
IMDb member since June 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 11 months


Shut In

It's great seeing conservatives producing decent, competent films when Hollyweird has gone full woke.
I'm a moderate individual, but even I have become weary of the insanity going on in the leftist subculture. Traditionally "conservative movies" have been rather - plain and dull - but the Daily Wire has a good movie. The acting is far better than what you'll find in most streaming services. The actresses do a wonderful job holding down the fort.

Todxs Nós

Terrible social justice nonsense
Unless you count yourself as the fringe who take terms like 'Latinx' seriously - and I as a Hispanic-American do not - then skip this mess. The acting is mediocre, but the cinematography and plot points are seriously sub-par for an HBO production. This is a CW show being promoted by an established class of critics, journalists, and celebrities who would rather lie about content quality than admit something pandering to their beliefs is trash.

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