, I always find myself re-scared/pre-scared during this episode knowing they're out there. When I see the actor in other shows I can't think of them as anyone but the Grave Digger, that face will forever haunt me.

My "bone to pick" is that the amount of time it took them to send the text, wouldn't have even turned the phone on IRL, not to mention it's 12 key strikes instead of the 8 he says it will take due to the need for spaces.

Even with that unrealistic bit, this still remains one of my favorite episodes of Bones and I would give it more than 10 stars if I could.

Bones: The Woman in the Sand
Episode 8, Season 2

Tony and Roxy for life!
Hi Bones Booth! This is one of my favorite episodes since it is the first time that Bones and Booth go undercover. I love the meta-ness of Emily acting as Bones acting as Roxy acting as the silent film actress Clara Bow (or as Bones imagined she sounded, LoL). I don't often get worried for Booth's safety, but I did when they changed up his fight card. Thank goodness Bones helped him out and got to the point...eventually. Sending Marisol all the way to the Jeffersonian seemed a bit unnecessary, but I'm not an anthropologist, so what do I know. In the B plot, Hodgins egging Zack on to the point of physical violence was very amusing, especially how Zack looked so upset to find that he reacted in such an irrational way.

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