
IMDb member since September 2001
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Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town

Great to see them together again.
Very funny show, A little Cerebral, but not enough to push away fans of their comedy, and not their tribute movies ( "Sausages" for example). Great writing, and directing, nice to see old actors fro the show making the walk on appearances. Hopefully, we'll see more mini series from them in the future. I do have to say, it is in the vein of Pyschoville, by the League of Gentlemen. Not a bad feel either way. Again, they could have introduced a few female comedians/actresses. As the boys are getting to old to pull of the women characters. But again, to each their own. I wonder who will be next to go?? my Money is on the Orphan. Viva KiTH!

Get Smart

Not at all too bad.
When i heard this movie was being made, I was upset, Brooks did a great show in the Sixties, and I miss Don Adams as Agent 86. Then I saw the trailer, and figured all the good shots were in that, more disappointment, and never saw it in the theatres. Now, a few months later, I watch it on DVD, and I find it a great ( not perfect) fun mindless good movie. I dread wrestlers in Movies, but the Rock was a fun character, and the Khali, tho a horrible Wrestler, but fit the "jaws" position fine, tho man, he needs to get his chin reshaped, and Alan Arkin made a great Chief, Carrell(sp) was a good 86, alittle less ditzy, at least. A Great rental, and a perfect 2for 15$ DVD.

Transformers: Animated

gag me with a hyper-spanner.
This is garbage, what is wrong with animators today. Lazy jag-offs. Teen Titans, and hundreds of more American Anime" garbage. The figures look fine, tho the show is some wimpy stuff, sleep overs? come on. I was a fan of all the series up to Beast Wars and even beast machines ( some really interesting effects in the latter). But with the downhill art style they are teaching in schools today. The voices are fine, except for the stewie headed girl and her WB chuck jones designed dad. Ah, this is horrible. I could even sit through one show. What is wrong with cartoons today.

"I am a G1 fan, and proud of it"

Shoot 'Em Up

Wicked fun for the whole.. well not the kids.
I have never seen a more violent film since maybe Sin City or a A history of Violence ( sure there wasn't too much in that, but it's violence was different) Anyhow, the Actor played the parts great, Owens made a great anti-hero. Paul Gia.. never could get his name right, he was a great villain you could really hate (a good sign), action was on "Equilibrium" level of Intensity, though not as dark as that Movie. A lot of dissers are out there, but they can not see what this movie is really about. Protection of innocence at any cost, and good triumphs over evil. Something these snuff-horror flicks have (I can not understand the appeal of those flicks, I figure people are now letting those perverts out of their psyches.Bleah) Again, I find this a great fun and brain in neutral fun action flick.


Jesus Camp

By the Fates.
This is complete garbage. These freaks are nothing but Christian terrorist, yeah, I went there. There is not redeeming of this movie, the poor kids are being brainwashed. They can take children away if a home is messy, but not when parents are forcing the children to this. This is a horror film, worse than any slasher flick. Watching that poor girl talk about being a nail polishers, so she can plug god. sad sad fate . This is hate lit, pure and simple. I can handle god from people who go to Church, and go home and be normal.

THIS is like a terrorist video.

Please, people, we need to grow up.

Banlieue 13

Wow.. This beats most North American Action flicks with a lead pipe.
A friend of mine who does Parkour here in my hometown, was raving how awesome this movie, and David belle was. I thought he was crazy, my friend, cuz no one can beat Jean Claude (LOL, I jest). i watched this masterpiece, 5 times almost straight thru back and forth. This is truly insane. the action, the storyline, and the lack of wire fu!!! Jumps done by David and Cyril are out of this world. And I am not a fan of rap, but this soundtrack is on my winamp console almost once to twice a day. In short, if you can find this little known( over her in NA), giver her a go. The version I found was English dubbed, with Romanian Subtitles. I gotta find it in the french version.

