
IMDb member since June 2021
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    2 years, 11 months


Renai Boukun

It's a decent watch
Starts great with one of the funniest anime opening scenes but it's mostly downhill from there. Akane is best girl no debate, she's a pretty fun yandere, all the other girls are just annoying especially Guri, she ruins so many scenes. The character development of Yuzu is meh I'd've kept her a pure yuri and not tried to force feelings for Seiji. I also think it would've been a million time better if they'd just stuck with the thing they had in episode two which was them trying to fix/create a new couple and Akane and Seiji having their relationship develope, if this is what the show was i'd probably give it an 8 or 9. It's still kinda fun but doesn't really deserve a second watch.

Tonikaku Kawaii

The greatest happy Romance anime Yet!
I didn't know how happy and wholesome a romance anime could make me feel until i watched this show. There's a lot of great romance anime out there that can take a look at you and wallop you in the gut with pain and heart break, but tonikawa does the opposite. Every minute of this show is pure joy to watch and by the end you'll be begging for more. The joy of seeing these two characters on screen is just so great, and the chemistry is just amazing as well. The animation is superb and music is also really good, the characters feel like real people and the . Almost everything about this show is amazing and i can't wait for the ova and season 2!!!

Btw If you've just finished any of the following titles (Your lie in April, Clannad the after story, I want to eat your pancreas, A silent voice, etc.) watch this show now trust me it will help ease the pain.

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