
IMDb member since September 2001
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Global Heresy

A funny movie
This movie isn't the next great movie of the world, but it's not all bad either. Joan Plowright and Peter O'Toole play Lord and Lady Foxley, a rather snobby English couple that has nearly run out of money. They rent their house to a music studio, not realizing an American rock band would be staying there. Hilarity and zany hijinx ensue.

The portrayals in this movie are fairly decent. Lochlyn Munro is hysterical as pot smoking Dave, and Keram Malicki-Sánchez puts a lot into his part of Flit. Alicia Silverstone encompasses the part of Nat, a new and talented bassist in the band. However, I think the best part of this movie is the music. It's catchy--perhaps even too catchy (I'll have to songs stuck in my head for days sometimes)--and fairly clever, with good lyrics. The script alone would give it a solid B, but with the music, I'll say A-


Great show
This was my favorite show back when I was little. The bright, vibrant colors made it easy to hold my attention, but it was also a cute little show with cute little situations for the characters to get into. I'm 17 now, and believe it or not, The Snorks come up as a frequent topic of conversation whenever my friends and I talk about shows we used to watch. There is only one thing we can't figure out. What, exactly, is a Snork?

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