Samurai Jack

Frank Miller should have sued.. this is such a rip off of Ronin, just tweaked enough to be shown on TV for kids. Gendy, I love Dexter's lab, but this is such a waste. the use that horrible art ( good for dexter's), is now a staple for North American Art, it is everywhere, there is no depth, it is like watching South park, and even they are changing slowly. I have been a fan of animation for years, and this is tripe. Feh, what a waste of time. It could of been greater with a better art style and also a more original storyline than taking a 1980's story and bastardizing it. Have we animation fans, care less for the medium, so things like this come onto our channels, teaching kids to continue drawing at a grade 4 level? That is NOT what i am gonna do for my daughter. So people out there, enjoy the show, I shall not.. Again it falls into the the " Different Strokes fer different folks". I am gonna watch my Venture bros ( sadly they are going this way, as well.)

King Kong

Boring.. I prefer the original
Yep, folks I know all loved this version of the movie, tho I could love it or leave. Sure the action was well done, tho the acting was less then perfect( I give props to jack Black, a real departure for the man. kudos). The graphics were great, but Ray Harryhausen hard work means more to me. Anyways, action packed, but lacking in originality. peter, you should be working on the Hobbit instead. You know people are dying to see that. Also the ending is weak, very predictable. I am so tired of rehashes of classic movies, what is next Ben Hur, Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind. Spend a lot of money for originality, not rehash. Pretty easy answer, sadily.

Tachyon: The Fringe

Love it.. Ador it..
hey are you a Bruce Campbell fan? A Wing Commander/Freelancer /Freespace fan. Then this game is for you. I have been playing this game on my system since it came out.. This is so much fun. I am an advocate for cheats. And this has some great ones, you will want to use them, cuz Bruce has some great jabs at ya if you do.. lol The controls are awesome, the graphics the same. Other than Vice City, this is my favorite shooter/space sim. the weapons are top notch. The voice acting is great, you ethier love the characters or hate them. The designs are top notch, the ships are huge. In Short this is the bomb of space flight sims. 10/10

Lunar Jim

Wow.. A Show I wish I had when i was a kid.

This is a very nice show. My daughter and i watch this almost religiously. I enjoy the true science fiction feel of it, The Moon has weird little aliens and other items. not the boring cold chunk of rock that we have. The episode run simple, lost rock, etc. but in a fun and way, and the models are fun and colourful. Maybe NASA can learn from this. lol Another bonus is the production is local as me, in Halifax Nova Scotia. Nice to see homegrown entertainment, so that my daughter might grow up and follow in the creativity . 10/10

P.S. T.E.D. is so much like brainy Smurf..lol

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

28 years too finish an excellent original trilogy with poop.. poor Lucas
First off the 7 is ONLY for the action and the wicked sabre fights. I was looking forward to this, hoping the third would fix it all up, tie up loose ends with what the first two movies screwed up.. But noooooo, the plotz holes are even bigger even a man of my girth could trip thru. Anakin and padme are like two 3rd grade students acting. *Shakes head*They should be expelled, neither are very good actors in any sense. The only actor who was great was Ewan, he was Obi-wan. Grievious is a laugh only in the way he died. What a sad state of affairs. Now as a personal note to Lucas, from an original die hard fan.. What happened to you man, you had this idea for over 30 years, and you can not even fix the plot holes??? I am no writer but I certainly could of fixed it up, instead of bowing to the need of wimping into marketing. Jar jar, Ewoks, Annakin as whiny little kid, Luke and Leia being brother and sister. Horrible shoddy work, you should of let someone else at the controls, and you to sit back and watch the money roll in, I am glad i did not pay for the viewing, I had a movie pass.

****Spoiler**** Anakin is Darth vader, this is lame. Everyone who has seen any of these movies or read the comics that came out 3 months before, would know what happens. Well, maybe if someone was living in a cave up in the rockies.

War of the Worlds

Wow.. Just wow!
Oh my freaking lord, wow!

