
IMDb member since December 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


The Wrong Door

What a load of crap.
I just watched this, & I cannot believe I made it to the end.

I think this is possibly the worst example of 'comedy' yet put out by the BBC. Some of the sketches: The little annoying thing, the dinosaur boyfriend et al. What is it all about, there are absolutely no redeeming features to this show whatsoever. I give most things a second chance, but on this occasion I will not, as I feel that nothing is gonna change for the positive in this one. If the this is what the BBC is going to be spewing at us from now on under the guise of comedy, then I propose that we all boycott this increasingly distant organisation by refusing to pay our licence, who's with me...? Well, that's my rant over. I recommend that this show be avoided by everybody. I wouldn't wish an episode of this on my worst enemy.

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