This is one of the best film i have seen in the theatre since Sin City, now there are some odd quirks in this movie, but they are not too noticeable. I did state this has spoilers, but hey, if you read the book, or saw the first film, there are no spoilers. The martians were very well done indeed, the tripods were cool, except for their feet, a mecha with suction cup toes??? come on.. oh well, that is one of my biggest beefs but again, it is very small. Tom Cruise, tho i do not agree with his religious choices, and outlook on medicines, I really enjoy his performance, as i did in " The Last Samurai ", the kids were annoying, but the acting was great on the most part. Robbins' Oglivie was a great part. Effects were great, you got a great scope of the walkers with the quick and smoky visuals, and their bellows, gave me chills and nightmares.. woot! Great summer frights. Even with the quirks I am giving it a 10 out of 10.

Sin City

I thought i reviewed this Gem.. Well I am gonna fix that..
Saw this 2 months ago, on my B-day. What a great present. I read all the graphic novels (I think everyone who razz's this movie should do). Having frank Miller doing most of the work, makes this the closest movie adaptation of a comic, the only fault is missing certain parts of the comic, but honestly they were not really needed. Mickey was A-1 choice for Marv, he WAS Marv. Holy cow, magnificent. And Willis was great as Hartigan ( had him down to as well). This is one movie I will Have to get on DVD. I love the whole b&W world, with just the tastes of red, yellow and blue. Magnificent. A must see on DVD if you haven't seen yet. I can not wait for the next installment.


Cripes! Not a great flick but still funny..
Sure, i am a fan of Stiller, Black, and Walken ( more cowbell, baby..). I thought this had a few laughs, especially Walken, he was a hoot. It was about poop, and it did stink, but Walken hid the stink. I still think it had it moments. the Merry go round, and archery set. great stuff. that is why man made DVDs and scene selection, those scenes save everything of this movie. Rental fer sure, or bargain bin time for this movie. Give it a try maybe it will get better as i watch it. Average movie for the generation X'ers. Better than some of the stinkers out there, and those don't deal in number 2's..Be wary, but you know it might be a gem.

Bubba Ho-Tep

My God.. A beautiful (uhmm) Movie
Wow, Just saw this a little while ago with my wife, who place a review of it on here.. Thought I would do the same. First off, Bruce Campbell, is one of my fav cult actors, he brought a great life to Elvis and the movie. Bruce if you read these reviews, i wanna say great work. Ozzie Davis, God Bless his soul, was great as well. We will miss you Sir. i am not much of a ranter but this movie brought me to tears at points, the music really had something to do with it as well.. It had great comedic points and some disturbing parts. But again, a true classic of cult films, right up there with the Evil Dead trilogy. I must get the soundtrack ASAP. Not gonna ruin with spoilers, go out and watch it once, and hopefully what a i blabbed about will sink in.. Watch it.

In Living Color

Gah.. my eyes will NOT stop bleeding..
You know bad comedy is like bad fish, you die screaming on the toilet.. and this is where "In Living Colour" comes in.. Sure it was fun when it first started, but now that none of them have careers anymore, other than Jim Carrey, tho his past few movies rotted. The jokes are timely for the early 90's, sadly most people want to forget them .. i do.. Anyhoo, if i want good black comedy.. I will watch the chapelle show.. 1990: 8/10 2005: 3/10

Sadily the only thing I remember of it is his fire Marshall character.. Sad sad are the days of this show's life. I dunno what else to say. yup i am a playa hater..LOL

Kung Pow: Enter the Fist

A gem in the bargain bin.. woot!
I have to admit, this could be a ripe stinker like my daughter's diapers. But you know what. It isn't it is a pleasant spoof. Amazing what he did with the timing and such. I am not well versed in his previous works, or at least know what they were. One thing that gets me, not in a good way is their need to make stupid sounds to match with the lip synch. BUT the best part IMHO is the stave test. LOL.. I laugh when I think of it, and if you laugh even alittle he did his job. I do pity those who did buy it new at regular price, tho it is worth the bargain bin price.I am wondering if there is going to be a sequel.. hmmmm. Well again will see it when it hits the video scene.I give it a 8 out of 10, Lol.. great joke.. ;)

Beneath Loch Ness

Absolute bunk..
Avoid this movie.. we rented it, and was completely horrified not on the scariness, but the absolute crap that was apparently not properly put on the dvd.. it was recorded twice.. it ends and starts allover againright in the middle.. I could act, design, and do a better scottish accent, than even the "locals" sheeesh.. buy this and burn it.. we must not let this movie exist... The monster keep changing in size.. one minute 30ft, next 300ft.. and the eyes were not right... Crap... rating .0001/10

p.s. watch cpac, much more frightening...

Young Frankenstein

Another winnah
Wow.. just bought the dvd of YF.. My god, i thought Blazing Saddle was the proverbal bomb.. then I find this.. wow, Mel's work is genius then, I mean he's work past has been excellent as well, with a few stinkers, but BS and YF are by far some of the best comedies made in the past 50 years.. wow! My personal fav seen is with the monster singing.. putting on the ritzzzzz... hilarious.. And gene was great as well, he is a true actor, almost watching danny kaye again.. bravo. rating 10/10

The Great Outdoors

one of John Candy's best
I watch this movie, and then i feel terrible that a great comedian is gone.. You can have your kinnison, farley, etc. But Candy, is probaly one of the over looked, and slumped into thecheap renters.. but you know why they used him as the lead in so many.. Because he is/was a kindly looking man, and was from what i have read of him.. And this is probaly the pinnacle of the greatness of Candy. And the whole bear scene steals the whole show. I just wish all the canadian actors/comedians didn't have to go south.. come on Canadian cinema drop the docu-drama and work with our funny bones.. We are wasting our real natural resource here.. Again best Candy flick of all, IMHO.

Rock & Rule

So many rights...
Wow, just wow... I love this movie, it was a masterwork especially during that time, all we had were disney- yeech pieces.. The art was splendifferous, in fact this is what made me think of being an animator..

I remember seeing it on CBC once, and never again until almost 13 years later, on late night tv.. Yes, it wasn't for kids, at all, which I was at the time, but heck, it was an eye opener, full of imagination, and awesome at the time effects..

I think Disney and Don Bluth films should learn that animation should not always be fore the kids.. Titan A.E. by this standard was a joke..

The Core

Two words.. bo-ring..
I was so pysched for this movie, being a disaster flick fan, the effects the premise.. The one thing I didn't/wasn't into was the acting.. Hilary swank is as flat and actor than this 5$ bill I have.. *yawn* I like the main guy, but she made me wish this movie went to the center of the world.. Goddang, avoid this movie like the plague.. I gotta go and drink some scope so that i can wash the taste of this flick from my mouth.. eww..

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

It is THE Kubrick movie
Amazing Satire, Peter Sellers' next-best work, words fail me on this movie.. Very serious but darkly funny.. Makes me glad if this happened, i was not around.. but the great Seller's Doctor, was the icing of the cake.. wow!

Where the Buffalo Roam

A good flick
I am a fan of Dr. Thompson's work.. I also liked this movie, tho, Fear and Loathing was a much better film.. due to the director, and cast.. Bill Murray was a great choice for this film, tho it was almost too cookie cutter, no real feel of the drugs he was hammering at that time. In F&L you have the grittiness of the drug culture of the 70's, feels more authentic.. Anyhoo, if you are a fan of HST, this is worth the watch.. hey, paid 4$ for the vid, can not go wrong..

Scary Movie 3

I think it was the best of the trilogy
Finally i can relax, no Waylan brothers.. whew! Ya know they were funny back in the day of "In living Colour", but damn, are they annoying, or is it just me??? Anyhoo, i degress.. I found this movie hilarious, I was laughing almost all the way thru it, and there are few movies i can say that too, most are reviewed on IMDB.. The only thing i would of left out would have been the matrix Jokes.. Matrix Scary.. Yeah, but not that way.. Anyhoo, if you have watched the first two, might as well see this.. The Alien scene at the end was a riot.. Give it a go..

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